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What are Crowd Links and Where to Place Them?

The use of links is fundamental to SEO promotion, and one of the tools in this arsenal is crowd links. Through crowd links, not only can a website increase its link mass and boost traffic, but it can also stimulate demand for specific products or services, enhance brand recognition, and improve overall perception. In this article, you will discover what crowd links are, who can benefit from this promotion method, and where to acquire and place them.

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The Wow Effect in Creatives and Advertising Campaigns: What It Is and How to Achieve It

Today, traditional advertising fails to impress many. Competition is skyrocketing, along with the information overload for internet users. Banner blindness is increasingly taking the spotlight, making it challenging to promote even high-quality and essential products.

Therefore, the need for the wow effect arises. It is a special advertising technique aimed at establishing a strong emotional connection with the audience. The mission of the wow effect is to surprise, delight, and make a lasting impression.

In this article, we will delve into what the wow effect is, how to incorporate it into your advertising campaign and creatives, and discuss ideas to make customers queue up and enthusiastically talk about your advertisement. The ability to amaze is a valuable skill for arbitrators, so we recommend reading to the end!

Read more: ... e-It-11-16

Facebook will use AI to block fake accounts

We've found an interesting piece of information regarding Facebook's efforts to combat fake accounts. Below is the material from a potential Facebook employee. It's important to note that we can't confirm whether an actual Facebook employee wrote this, but we don't believe anyone would impersonate them and write about their issues with auto-generated Facebook accounts, including statistics. Additionally, the material contains highlights from a presentation, which is why we paid attention to it.

Original material:
Key account parameters used by Facebook
Account age: A young account can be more prone to abuse.
Number of friends: Some bots may have an unusually large number of friends.
Account Location: Accounts registered in certain regions may be more prone to abuse.
Analysis of an account’s behavior on a social network, such as how often the account posts, comments or likes other users’ posts.
Interaction network analysis: Facebook analyzes who an account interacts with on the social network and identifies unusual networks of connections between accounts.
The operating system of the device from which the account was registered.
Information about the IP addresses from which the account was registered.
Group Membership: Accounts that belong to certain groups may be more prone to abuse.
Analysis of content posted on account pages.
Analysis of activity on the site as a whole, such as how much time the user spends on the site, what pages they view, etc.
Aggregating features such as the average number of groups per friend or the percentage of accounts in a particular region can help reveal patterns associated with account abuse.
Full transcript of the speech
Thank you all. My name is Sarah Kodir and I am a software engineer at Facebook. I’m working on the Deep Entity Classification (DEC) model, which is one of our main models for detecting malicious accounts. Unfortunately, there are people who benefit both financially and personally by engaging in harmful activities. For example, they will spam, deceive people, distribute malware, and worst of all, exploit children and spread terrorism. But to do this, you need a fake account.
To understand the extent of the problem, let’s take a look at our Q1 2019 report. We removed 2.2 billion fake accounts in the first three months of 2019. And while that’s a huge number, we still estimate that around 5% of our monthly active users are fake. This is a fight we have been waging for many years. We delete them and they come back with even more volume and we delete them again. This is an endless game of cat and mouse.
So what are the approaches to solve this problem? We can ask people to view accounts. But on Facebook, we have a complex system for ensuring the quality of markup. But on such a huge platform, where tens of millions of users sign up every day and there are billions of existing accounts, it’s impossible to quickly view all of these accounts manually. Another approach is to write manual rules to detect attacks. But in this case, we have to write thousands of rules, and attackers can respond to them quickly, perhaps even faster than we can write them.
Given the nature of the problem, the obvious solution is to use machine learning. Let’s see how we would traditionally approach this from a machine learning perspective. First, we’ll compile a number of characteristics, such as the age of the account, the number of friends it has, or its location. Then we will connect these signs with a label whether this account is malicious or not. We will then take this training data and feed it into a model, such as gradient-increasing decision trees or a neural network. The output of this model is whether this account is malicious or not?
While machine learning is a great solution, we still have some problems. Let’s say we’re doing some research and realize that the younger the account, the more malicious it is likely to be. We create a new feature, account age, and insert it into our classifier. So let’s implement a classifier. Malefactors begin to realize that their accounts are blocked. And they just age their accounts before they start abusing. And in this way they can bypass our systems. However, Deck can handle it. We not only mine direct attributes of an account, but we also mine and aggregate attributes for other accounts it interacts with. This allows us not only to model the account itself, but also its behavior across the social network.
Another problem with traditional machine learning is that the number of features humans can write is usually limited. When we have a small number of signs, it is much easier for attackers to figure out what exactly these signs are. However, Deck is recursive in nature and we get tens of thousands of features for every single account. This is much more difficult for attackers to understand.

