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  1. Ariel-ActiveRevenue

    google ai

    good question - google ai tools like smart bidding or performance max campaigns use algorithms to optimize for conversions automatically. You dont need to manually enter data summaries or logs - the ai analyzes historical data, the user behavior, and signals like time of day, device, and...
  2. Ariel-ActiveRevenue

    google ai

    I’ve used google ai tools, and the results have been impressive - they help with automated bidding and smart ad placements. also, optimizing campaigns with minimal manual adjustments. Have you tried it yet, or are you considering using it for a specific type of campaign?
  3. Ariel-ActiveRevenue

    Digital Marketing Trends 2024.

    You're right to think ahead - digital marketing is always changing. In 2024, I think we can expect AI-driven content creation and personalization to play an even bigger role. SEs are likely to place more emphasis on user experience and intent (which is even freakier), making high-quality...