Many thanks Azgold :)
I wish more members pipe in and give their inputs
the_real_djcrunk I love your in core experience feedback, its useful and I hope to gain the same experience as you are :) thanks A lot!
Hello everyone :)
I've read a lot and still through the wiki, threads here, youtube and other resources online about CPA and I really feel like I need to apply what I've learned..however there are some questions that still going on my mind that need an expert answers.
When Applying to CPA...
T J you are the best, I'm very thankful and appreciated for the time you took to read and write to me :) I will read and re-read again your inputs and apply .. Thanks A lot :)
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This is my first post here, and spending 5 mins here showed me that this is a very respectable forum. Many thanks for everyone especially T J Tutor.
straight into the topic point :
I feel like I'm lost in an ocean with no direction to go, I do not have an action plan and I cant outline one...
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