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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. J

    Hey there! Did you know that Mobile Marketing is Awesome???

    Hi fellow :fix: I'm Julieta and I am currently an Affiliate Advertisier Manager at Mobicow, a new addition to an awesome team :) -------------- More Aout Me I am a people's person, I like to interact and help. When I try to help advertisers run better campaigns, every success for them is like...
  2. Ganoaffiliate

    My Journey to Success - FB2R Go - Mobile

    Hello AffiliateFix'ers! First I would love to say that I'm very glad to be sharing my process to becoming a succesful mobile marketer with all of you. It has been a week since I opened my AffiliateFix account, you can read my introduction here. Af term this first week many things have...
  3. instahub

    My earnings so far

    I recently started in the world of instagram marketing and made my first $1k last week, on autopilot. This is my two or so months weekly payment history promoting CPI apps. I'd love any pointers or to help out anyone!
  4. Ganoaffiliate

    Is Gaming Vertical Still Good?

    Hello FIX'ers I'm really new to IM and REALLY new to Mobile AM. I happy to say that I'm loving this business and I know (for sure) some day I will make it, for what I have read I have concluded that one of the key facts to get started is choosing a vertical (Hope Im not wrong) . I like the...
  5. mpieters95

    The Story of a Dutch Student trying to get into this wild world.

    Hi Fixers! Please note: English is not my native language, so I'll try hard not to make mistakes. Here it starts. My journey into this wild world of affiliate marketing. This summer I've read the book "Think and grow rich" by Napoleon Hill. I definitely recommend reading it whenever you have...
  6. Yol

    From $0 to $912.54 - Previous Year's Peerfly Earnings

    I just realized that I almost hit $1k :) As you may have noticed it, the last payment was Feb. 4, 2014... I did not able to continue promoting CPA offers right after that time because I focused on working with clients.. My GOAL now is to redeem myself in performance marketing and increase that...
  7. Yol

    [Follow along] Launch Mobile Campaign

    Hi guys! I will briefly state my previous humble experiences about CPA. First of all, I am a great fan of Peerfly and earn most of my CPA $ from them. Thanks to Luke for all the support and guide. I used to run dating campaigns from peerfly offers and my traffic source was Plenty of Fish. It...
  8. Yol

    I will be launching Mobile Offers

    It will be my first time to run mobile campaigns as I do heavy on Plenty of Fish. I think I am ready for a mobile war like a Private in an Army. For veterans in the mobile field: your advice, warning, and tips are highly appreciated. Thanks and more power to all of us! Regards.
  9. MarinaKimia

    Kimia @ Dmexco / WMA / TES (Sept. mobile events)

    A quick heads up! Kimia will be at the following events this month: - Dmexco - Cologne (Booth 6.1, Stand B54)... they´ve just landed! xD - Webmaster Access - Amsterdam (Meet Market) - The European Summit - Prague (We will be sponsoring your happy moments ) You can visit us directly, grab...
  10. IronMan

    Which Country Convert Great For Pin Submit Offers ?

    :fix: Hello Everyone , i want to know that , Which Country Convert Great For Pin Submit Offers ? means , which country convert easily for pin submit offers Sorry for my Bad English :ninja:
  11. username90

    Lifetime of mobile offers?

    Do most mobile offers go down in 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or 2 years? Say I were to pick a mobile offer from a legit affiliate network on day 1, by day 360 would the offer still be available? Please let me know.
  12. I

    Doubts about Play Store

    Hey, I have several apps but I´ve never tried to step up on CPA, Clickbank or CPI. I have a directory app and I am looking to drive traffic to CPI offers, (looking to place the links to target the app installation on google play). Since I´ve heard that many developers have been banned and I...
  13. toledotoledo

    Hi folks! Greetings from Adzol Media, and myself

    Hi AffiliateFix community, Been lurking for a while, thought it would be time to get into it and be an active member! I'm here both as representative of Adzol Media, as well as by my own accord. Been working with mobile app markets and platform development for a long while now, so I'll be...
  14. Daria_WapEmpire

    Official PayV

    Daria_WapEmpire submitted a new resource: WapEmpire - Mobile CPA network that converts worldwide mobile traffic Read more about this resource...
  15. Daria_WapEmpire

    Monetize your mobile traffic with WapEmpire!

    Dear readers, webmasters, affiliates and everyone who is interested! Mobile traffic is something we meet everyday. The more our planet's population is, the more mobile devices appear and the more available they get. The experts say we are going to face total dominance of wap traffic to year...
  16. N

    [GUIDE] Bank Off Mobile CPA Offers from FREE Traffic (PART I)

    Hello guys. Unless you have been living under a rock, you probably know that Mobile is currently HOT in the CPA Industry. Not everyone has a budget to get started with paid traffic right away, so I made this guide based on a recent method that I have been using to drive traffic to mobile CPA...