From August to October, accounts were being created poorly, and there was a significant increase in bans. In some regions, the ban rate reached 95%, whereas with the same expenses, it had never been above 30% before. Taking a selfie also became more challenging. Out of the batch with a 95% ban rate, only about 15% passed the 1500+ account mark with selfies. This indicates the introduction of new algorithms that need to be addressed. On the one hand, the material mentioned that this is for countering terrorism rather than dealing with gray advertising, so it might be premature to panic. However, it is a sign that Facebook is moving toward more account suspensions.
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Sklik - an advertising network with Czech traffic. How to advertise on it

OWNR WalletNovember 01, 2023
Are you looking for an alternative to Google and international advertising networks? We've found a purely Czech advertising network that offers advertising on major Czech online magazines and news sites and in the local search engine Seznam. It's called
In this article, you will learn why it's worth considering this source of traffic, its advantages and disadvantages, and why it may not be suitable for everyone.

What is Sklik and what does it offer?​

Sklik is an advertising network with Czech traffic. It will be of interest to advertisers who:
  1. Deal with PPC traffic.
  2. Purchase native advertising on major resources.
Let's delve deeper into PPC and native advertising in Sklik.

PPC traffic in Seznam​

Through the network, you can run PPC campaigns in Seznam, a purely Czech search engine. According to the search engine itself, users enter 15 million queries into Seznam every day.
Here is the statistics from 2015 to 2023. Seznam is the second-largest after Google.
The advertising in Seznam looks similar to Google search: the first results are occupied by advertising listings with the corresponding label.
If you promote products through an online store, they will also appear in search results.

Native advertising on Czech websites​

The second way to promote in Sklik is through native advertising. It is placed on major Czech resources, of which there are 18 in total. Among them are celebrity magazines, women's magazines, men's magazines, two news sites, a portal for music, sports, weather forecasts, and others.
Advertising placements can be in various positions on the page.
In addition to native advertising, Sklik offers other advertising formats, such as branding, banners in different locations on websites, and video advertising.

Why advertise in Sklik?​

Advertising is placed on the largest websites in the Czech Republic. The network provides statistics for each individual resource and describes its theme, so you know exactly where you are advertising. We mentioned the website themes earlier, and with this knowledge, you can reach a wide audience.
Czech traffic only. This is a local advertising network, and competition among arbitrageurs is always lower in such networks. This is because cooperation with such networks involves paying VAT and operating legally. Moreover, not many arbitrageurs are familiar with these networks; they tend to focus on international solutions like Taboola, PropellerAds, RichAds, and others.
Fast support. We sent more than five emails to their support, and they responded in less than an hour. The authors of the article "Comparison of PPC campaigns in a real example" also described Sklik's support as "more human" compared to Google's support.
Cooperation with Sklik involves constant communication with account managers. For example, we asked for advice on running a successful advertising campaign and listing common mistakes made by advertisers, but we were directed to contact their support.
The support is in Czech, and you can only reach them by calling a Czech number.
Importing campaigns from Google Ads is available. This is convenient for those who work with Google and want to try a new traffic source.
Detailed targeting settings. In the targeting options, you can specify age, gender, city, interests, and device type (smartphones/PC).
The network offers two payment models: CPC and CPT. CPT is the same as CPM. Which one to choose is always an individual decision, and there's no definitive answer.

Requirements for advertisers​

Before launching a campaign, you will be required to provide an IC (Identification Code). We asked the support team what specifically to provide: the IC of the affiliate program you're working with as an arbitrator, or your own as a "sole proprietor" in the Czech Republic. The support responded as follows:
ID is the identification number of a legal entity. Enter the identification number under which you registered as an entrepreneur in the Department of Trade Licensing.
The alias you see in your profile has nothing to do with the company name.
The company's official name is stated in your business license; for individuals, it is usually your name and surname. You can choose a well-known name under which you represent yourself in the market if it differs from the official business name stated in the trade license.
Before running ads, you will be asked to upload documents confirming that your product complies with the requirements of the advertising network.
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Top Services for Checking Website Adaptability



This service checks how a website appears on Android and Windows-based devices. In addition to assessing user-friendliness and loading speed, it evaluates your site based on the following parameters:
  • Window view settings
  • Matching screen size with images and textual content
  • Text readability
  • Size and usability of links and buttons
The service is free to use; simply enter your website's URL in the provided field and click the "Analyze" button.

