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Hi guys,

I saw that people were asking this morning about sweepstakes and I wanted to take this opportunity to give you all a heads-up, Kimia will be running a workshop @ the AWEurope in Berlin:

"Running Sweeps on Facebook" with Super Affiliate and industry veteran Attila (

It will take place on June 13th from 6-8pm. (Location to be confirmed.)

Come and join us for drinks and snacks, whilst we learn about how to run sweeps on FB.

*Note that the event is limited to 25 people, so sign-up asap to confirm your place. Click here to RSVP
Whilst part of our team is still touring Bangladesh... Our colleague Anie is going to kick off her tour of Brazil @ Afiliados Brasil tomorrow. Take the opportunity that she will be in one place to connect and learn about the new tech that Kimia is launching on a monthly bases to help affiliates achieve MORE revenue with every click. Email her at

When you have the best of time "Afiliados Brasil" meeting new partners and learning about the even more about the current situation and future developments of the local market with your colleague and friend! #GoKimia

Love these vibes...

If you didnt get a chance to talk to these two pros of the online advertising business contact us at

They will be touring LATAM during the next weeks and you may catch an opportunity yet!


You just made me curious. Which "new tech" are you talking about, @MarinaKimia?

Does it also work for ROAS, not only on ROI ?? :confused: [= just one of my bad jokes...]

Yes indeed xD I know we should speak more about ROAS then ROI, but you know sometimes, old habits die hard ;)

Tomorrow more news about the new tech launches ;) ... and more to come, we will be launching new options little by little, testing everything throughly to make sure we provide quality high tech tools.
#AppDevelopers! Kimia announces the launch of a new brand "The Cactus Road" and its new product called "Cactus #SDK" dedicated to app developers! (This is the first launch within a series of future products)

The Cactus SDK provides an easy solution to monetizing App traffic worldwide by provide 100% fill rate, the possibility to earn in CPM and our efficient and user friendly self service platform with high converting global offers.

For more information on our predictive algorithm based in machine learning technology, high performance ad formats and customized behaviour... Visit: TheCactusRoad or contact us at

(@Marc ;) Heres the new material)

#AppDevelopers! ... new product called "Cactus #SDK" dedicated to app developers!...
The Cactus SDK provides an easy solution to monetizing App traffic worldwide by provide 100% fill rate, the possibility to earn in CPM ...
Visit: TheCactusRoad or contact us at
I see, Kimia is already well prepared for the emerging and high-growth mobile markets ;)
A big thumbs up +1 !!

(@Marc ;) Heres the new material)
@MarinaKimia, you just brightened my rainy gray day :)
My "belly" tells me, that's the right way for the future
+ we'll be well prepared for the coming markets in the emerging economies :affiliatefix:
Meet our team of affiliate marketing professionals at Booth B8 (Affiliate World Europe 2017)

If you dont know where we are just follow the orange backpacks or newbalance shoes... you will see them around

We have strategy goodies to give you #foodforthought on all things online advertising related.

... and we are nearly ready to switch from booth to bar! As we will be hosting this evenings AWE17 Networking Drinks .

Find us for a "token of our appreciation"

#AWE came and went like always... TOO fast!

But we were lucky this year and we managed to start a little earliy, with a great networking and industry insight workshop thanks to "I am Attila", who collaborated with us exclusively on a private session dedicated to "Sweepstakes on Facebook"

If you want more material from this workshop, just visit our facebook page

Also, contact or directly signup, if you want to learn more about how to access this private training sessions,
Hey guys!

Thanks for job you do! I am working with AM Alfonso and can say he is the best! Good traffic, immediate response, nice attitude. I totally recommend this network !! xx
Hey guys!

Thanks for job you do! I am working with AM Alfonso and can say he is the best! Good traffic, immediate response, nice attitude. I totally recommend this network !! xx

Thanks to you Stacey, for choosing to work with us. I will let Alfonso know you mentioned him ;)
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A sneak peek into our " I am Attila " workshop on sweeps in AWE.

Adnetworks have evolved, we have a new task now, we are a "value adding" partner to our publishers... No longer do we only function as a mere platform. We develop in-house tools that help our affiliates monetize and optimize their traffic further. We work hand-in-hand with partners, providing inside industry information and market tips, that will help them understand the best practices in different strategies, in conclusion, we help you make more money.

We have been announcing new launches and inside industry workshops etc... Its been all "Europe" based... Well! This is the opportunity to get the intel first hand, face to face, with our teams in ASE (NYC) and Chinajoy (Shanghai)

Our top experts on CPS, CPI, CPL, CPS and CPM are closing their schedules for the end of the month in the two major event.

