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Does anyone use to youtube for pay per call? It's working to generate targeted calls? Its effected for pay per call? Can anyone help me?

you only know that if you test the traffic , perhaps any traffic can work if its targeted and if you promote like a pro. What Pay per call network are you with if i may ask ?
Does anyone use to youtube for pay per call? It's working to generate targeted calls? Its effected for pay per call? Can anyone help me?


I never heard such thing that Youtube started Pay Per Call on Videos. I am also interested to know more about it

Interesting idea;
  • Problem is that YouTube does not have GEO-targeting of video uploads that you can select from (AFIK)
  • Many of your views would be wasted opportunities.
  • Done right it could work however Google frowns on many affiliate type things (hit and miss strategy)

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