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Another OgMobi Journey

December 30th 134 clicks, 57 conversions, $24.

Today will be a slow day; Instagram has temporarily blocked my account. Should be back shortly. Need to find a more efficient method. Also, Happy New Year!
December 30th 134 clicks, 57 conversions, $24.

Today will be a slow day; Instagram has temporarily blocked my account. Should be back shortly. Need to find a more efficient method. Also, Happy New Year!

How many followers does your Instagram account have?
I got one with 7k you think you could put it to use? Sype ID: JosephSafadi
Past two days have been okay, ~$20 for both. Someone mentioned click jacking as another method to get clicks, anyone have any experience with it?
do you make landing pages for each offers to promoting in Instagram or Just directly sharing the offers there? Sorry, I'm new in the CPA world.
do you make landing pages for each offers to promoting in Instagram or Just directly sharing the offers there? Sorry, I'm new in the CPA world.
Hey, I have landing pages. It is against Instagram's T&C to link directly to offers, and you will be banned if you do that.
Past two days have been $10 each.

My niche has died down a little, so gonna split test some new niches I have in mind. I'm interested in automating my methods with followliker, which I would purchase with my profits. Should be interesting. More to come!
Hey, I have landing pages. It is against Instagram's T&C to link directly to offers, and you will be banned if you do that.
Okay.. Thanks for letting me know.. :) I will test Instagram for sure, when I finish my all lesson of CPA related things.. ;) By the way, Good luck with your journey, I'm pretty sure, you will earn more big in future.
hey mate, im from OGmobi too. Hit me up on skype and ill help ya automate it in FollowLiker (2 years experience in IG on Follow liker) . Skype : appelzor
Just got paid :D. About 2 weeks of work.

Gonna reinvest most of it. Will keep everyone posted

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Gonna be taking a hiatus as I get into the swing of Uni, but will continue to gradually post updates as things happen! Wish you all the best, happy to help all my refs :)