Mobile-Friendly Test​

A free service for assessing website adaptability by Google. It conducts optimization checks for smartphones using the Googlebot robot, which provides instant, concise results. You can view a screenshot of how your site looks on a smartphone and access detailed results by clicking "more." The service identifies issues with loading, content display, and offers recommendations for resolution.


This resource checks website adaptability on various mobile and tablet models, including Nexia, Samsung, Lumia, iPhone, and others. You can preview how your site will appear in both horizontal and vertical orientations. During the check, you can review web pages, images, and the usability of all elements.


A free English-language service for assessing website adaptability. Users can see how their website will appear on computers, smartphones, tablets, and even Smart TVs. It offers a selection of over 30 different device models. Users can adjust the screen perspective, set custom sizes, and disable scrolling. After testing, you can share a link with the results.


This service allows you to conduct cross-browser and cross-platform testing for website adaptability on various devices. It offers a wide range of browsers and operating systems. There is a free version with a time limit of up to 3 minutes, suitable for Windows 10, Chrome, and Edge with a screen resolution of 1024x768.
The resource offers two paid plans:
  1. Developer plan, priced at $19. With this plan, you can conduct unlimited time tests on any browser and OS, and customize screen resolutions. It also allows for local testing and screenshot capture.
  2. Team plan, starting at $29. This plan offers the same features as the developer plan and provides simultaneous access for a group of individuals.

I Love Adaptive​

This service offers free adaptability checks and provides a wide selection of device models and operating systems, along with customizable screen sizes. Additionally, you can assess page loading speed, validate HTML code, and compare various resources. By installing a Google extension, you can even check sites that restrict content display.
These services are valuable tools for ensuring that your website is adapted for different devices and operating systems, ultimately enhancing user experience and engagement.
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Website Adaptability: Why It's Important and How to Check​

What Is Website Adaptability?​

Website adaptability refers to a website's ability to display correctly on various devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers with different operating systems. A well-adapted website features straightforward navigation, contrasting elements, a vertical scroll bar, minimal animation, and fast loading times.

Optimizing and adapting a website for mobile devices is essential for two main reasons:
  1. Search Engine Ranking: Search engines like Yandex and Google prioritize adapted web pages. Moreover, there is substantial evidence that websites following the "Mobile First" principle tend to rank higher in search results.
  2. Increasing Visitor Conversion: Through optimization, you can significantly boost the number of visitors who take the desired actions on your site, possibly by up to 60%. Conversely, if your site displays incorrectly on smartphones, you might lose potential customers.
Website adaptation helps retain visitors, engage them with your products or services, and ultimately increase sales. People prefer exploring and shopping on beautifully designed landing pages, while a poorly executed layout often leads to users closing the tab.
There are specialized services available that can show you how your website appears on different devices. All you need to do is enter your page's URL, and within a few minutes, you'll have a test result indicating your site's adaptability and any potential issues. You'll be able to see how your pages look on mobile devices, receive test results, and get advice on resolving any problems.


Website adaptability for various devices plays a crucial role in increasing conversion rates, developing your website, boosting product or service sales, and reaching a wider target audience. Users tend to spend more time on a page with correct formatting, legible text, clear images, fast loading times, and are more likely to take the desired actions. Specifically designed optimization services can help you identify and address potential issues, creating an ideal resource for potential customers.
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How to Calculate ROI in Traffic Arbitrage?​

OWNR WalletOctober 12, 2023
One of the most common terms in traffic arbitrage is ROI, and everyone working with traffic knows that the higher the ROI, the better. This metric is also a key indicator in most cases, allowing you to assess the success of your advertising campaign.

For a more informed and accurate analysis of the results of your campaigns, webmasters need to calculate how much money they spent on the campaign as a whole and what percentage of their investment has returned to them as net profit. This helps in conducting a more thorough analysis of the work done and its subsequent optimization.

What is ROI?​

ROI, or Return On Investment, is a measure of the profitability of an investment. In simple terms, it is a coefficient that shows whether your investment is profitable or not. This parameter is calculated as a percentage, where the lowest boundary is -100%, and there is no upper limit for positive percentages.
It's important to start monitoring ROI right from the beginning of your advertising campaign, for example, using a tracker, as this metric provides a clear picture of the process.

