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BeMob, visits aren't tracked


Hello, I got 3over 3800 campaign clicks, but only 320 visits are registered in BeMob, what can be wrong?


  • bemob.png
    45 KB · Views: 34
This could be depending on how you have the tracker 'bot' filters configured.
say id a push referral is less that 2 seconds it is not counted -- you need to talk to Bemob support to see what the configuration (or the defaults that you are using) is designated to do.

I have the technical ability to count all the referrals with and without filtering direct on my server.
Most people need to use a tool, I understand that, but they need to read the documentation also of how the tool is set up to work.
With regard to tracking system products, they are all proprietary in some regards and are set up and work differently to some extent.

More direct:


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Maybe someone that is using the Bemob tracker in this exact situation can comment ...
However, your results are identical almost to what you posted yesterday ...


this is useless documentation

I am assuming that 'webvisits' is a landing page but when documentation does not reply to the platform's own term in the user help interface there is a serious problem --I feel ya' (slang: i feel your pain and frustration)
When using the filter in Bot rules the WebView traffic can be marked as bot, redirected to other link or cut off completely for all of your campaigns as bot filters work globally and affect all the incoming traffic.
By default the 'Not WebView' is active, so if you wish to redirect, mark as bot or cut off all the WebView traffic it is required to change the option to 'Is WebView'
I was just computing my own traffic yesterday -- GA4 was the final arbitrator on ``real users`` That filters bots too :) but it under-counts some also (no cookie accepted the GA records a session start only and does not track 'exactly')


**both are Tier 1 the GEO mix does differ some ...
#1 is all popunder
#2 is redirected click
you see I am only getting 10, 13 to 16, 19 % too with cheap bulk traffic these network ads are mostly trash --get used to it!

Real cost matters.
You have to drill down to the real KPI (key profit indicator) metrics ...

The questions you should be asking yourself is: Is the traffic converting at a profit? --and is that profit acceptable?

If you want an almost full count buy Facebook ads or Google|Bing ads and pay the price.
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