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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. jtbiz

    1st Test on Offer

    Hi guys, I'm running a Mobile Voucher Offer and have done an initial test of 3 Landing Pages. Here is the data: LP1: 4,268 Visits, 15 Clicks, .35% CTR, 0 Conversions, Page load time = 1.2 sec LP2: 4,180 Visits, 15 Clicks, .36% CTR, 2 Conversions, Page load time = 1.3 sec LP3: 4,211 Visits...
  2. Denis Marinho

    [JOURNEY] My Steps for $500/day Profit With Mobile Marketing

    Hy guys! This is my goal to April! Reach $500/day profit with mobile offers and i'll narrate everything here. My Experience with AM: I'm brazilian affiliate and i'm in this industry a little over 1,5 years, but all this time i worked with info products. Not CPA. I started with CPA marketing...
  3. Denis Marinho

    The Dojo or Other Forum? (Focus on Mobile Marketing)

    Hi! I'm a completly newbie in mobile marketing (CPA) and i'm searching for the best content about this to study. Because of this i've a question: For MOBILE MARKETING, what is the best? STM forum, The Dojo (Aff Fix) or other paid content? Can you help me with this? Thanks very much! :D
  4. vidb

    How good is A Small Orange Cloud VPS Hosting for Mobile LPs?

    Hi, Has anyone experienced A Small Orange Could VPS for their Mobile offer LPs? Thanks
  5. Cazzius

    Dispply + Airpush + TrackingDesk

    Hello guys, could i have some help setting everything up with TrackingDesk tracker (if anyone using it) i tried it but it doesn't seem getting data from Dispply. These are the settings of TrackingDesk Predefined Publisher: Airpush Pixel link: Advertiser...
  6. vidb

    [JOURNEY] Conquering Mobile Email Submits

    Hi Fixers, After about a year of reading journeys, case studies on the Fix, I'm starting off with my first email submit. The reason for announcing this here is to stay on track and be accountable. Also, this'll be like a diary about what I'm doing, what was I thinking & how did it go + hope...
  7. Daria_WapEmpire

    Announcement WapEmpire: meet AdsBridge integration!

    Hey fixers! WapEmpire's happy to announce that it became even easier and more comfortable to track your traffic activity. Adsbridge integration lets you set your campaigns and track conversions as easy as abc. Don't waste your time, try all of the advantages now!
  8. E

    Try To Dominate Mobile Adult

    Hello everybody here on AffiliateFix I start this thread to share with you my campaigns and see how it goes I have a little experience with adult traffic which i made 250-300$ before 4-5 months in PeerFly now i start a new campagin in affiliaXe because my profit offer on PeerFly was not convert...
  9. A

    Do you work with an Affiliate/CPA/CPI Network?

    If so then you really should contact them about this model we (Admoda and Adultmoda) are running. It is a solution that allows Affiliate/CPA/CPI Networks to sign up for Admoda and/or Adultmoda for a master account. The Affiliate/CPA/CPI networks fund the master account, getting a 15% bonus on...
  10. Adal

    New with mobile cpa (Help) setup question

    Hi guys, I've been doing CPA for desktop offers with Facebook, without any other tracking than the facebook manager itself. I know now, I should track everything if I want to succeed in this business. So now that I'm starting with mobile CPA offers I want to do it the right way. So I've got a...
  11. Chittaranjan Singh

    Looking For Networks Based in US UK LATAM

    I am looking for networks based in US UK and LATAM from whom I can source direct offers. We have huge inventory available for these Geo's. You can connect with me on skype: @ chittaranjan.singh
  12. Chittaranjan Singh

    Offer Wanted Looking for Good Performing CPI Incent offers

    Hello, We are advertising company with vast experience in CPI delivery. Looking for some exciting offers for APAC region. Basically WW if offer is getting good CR%. Contact me on skype: chittaranjan.singh
  13. T J Tutor

    Facebook Ads Are 80% Mobile

    Today Facebook announced, and was reported on MSNBC, that they have reached and average this year of 1.6 billion users on FB daily. As well, they have reported that 80% of all FB ad revenue is mobile. While expecting 14% increase in ad revenue by 4th quarter 2016, they say that emerging markets...
  14. Daria_WapEmpire

    Announcement Exteremely high payouts for Switzerland adult mobile offers!

    WapEmpire is glad to announce that the payouts have been increased exteremely for these Swiss offers: YourPorns Switzerland Payout: $28.00 Conversion flow: 1 wap click Carriers Accepted: All carriers Target devices: all smartphones PornsHub Switzerland Payout: $28.00 Conversion flow...
  15. Chittaranjan Singh

    Direct Publisher

    Hello, I would like to seek your help in finding direct publishers in APAC countries.
  16. MikroB

    Hey Affiliates!

    I just joined the Affiliate Fix forums, I am from Austin, TX. In the past few years I have run PPV with a little success, tried SEO and didn't stay with it, now I have moved on to running mobile app installs and hoping to find success in the mobile affiliates space!
  17. Mobidea

    Announcement ★★ MOBIDEA ★★ 100% revenue share for the first 7 days!

    100% revenue share for the first 7 days! Get this wicked offer by signing up HERE with the promo code FIXMOBIDEA2016 (valid till 31 January 2016. Afterwards, we pay a flat 80% revenue share to all affiliates) Guess what? If an Affiliate makes more than 10.000 euros in the last 30 days, he...
  18. gregvarga

    Buying Traffic Adult mobile traffic

    Hey everyone, We're looking for global mobile traffic, adult only. Accepted ad zones: mobile popunders, 300x250 and 305x99 banners. Let me know what you have. Mail: varga (AT) trafficforce (DOT) com Skype: varga.greg Thanks
  19. Daria_WapEmpire

    Affiliates Wanted mobile CPA: Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Czech Republic

    WapEmpire has new offers for European geos you've always been looking for. HR New Download Croatia Description: Subscription to content service. Conversion flow: MO flow Carriers accepted: T-mobile, VIPnet, Tele2 Target devices: Android, iOS & featured phone. Android converts best...
  20. stephx

    notepad++ plugin that helps create mobile responsive landing pages?

    Hi Guys; Anybody knows a notepad++ plugin that helps create mobile responsive landing pages?