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Best network to send push notification


New Member
Hello everyone
Can someone suggest me best network to send push notifications to clients?
They are not in my subscriber list, I want to run a CPA offer through it.
Please suggest me some good networks to work with.

Recently I started buying push traffic in ClickAdilla. Costs and traffic volume on USA is significant, but I can’t say that traffic is suits for offers that I running now...
Recently I started buying push traffic in ClickAdilla. Costs and traffic volume on USA is significant, but I can’t say that traffic is suits for offers that I running now...
That's interesting -- I was looking at ClickAdilla for CBD type offers -- what do you think the problem is?
  • the offer itself, or;
  • do you have a track record of conversions with other advertising?
Is it offer quality or ad quality?
I’ve tested a dating offer in ClickAdilla and in Datspush. I’ve received more conversions with traffic in ClickAdilla, but the problem in the offer itself.
Hello, i need zeropark account to advertise my domain. can you/anyone help, i am also ready to pay for account.
I’ve tested a dating offer in ClickAdilla and in Datspush. I’ve received more conversions with traffic in ClickAdilla, but the problem in the offer itself.
Hello everyone
Can someone suggest me best network to send push notifications to clients?
They are not in my subscriber list, I want to run a CPA offer through it.
Please suggest me some good networks to work with.

Hello, i need zeropark account to advertise my domain. can you/anyone help, i am also ready to pay for account.
Hey man, In that regard we can also offer a solution :) Feel free to try us out!