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Approach Strategy for Social Bookmarking Site with Various Niches?


New Member
Hello everyone, Linda and 5 star members,

I know there are many ways to promote a site or an article.
For the moment I'm focusing on "Social Bookmarking" promotion

(seeking "experienced" feedback please, thanks!)

I'll be promoting;

* articles that I place in article directories (various niches/subjects)
* sites/blogs (have about 7 and creating many more)(various niches/subjects)

Things I know about SB sites
(honestly not much!);

* Need lots of backlinks from different/various Social Bookmarking sites
* Need at least one account for any given Social Bookmarking site
* I can setup an account, easy enough

My concern

Having/Promoting from a single account on any given SB site, since my sites/blogs and articles are in these
different niches, most unrelated, however some are similar....the "approach strategy" is my confusion

(My question) Do I want to;

* create multiple accounts for each SB site I promote on?
* creating different "pseudonyms" for each?
* Pretend I'm "joe average" who just happens to like all my sites and articles?
* Should my account/profile explain these are my sites/articles I link to?
* should I create just one single account on whatever SB site(s) I'm using?
* Should I link to "anything and everything I can" and my stuff will simply be "sprinkled" in the mix?
* Keep things separate, or one big "Misch Mash Hodgepodge"?

or some mixture of the points I just mentioned?
or some other approach that I may not even be thinking of?

I'm not sure what my basic approach should be............?

I'm Hoping to find someone who can impart a logical idea, maybe you've had a similar challenge yourself,
because you also have a variety of blogs/sites, or articles promote?

I certainly appreciate any feedback you might be willing to offer
thank you very much

create multiple accounts for each SB site I promote on?

First of all - don't be creating separate accounts. That's pretty much a no-no.

Second of all - at least from my experience - Social BM sites don't work that well unless you have a very popular page your promoting. I will use SU every now and then if I think it can draw a lot of referral traffic. Sometimes - rarely I should say...I use Digg & Redditt. My two cents.
Thank you very much for your time and feedback

any other thoughts anyone?

thank you very much!


First of all - don't be creating separate accounts. That's pretty much a no-no.

Second of all - at least from my experience - Social BM sites don't work that well unless you have a very popular page your promoting. I will use SU every now and then if I think it can draw a lot of referral traffic. Sometimes - rarely I should say...I use Digg & Redditt. My two cents.
I know you can buy services that bookmarks websites / articles / pages for a few. That's one way to scale.

But I also think (and I haven't tried this yet) that an alliance or partnership among many Internet marketers with social bookmarking accounts could come in handy. In this partnership, you'll be bookmarking each other's sites. Not sure how something like this could work, but perhaps setting aside one day out of the month where partners would bookmark websites from a list circulated via email. Of course, someone has to compile that list and someone has to maintain the member email list.

Of course, the more members, the better the link diversity.
well actually you don't have to link to everything. Take note that you should find out first if the website your linking to is a good one and does not have any bad links :)