Still got to do my homework. As I noted in my Introduction post, my first and so far only experience with affiliate marketing was when I recently earned how to create RSS feeds from Zazzle to Pinterest, and with some modest, (very modest) success. And having got a little taste, I decided I wanted more, but I realize I need a lot more how-to knowledge to really make it work. So I googled “affiliate marketing forums,” found this site, and joined. Now my plan is to read, read, read and educate myself in the basics of affiliate marketing. Yes it is a bit overwhelming, lots of info overload, but I have enough experience to know that is normal when stepping out into something new. But I also know that with continued reading and studying things will eventually start sorting themselves out. I have already read from beginning to end the “What is Affiliate Marketing (Start Here)” forum and now have a general overview of what is involved. Can’t say I understood everything, but enough to know that the type of marketing I have been doing with Zazzle and Pinterest has a name, and some vague idea of what I am and am not interested in doing.
I also know that there comes a time when a person must take the plunge and actually do what they have been studying. And I know that is when the REAL LEARNING begins. But first things first. I won’t be so anxious to start making the money that I rush things. I will work at my own pace, one step at a time.
I also know that there comes a time when a person must take the plunge and actually do what they have been studying. And I know that is when the REAL LEARNING begins. But first things first. I won’t be so anxious to start making the money that I rush things. I will work at my own pace, one step at a time.