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Guide Best Ad Formats for Dating Vertical

Andreas - Mirelia

Top Affiliate Network
Affiliate Manager
Mirelia Networks - Adult Ad Network
Dating is an essential attribute of our lives, to satisfy our needs and desires, meet someone special or have a great time. We need love and attention, as humans are social beings and that is why dating will never fade, unlike many other verticals. Interest in dating (especially online) has heavily intensified during the Covid pandemic and this does not seem to stop.

And since there is demand, there will always be a market. And the dating market is developing rapidly – new services, sites and applications are constantly emerging. And of course there is a need for promotional instruments for the wider audience.

Formats that work best for Dating vertical specifically.

– are Mirelia’s most favorite ad format because we know that it works, do not believe us, just look at Google. We love them for their simplicity and efficiency. There is always a place for creativity here, because it is important not only to choose a beautiful visual accompaniment, but also to create CTAs that would provoke a user to interact with it.

Native ads are useful to seamlessly integrate with the site's content and other elements. It should be visually appealing and have an engaging heading.

In-Page Push – notifications that appear on the screen, while users are online. They have a look and feel similar to traditional push notifications, but the user is not required to subscribe in order to receive them. Such pushes are usually with eye-catching graphics and look like a real message.

Classic Push – these notifications can be shown to the user, regardless whether he is visiting the page or not. To get the best result, it should have not only an attractive image, but also a message that someone wants to connect with the user.

It cannot be said enough how crucial it is to test your campaign in order to measure its success and determine its effectiveness. We usually recommend to set up several banners to analyze and then build a smooth funnel for your offer. Using Mirelia Network’s tools and inventory you can easily set up dating campaigns and experiment with different targeting settings. In this way, you will be able to identify the most successful strategy and run your campaigns with positive ROI.

In order to make your Ad more alluring, you can follow this small check-list:

  • Keep it brief and sweet (it's been proven that 35 to 45 characters are quite enough)
  • Personalize it (adapt your ad to your target audience)
  • Build a feeling of curiosity by using words like "mystery," "dreamlike," etc.
  • Add figures, lists, or numbers
  • Avoid using negative language (such as "never," "worst," or "error").
Dating is an incredibly profitable vertical thanks to the perfect combination of effective ad formats, high-performing traffic sources, and stunning creatives. Although there is some work needed to run a dating campaign successfully, it remains one of the most financially profitable and effective verticals in the business.