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Case Study Dating with Popunder

Lomion Koren

I have deposited 50$ in clickadu popunder traffic network.
maxbounty network offer name: flirt-fever
country: germany
cpm: $1.10

this is my running case study i will update soon.
my tracking screenshot. popunder traffic haven't any type of category you want, i am lost 50$+ with no conversion. See Unique traffic is 2883

spent: $10+
conversion: 0$
Income: ALL-LOSS
Network: maxbounty
thank you for read my case study.

clickadu spent static
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Wait, they don't provide any category or keyword targeting? That's just money down the drain I suppose.
yes they don't have any category or keyword targeting. LOL
also i was used it, bullshit network.
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I'm not advertising with Clickadu, but it's not unusual to spend $10-$20 in popunders and have no conversions when running in a Tier 1 country. I mean, you are probably getting $4-5/lead so at $10 spent a lead and you're at -50% ROI, one more lead and you're breaking even.

Your major problem is you're only running one offer. How did you decided to run it alone? You should put 4-5 offers in the rotation and see what happens.
thread updated. check.

Please post updates in new posts and leave the original content. Otherwise, members do not have all of the information.

Also, thread moved to Follow Alongs forum as there is no teaching of any kind, no Guides, no Case Studies, and no tutorials here.
Hello, folks.
My guess, you were waiting for some Clickadu team reaction here.
I'm sorry guys that you have faced a bad experience but the 'case' just lacks a little detail: targetings, options, freq/cap etc.
@lorenzo is on the right track, we also should note that $5 for a test is quite inconclusive especially for Tier1 country.

Our platform has gone thru a lot of major changes since then:
1. We have moved to a new ad-server that allows us to integrate new advertising formats and pricing models.
2. Now the network is multi-dc, that means a great reduction of any traffic discrepancies.
3. Conversion tracking and scoring system were upgraded as long as the postback URL.
4. Implemented a new unique traffic count system, that weeds out any attempts to send you bot traffic with almost 30 algorithms for traffic checking.
5. We have refused dodgy traffic sources and focused on direct publishers traffic only.
6. The selection of verticals will be added soon too ;)

And... On top of everything else, datings are the strongest of our verticals. We have been testing whether all of our verticals are still profitable considering the Google restrictions.
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document it!


raw impression on a popunder and an 8% Sales Conversion($32) ROFLMAO
If you mean a conversion is a CTR to a landing page -- that is doable.
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