If you are planning to visit these shows, or want to have a coffee in one of the cities, we are happy to meetup... just write the team at


Traffic Monitoring And Fraud Detection
Maintaining a high standard of the quality traffic is essential to any long-standing ad network or affiliate, and it has been a key factor in Kimia’s success and something we are continually working to improve. We’ve dedicated large technical resources and staff in order to monitor each and everyone of our sources of traffic, identifying and analyzing patterns of behavior to ensure every click is sent to the offer with the highest probability of conversion, as well as establishing ratios of fraud.

We retrieve terabytes of information associated with each print, click and conversion that passes through our platform to later be processed by our traffic monitoring system. This system is responsible for both the filtering and storage of the information received and the subsequent analysis using machine learning algorithms.

As a result of this analysis, a series of rules are created to be applied in real time to the traffic sources, guaranteeing that the quality of the traffic is always the best.

Traffic analysis depends on many factors, but one of the most important is the business model. For example, fraudulent activity that affects CPM are not the same activities that greatly affect CPA or CPI offers. In this way, our traffic analysis algorithms are different per model.

In CPM model the major fraudulent activity comes from proxies, traffic generated by bot farms or traffic coming from the same geographic location. By contrast, on CPI we usually find fraud techniques that affect the quality of the actual installs. Here we find installs simulated by bots, maliciously incentivized traffic (not to be confused with incentive traffic), or from device emulators. In general, Kimia focuses on detecting a traffic behavior change. The indicators of possible fraud are significant variations in the distribution of device types, in the conversion ratio of a certain IP addresses or even in the intervals between actions.

So, why does Kimia dedicate time and effort in maintaining quality traffic and how does this benefit our direct publishers overall? The answer is simple, it’s about trust. Our advertisers trust us and rely on our sources because they know we work hard to make sure that fraudulent traffic does not reach their offers, therefore they are happy to give us a higher CPA for our traffic. We also alert publishers on which sources are identified as fraudulent so they can stop wasting their buys on low-quality or fraudulent sources.

In simple terms, being vigilant with a fraud detection equals better payment terms for our publishers and therefore more revenue per click.

To all our friends, colleagues and partners (or future partners ;) ) in LatAm!


Our expert in the area, Anie, will be landing in Lima and Sao Paulo next month. She has been with us for the past 4 years developing the area both with advertisers and publishers, so she is THE person to meet.

Want to chat in person? contact her at ... If you cant make it to these two cities, contact her anyways, we are also "experts" on skype xD

Have a great weekend all!
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Insider info: Distribution Algorithm Explained

At Kimia, it’s our main goal to maximize the revenue of our publishers.

Take for example a pure CPM model, even CPC: with a simple algorithm that distributes the traffic between the advertisers that have the best bids, we would have covered this “goal”.We all wish it were that “simple”, but we will see that there are more variables to consider.

In a performance model (whether its CPA, CPS, CPL and CPI models) where the revenue is known after the actions of the end user on the product of our advertiser, the task of finding the best ad fit for the traffic is not that simple, because in reality we do not know which advertiser is really the one generating the most for that traffic until after having sent the clicks.

In terms of the behavior of the end user, there are a multitude of variables to consider when redirecting them, such as the subject of the source page, the nature of the product they will be landing on, the type of user (age, sex, tastes, etc.) and even location, day of the week and hour.

In all models, other practical factors come into play, especially in terms of the advertisers and their campaign needs, like frequency capping, retargeting, verticals, categories …

It’s also our responsibility, and interest, that our advertisers receive quality traffic, that really fits with their products and services, to achieve their goals (this will benefit both publisher and advertisers, as source that generate more revenue will obtain a better payout from advertisers) Therefore again we need to look closely at the source of the traffic, its vertical and even the rate of cancellation of subscriptions (unsubscription rate).

Considering all the above factors and variables, the distribution of traffic from our publishers to our advertisers needs an algorithm that maximizes the revenue for both parties, and this is again, not simple, it requires a well thought out strategy backed up by strong technology, algorithms and techniques.

To begin with we will need a very large data hosting capacity, “big data”, predictive algorithms based on machine learning techniques, data analysis, regression … That’s to begin with!. These “terms” are nowadays being thrown around forums and blogs, they aren’t just “trending” topics, or concepts to continue to sell services, they are actual techniques that are starting to work now due to them being based on a need of experience, in Kimia´s case, on our experience from being part of the industry for over seven years.

If you are daunted by these concepts, don’t be, if you wish to learn more do not hesitate to contact us.

Kimia’s aim now is to use this technology combined with our premium human resources to achieve the revenue goals of all the players involved in this market. Technology, top performing offers in all markets, and the best quality traffic, positions Kimia as one of the leading companies in terms of sales/traffic volume and quality.

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