How is ROI Calculated?​

To calculate ROI, you need to consider two metrics: the total budget spent and the revenue generated at a specific point in time. Expenditures typically include all the funds spent on the campaign, such as purchasing resources, using services, hiring technical specialists for design or landing page adaptation, and so on.
The formula for calculating ROI is quite simple:

(Return - Investment) / Investment × 100%​

For example, if your advertising expenses were $6,518 and the revenue was $11,417, then the campaign's profit is $4,900. Calculating according to the formula: (11,417 - 6,518) / 6,518 × 100% = 75%. In this example, we see that the result is positive.

What Are the Different ROI Concepts in Traffic Arbitrage?​

Apart from a positive ROI, webmasters can also encounter negative and zero ROIs. Let's delve into these concepts:
  1. Negative ROI: This is a scenario that every webmaster faces in their work. However, it's important to understand that every budget spent and campaign that results in a negative ROI provides an opportunity to gain valuable experience.
  2. Zero ROI: This means you've managed to recover all the advertising expenses but haven't earned any profit from it.
In such cases, webmasters should analyze the entire process in detail to understand the chain of actions that led to these results and determine what steps to take for improvement. It's worth noting that ROI figures are relative and depend on the traffic source, the offer the webmaster is working with, and their budget. Often, even a 10-20% ROI is considered a good result.
For example, a webmaster who spent $1,000 on an advertising campaign may consider a 100% ROI successful, whereas a webmaster who spent $10,000 might be satisfied with a 10% ROI. It's evident that success is individual for each case.

How Can You Increase ROI?​

To boost ROI, webmasters can take several actions:
  1. Analyze the entire campaign, review each component, and run new tests for optimization (target audience, targeting, creatives, landing pages, translation quality, etc.).
  2. Review the timing of the advertising campaign launch and compare it with customer support hours.
  3. Check the loading speed of the landing pages you're using.
  4. Ensure that all technical settings are correct (links, postbacks, lead delivery to the affiliate network).
  5. Communicate with your affiliate manager to update and verify all information about the GEO, offer, and any issues from the advertiser's side.
All these actions should be performed comprehensively, dissecting each point in detail. If you're experiencing negative or zero results, it's not necessary to stop your traffic immediately, as things may improve over time. Implement this action plan when you've observed negative trends for several days.

What Other Metrics Should You Consider?​

Let's look at a few other important metrics for assessing the success of an advertising campaign:
  1. ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment): In traditional marketing, this metric measures the return on investment in relation to the total budget, which can include designer services, copywriting, technical specialists, ad placements, and more. Webmasters calculate ROMI to gain more precise data about the expenses related to the elements used in their campaigns.
  2. Formula: (Return - Investment) / Investment × 100%
  3. ROAS (Return On Ad Spend): This metric measures the efficiency of an advertising campaign, showing how much money a webmaster earns for every dollar spent (it can be calculated as a percentage or in monetary terms). It focuses solely on the costs and returns related to the specific campaign being analyzed.
  4. Formula: (Return / Investment) × 100%
In summary, the ability to accurately calculate ROI, ROMI, and ROAS is a necessary skill for webmasters to analyze, take timely actions, and optimize their work. It's important to remember that any ROI result provides you with experience, knowledge, and insights on how to proceed.
Wishing you a high ROI!

What to Do with High Lead Costs in Crypto?​

Often in advertising campaigns, regardless of the source, the cost per lead (CPL) can be significantly inflated. At first glance, everything may seem fine with the creative, the pre-landing page converts, and the offer is well-selected. Let's explore the reasons why traffic costs are rising and how to reduce them.


Non-converting Creatives:​

Your creative should demonstrate the benefit for the customer or reflect their desires. If it's dull, doesn't convey what can be gained from the investment, or where the money goes, expect a corresponding low conversion rate and high click price (not to mention lead costs).

How to Solve It:​

Use your imagination, hire a creative designer, or employ proven methods. One such method is using incentivized traffic. For example, for the same Tesla offer, you can use a creative that offers the customer ten company shares in exchange for their contact information. Yes, the conversion rate may not be high, but such an approach can be effective, especially for new offers.

Non-converting Pre-landing Pages:​

Your designer may work wonders, and the creative's KPIs may be high, but the pre-landing page can ruin everything. A high cost per click might be due to poor storytelling, unrealistic testimonials, and unclear form fields. People don't believe and exit.

