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Bing: Basics of SEO and Linkbuilding



Link building for smart webmasters
by Bing's Webmaster Center Team
November 20, 2009

Your website is your self-representation on the Web. It's a major asset to your business, often simultaneously serving as your online business card, an introductory company brochure, detailed sales literature, supporting documentation, and a point of sales distribution point for your products and/or services. It's also your place to demonstrate your expertise in your specialized field of interest. If your website offers something of worth, valuable to web users interested in that topic, then it behooves you to let the world know about it. Consider the effort your contribution to the betterment of humanity (or at least a chance to make a few conversions!).

Link building is a very important form of self-promotion on the Web. You contact webmasters of other, related websites and let them know your site exists. If the value that you have worked so hard to instill in your site is evident to them, they will assist their own customers by linking back to your site. That, my friend, is the essence of link building.

Think of link building as your chance to build your reputation on the Web. As your website is likely one of your business' most valuable assets, consider link building to be a primary business-building exercise. Just don't make the mistake of believing it will result in instant gratification. Successful link building efforts require a long-term commitment, not an overnight or turnkey solution. You need to continually invest in link building efforts with creativity and time. Good things come to those who wait (and work smartly!).

Read more about Bing recommendations for specific Dos and Don'ts
Agree with the basics of you SEO and the link building, the links on high PR pages are very important for the website and many people look for these pages on .gov and .edu links. But the pure links on high PR pages are somehow difficult. On the other hand link building is very important for the high rankings of the site. Thanks for sharing a chunk of nice information with us.