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  1. lafftar

    Looking for PayPerCall Offers. Canada.

    Title pretty much, I have some pretty cheap traffic from Canadian Classifieds, services works best but i'm open to trying out different offers. You can leave a comment, message me here or hit me up on Discord: winwinwinwin#0001
  2. lafftar

    Hello Again!

    Yall are way, way, way too kind. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. :)
  3. lafftar

    How to program this? --> $Ding! $Ding! $Ding!

    If I can ask, how much would you pay to get these notifications as text to your mobile, every month. Like, per aff site?
  4. lafftar

    Hello Again!

    Hope re introductions are alright. I did a lot of work in the affiliate marketing space around 3-8 years ago, made a good amount of money with travel PPC. When that niche inevitably got infiltrated by scammers, I decided to get a diploma in marketing, took a job in marketing, realized the best...
  5. lafftar

    How to program this? --> $Ding! $Ding! $Ding!

    Hey man, yes, this is possible. I can do it with twilio, and if your aff network has an API, I can do it very easily, If they don't, things become a little more difficult. But yes, absolutely possible. Is this something a lot of people here need?
  6. lafftar

    [GIVEAWAY] FACEBOOK - 20,000 members from any Facebook Group

    Hey guys, someone contacted me to build software that could extract over 10,000 members from a Facebook Group, he had the idea that it wasn't possible. Turns out it was, but he was a bit of a low balling dick (he wanted to pay me $5 after hours of work, if I could strangle someone over the...
  7. lafftar

    30 Day SEO Journey

    I have no idea what that is :o
  8. lafftar

    THREAD CLOSED - OP Refused Settlement Offered by Ogads

    @ogads would you mind staying on topic and arguing the specific points that @Trailblazer is making right now? It almost seems like you're dancing around it.
  9. lafftar

    30 Day SEO Journey

    Today: - Sucked up and just wrote the article, ended up enjoying it, $20 saved, 600 - 700 word article written. I would share it here but I don't trust you guys not to use it :p - Sent to a few of the blogs listed above, hopefully one of them decides to pick it up, hopefully none of them steal...
  10. lafftar

    Facebook Funnel or Nothing?

    This is funny, please check out my new post: Problems with my FB Funnel
  11. lafftar

    30 Day SEO Journey

    Today: - Made a list of 12 possible blogs for guest posts. Tomorrow: - Find someone who can write a really, really engaging post on Nigerian Food for $20 CAD.
  12. lafftar

    THREAD CLOSED - OP Refused Settlement Offered by Ogads

    Spread your story till they reply man, if I knew the dudes at the top well enough I would forward this to them. It sucks to get screwed.
  13. lafftar

    Problems with my FB Funnel

    Hi FB Gurus, I need help. The Problem: My second stage is not delivering the results I expected, it's just not delivering at all, I spent $108 on the first stage with 0 returns, what do I do now? I ran the first stage of my campaign with two different videos, explaining the company, what we do...
  14. lafftar

    30 Day SEO Journey

    Today: - Made a Reddit Link. Tomorrow: - Make a list of 10 food blogs to reach out to.
  15. lafftar

    30 Day SEO Journey

    Today: - Made a Tumblr page. - Made a DeviantArt page. - Made a Weebly, think i'll use this platform for my main website, really like the website builder. Tomorrow: - Going to see if I can guest post, or 'guest video' for a food blogger in Toronto.
  16. lafftar

    30 Day SEO Journey

    Today: - Made a Pinterest page. This gives a do-follow link! I think! - Made a Youtube and Google+ page, google makes both of these pretty easy with Brand accounts. - Made Soundcloud page. - Made Imgur page. - Made a Vimeo page, though I wasn't really sure where to place the link. I need to...
  17. lafftar

    30 Day SEO Journey

    I learned that 'no-opener' does not affect SEO, so maybe someone didn't know that. Today: - Made a Calameo link, it's no-follow though, Calaméo - lafftar - Was interested in infographic backlinks but a lot of those sites are paid. Today will be light, i'll make up for it tomorrow.
  18. lafftar

    30 Day SEO Journey

    Today: - Made a Wordpress T1 here: Nigerian Food Experts, made the 300 word post by dictation, it seems easier. - This, in addition to the T1 content I had on blogspot should help. - I submitted a link to the ISUU docu-sharing platform, these are new to me, and kind of interesting: lafftar, I...
  19. lafftar

    30 Day SEO Journey

    I'm not looking for traffic with my SEO, i'm looking for rankings.
  20. lafftar

    Looking for B2B - SaaS affiliates

    More information on the offer please.