How to Solve It:​

Based on testing, you need to revamp all problematic elements. Rewrite the story, make the contact forms attractive, and work on the testimonials. You must believe in what you're offering yourself. To reduce lead costs on the pre-landing or landing page, you can use quizzes. These are small questionnaires where customers are asked to fill out a brief survey, after which they receive a personalized offer, investment advice based on their zodiac sign, and more. It's limited only by your imagination. In the end, you collect the lead's contact information and pass it to the broker's call center.

In Conclusion:​

The main problems leading to increased click and lead costs are burnt-out offers, poor creatives, and non-converting pre-landing pages. Stop wasting your budget in vain. Utilize available solutions and increase the conversion rate of your advertising campaigns.

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Cryptocurrency Vertical Overview: GEO, Approaches, Operational Features​

The cryptocurrency industry is gradually taking over the world: applications, the financial sector, games, and even a blockchain-based Wikipedia have emerged recently. This is not surprising, as blockchain, despite its shortcomings, offers numerous advantages to modern society.


Cryptocurrency Vertical Overview​

Cryptocurrency allows you to make deposits in casinos that are prohibited in certain countries, transfer money without SWIFT, and bypass sanctions. Crypto is a profitable investment and a way to earn money for many.

In some countries, more than 20% of all payments are accepted in cryptocurrency:


The cryptocurrency vertical is relatively new in the market, and discussions about it began even later. For example, the first cryptocurrency offers appeared in 2016, and they were not widely known, mostly operating privately. Additionally, advertisers often imposed their terms and frequently trimmed traffic.

In 2019, public affiliate networks started emerging, offering cryptocurrency offers to a larger number of webmasters. However, this vertical is still not as well-studied as other directions.

There are hardly any case studies on cryptocurrency offers, webmasters who consistently work in this niche do not often share their results, and approaches and strategies are not widely discussed in the media.

Payment Models in the Cryptocurrency Vertical​

With cryptocurrency offers, CPA (Cost Per Action) is the most commonly offered payment model. The desired action is typically defined as a deposit or course purchase, but you can also find offers with RevShare (Revenue Share) or CPL (Cost Per Lead) payment structures.

Traffic Sources for Cryptocurrency Offers​

Direct advertising of cryptocurrency offers is prohibited on many platforms. The main traffic sources include:

  1. Facebook
  2. UAC (Universal App Campaigns)
  3. TikTok
  4. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  5. Email marketing
  6. Push notifications, pop-unders, teasers
  7. YouTube
For example, if you are interested in long-term results, SEO can be an ideal option. Moreover, many GEOs have a strong demand for quality websites, making it relatively easy to rank in the top search results.

Advertising networks can yield decent conversions, but you should choose networks that are free from bot traffic. Rely on feedback from other arbitrageurs when making your selection.

When choosing a traffic source, consider the requirements of the advertiser. We recommend consulting with a manager to approve your planned traffic source.

Working with the Cryptocurrency Vertical​

The target audience for cryptocurrency offers is very similar to those who gamble and place bets. These are people who derive excitement from the investment process and those who want to earn money through cryptocurrency.

Most often, this audience consists of men aged 25-55, but in recent times, women have also joined the ranks of crypto investors. There is a perception that the target audience for cryptocurrency offers consists of individuals with above-average income, but this is not always the case. In many countries, especially Tier 3 countries, people want to earn with cryptocurrency, but their salaries are significantly lower than the average.

Suitable Creatives for Cryptocurrency Offers​

Various approaches are used to work with the cryptocurrency vertical. Often, the focus is on the potential to change one's life, become richer, and more successful. We will discuss a few approaches, but you may discover your own approach that yields better conversion rates.

Elements of Luxury​

These creatives often feature expensive cars, currency, yachts, restaurants—any luxurious elements that future investors dream of, especially those earning only $500 per month in an unloved job.

You can add messages like:

  • "Working 2 hours a day, I saved up for a new car in a month."
  • "I no longer go to my hated job and earn money from home."
  • "I forgot what my despised boss looks like and started a new life."
When creating creatives, consider the mentality of the target country. Use localization; for example, if you are targeting South Korea, remember that they like foreign cars and various income-earning schemes. In Canada, flags of the country and local currency can be added for an extra conversion boost.

Logos of Well-Known Exchanges or Cryptocurrency Names​

A hypothetical exchange like "3 Cryptocurrencies" is likely unknown to most consumers, just like the token "QMALL." However, Binance and BTC are well-known names, increasing the likelihood that people will click through to the pre-landing page.

