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Could Facebook Search be the Google killer?



Google Tried To Make a Facebook? Now Facebook is Trying To Make a Google?
By Jonathan Volk
September 7, 2010

It's no secret that Google copies just about every web service that is successful and can be used to advertise. Google maps, Google phone, Google buzz, Google mail, Google... everything. All basically copied ideas that have been improved.

Hey... it's part of the business, I guess.

Google's scopes are now on Facebook. How can they make a social media empire that is like that of Facebook?

Now it seems that Google might get a taste of their own medicine. Just recently Facebook filed for patents regarding search results based that is largely based on the interests and clicks of a user?s friends and friends-of-friends. Imagine using Facebook as the next search engine...

No more would the top results be determined by what some linking algorithm says... but instead based on your friends and family like and interests.

Google needs to move away from simply being a utility and head towards portal type services/social media in order to compete with Facebook.
Peronally, I think Google should go back to its roots: search. They are screwing that up and that's a recipe for extinction, in my opinion.
I think what Facebook is doing is great. Competition is vital to regulating markets and preventing monopolies. Good job Facebook! :cool:
It is true that Facebook is doing really well in terms of traffic. As we saw a few months ago Facebook is actually bringing more traffic than Google itself. However I think both giants can't be compared at the same level as they provide different services (at least for the moment). I don't think Facebook is ever going to overtake Google as a search engine the same way that Google is not going to overtake Facebook as a Social Network.