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Adult Journey with WhiteLabels

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(add users)-(New Users) = Existing subtract those /3 = conversion
102/3 = 1:34 That is more like it :)
that domain 2 wks 1 mo 90 days

The next thing you need to do is to compare the domains by conversion rates and design metrics to evaluate the results --then you have KPI values to work with.

You only need a few KPIs with what you are doing to compare 34 white labels;
  1. download the stats from GA
  2. aggregate the domains to one CSV file
  3. load it in a spreadsheet (or create a table in a database
    --preferred as you can either UPDATE or INSERT new data).
"WL name","Vendor name",New_Traffic_Count_period,Conversions_count_period

#(counts are Integers no " needed)
Thank you for the useful information.
Small update:

Update for December stats earned: $2,080.00


Ordered 10000 words content each for 3 whitelabels.

So far 2 of my best whitelabels (talking in terms of Google traffic), did pretty good in the last 30 days, as you can see below:

Whitelabel 1, only with unique and relevant content:

Whitelabel 2, with unique & relevant content and 3-4 links pointing to it:

In the Whitelabel 2 screenshot, you might see comparison traffic - that's traffic I purchased for this particular Whitelabel.

Going to:
- buy traffic at the beginning of January 2021. But I am 90% sure it will not convert well, like Organic traffic converts.
- continue with the reuploading of videos to tube sites

Will see how it goes and update the thread "next year", in 2021.
Well, when I worked with major cam site (employee or the site *owner*) our type in yielded much higher conversions.
I don't know your exact circumstances for reason of the vagueness of your reply.
Can't really reveal the niche at the moment..

I don't know how you segregate your 'type ins'
  • EXISTING WL customers 'B'
  • NEW WL customers 'A'
Since you have a one-time *pay per customer acquisition* @$40: B is only of passing interest (to you)
The A customers -- if they are real type ins "(NO REFERRER)" not Google-Analytics nonsense; I would want 1:<20
then it sucks for reasons unknown.
use the new user % from GA for the period and your sales to get a more realistic picture
that's they was I would look at it ...
1000 visitors / 300 new and 2 conversions with a pay-out (is what i mean) that example would be 1:150
(add users)-(New Users) = Existing subtract those /3 = conversion
102/3 = 1:34 That is more like it :)
that domain 2 wks 1 mo 90 days

The next thing you need to do is to compare the domains by conversion rates and design metrics to evaluate the results --then you have KPI values to work with.

You only need a few KPIs with what you are doing to compare 34 white labels;
  1. download the stats from GA
  2. aggregate the domains to one CSV file
  3. load it in a spreadsheet (or create a table in a database
    --preferred as you can either UPDATE or INSERT new data).
"WL name","Vendor name",New_Traffic_Count_period,Conversions_count_period

#(counts are Integers no " needed)
One KPI I might add is Session Time length --that seems low for your type of visit; EMD or contextual search referral.
If you are using more than one sponsor (e.g.; company A, Company B) you may want to evaluate the sponsors conversion ratio as a segment (individually).
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