Creatives for News or Video Formats​

An old but still effective approach is to create creatives in the form of live streams, news articles, or videos. However, it's essential to create such creatives with context, presenting them as news for those interested in earning with cryptocurrencies. Otherwise, for instance, if you feature a photo of a girl in your creative, you risk attracting individuals interested in meeting her rather than investing.

Success Stories​

A successful success story is something that converts regardless of the vertical. Ideally, collaborate with a local resident and develop an entire package: creative + pre-landing. Many people relate to such stories and are more inclined to make a deposit.

You can also create creatives with cryptocurrency price growth charts or famous personalities. Lately, creatives featuring popular individuals who share how they succeeded through crypto have been actively used.

If you lack ideas for creatives, consider consulting a manager—they can help you find a current and effective approach or advise on what works for your chosen offer.

Suitable Pre-Landing Pages for Crypto Offers​

We'll also discuss pre-landing pages as they greatly affect conversion rates. Poorly designed pre-landers can lead to terrible traffic quality for affiliates, and sometimes, pre-landers fail to warm up the audience adequately, resulting in leads dropping off before reaching the main landing page.

We'll suggest several options, but the ideal approach is to test different pre-landing pages. The approach, format, and concept of a successful pre-lander depend on the GEO, your creative, and the traffic source you're using.

Notable Personalities Teaching Earning​

You don't necessarily have to feature individuals from the crypto or financial markets. Explore the characteristics of the GEO and choose people who are popular there. For example, below is Philip Evans, Senior Advisor of the Boston Consulting Group.

Quick Income​

Such landing pages are suitable for creatives promising easy earnings. For instance, you can tell the story of an investor who invested their savings in crypto, earned ten times more, and quit their disliked job.

News Websites​

Another pre-landing page option is a news story about someone who earned a substantial amount of money. For example, the landing page below tells the story of a family that earned $2.5 million.

Advantages of Running Crypto Offers​

We surveyed arbitrageurs who work with crypto and identified the main advantages of working in this vertical:

  1. High lead payouts.
  2. A wide selection of GEOs. Cryptocurrency is relevant in any country, as people use it to earn or preserve their savings, as well as for money transfers. Crypto is used in both poor countries like Nigeria and wealthy ones like the United States.
  3. Larger budgets from advertisers. If webmasters generate high-quality traffic, advertisers are willing to discuss individual working conditions and increase payouts.
  4. A vertical with a lot of potential. The cryptocurrency market is not yet oversaturated, and there are numerous offers and potential users.
  5. Minimal hold time. Our crypto offers have a hold of only 7 days.
  6. Fewer bans compared to other gray verticals. While cryptocurrency falls under gray offers, accounts promoting crypto are banned less frequently than those in gambling or nutra verticals.
The cryptocurrency audience is very similar to gamblers, but your ROI will be significantly higher. For example, if you have the same number of conversions and leads, your ROI in gambling might be 200%, while in crypto, it can be 500% or higher.

Drawbacks of Working in the Crypto Vertical​

It's essential to mention the drawbacks you may encounter:

  1. Testing will require a substantial amount of money and time. This vertical values quality over quantity, and testing can cost up to $1000.
  2. High competition. While the market isn't oversaturated, competition in the crypto vertical is intense. Not all arbitrageurs play fair, and there is a high percentage of complaints regarding creatives from competitors in the crypto vertical.
  3. High entry barrier. Crypto isn't for those who can't afford expensive tests and expenses. It's believed that the minimum amount to start is $500-1000, but in reality, it depends on your luck. Some find a winning combination on the first test, while others may need ten attempts.


Working in the crypto vertical is not as easy as it may seem. There are very few case studies, and no one is eager to share their approaches or insights for different GEOs and offers. However, it is one of the most profitable verticals currently available.

If one is pondering the reason behind the imposed $25 daily spending limit (screenshot #1) on their Facebook accounts, it generally relates to rejected advertisements. According to my tests, it seems that 2-3 rejected ads are sufficient to trigger this limitation.

How did I determine this?

Aside from the explicit mention by Facebook in screenshot #1, information about the reasons can be found in the results of querying the Private API - refer to screenshot #2.

P.S. The query parameters, if needed, are as follows:

{"id": "youraccountid", "startTime": null}
doc_id: 6233091253412362

Instructions on how to use the Private API were provided on the channel.

P.P.S. To remove the limitation, continue directing traffic to this account for a week or more - and perhaps luck will be on your side .