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Review CPA campaign without investments

Anastasia AdCombo

Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
“How to launch a CPA campaign with a small budget or without any investments?” – that’s a common question we hear from beginners.
To answer it as fully and completely as possible we should first discuss pros and cons of the “zero budget strategy”. The advantages are pretty obvious: if you don’t invest money you don’t lose money. And if you don’t care about losing money you are more emotionally stable and thus you can make rational decisions with a cool head.


However, there are some disadvantages to take into consideration.
For you to have a steady income without investing a cent into campaign you should spend a lot of time and effort on it. So, see for yourself, what resource is more important for you: time or money. If you ask me, I think that time is much more valuable resource than money, since it is possible to replenish money but not time. However, if you disagree with me – this article is for you.
Here we won’t discuss in details how to implement each method of getting “free” traffic, because that’s really not a hard thing to do. However, if you are interested in a particular method then let us know in the comment section below and we will consider writing an article about it.

This method is really simple. You should add a couple of new friends on Facebook and just spend some time chatting with them. That will help you to understand what your new friends are interested in and based on those interests you can give them a “friendly advice” which in fact will be a link to an offer you are promoting. I am even recommending to create a new Facebook account for that purpose, depending on what offer you have. For example, if you are promoting an AdCombo’s top-selling offer Flekosteel for which target audience is mostly adult men, think about creating a new account of the same age and with same interests as target audience has. It will help you to gain trust faster. But you should understand, that this method can’t be defined as completely whitehat. However, it is more effective than just spamming to a random person you met on Facebook.

«People don’t want a product to be sold to them. People want to buy a product.»
There is another Facebook-related technique you can use. Try creating your own group. All you need for implementation is: creative idea for group’s topic and an attractive content which will be pleasant to read. Just be careful with ads in the beginning so they won’t repel your potential customers. And even as your group gains more popularity the optimal ratio remains 1 ad for every 10 topic related posts. Also, it is better to make at least two posts a day for your group to gain new members faster. People like getting information they are interested in fast and in big quantities. They don’t like to wait. If your group is popular enough you can even stop publishing your offers and start making money by publishing other people’s ads.

Again, we are talking about earning trust of the community. If you start spamming links on the first day you are in, no one will click on them in the best-case scenario and in the worst-case you’ll be simply banned. As a solution, you can create a new topic with a “problem you have” and let people discuss that topic to help you with solving it. And when the discussion is at its peak just answer your own question by writing something like: “Hey, guys! I asked my doctor and he suggested me using Eco slim to help me with weight loss. I think it is helping! Here is a link, if you are interested: link to the offer you are promoting . By the way, Eco slim is also an offer AdCombo has and it is one of the most popular in the diet category.

Craigslist and other classified advertisements website where it is possible to post ads.

In the description of an ad you have posted (for example on craigslist) you can give a direct link to the offer’s landing. However, sometimes it is not possible. In that case, you can use an old method of advertising – giving a phone number. And when customer calls you, you’ll simply give him an address to a pre-landing page where not only will you have a description of a product but also a link to that landing page.

“Hey, wait! But how do I create pre-landing page without investing money?” – I hear you asking.
Well, there are some platforms that can help you with creating pre-landing pages for free.
For example, - Create a unique and beautiful blog. It’s easy and free. – a free blogging platform – a platform that allows anyone to start and grow an online business
Email Marketing Software - GetResponse – an internet-marketing platform. But there is only 30-day trial period and then you’ll have to pay.
I recommend using this method with financial offers, especially with loan-related offers. As an example, when customer has some problems with issuing a loan and he is desperate for money. He finds your ad on the craigslist and calls you. Here you can recommend him to go to your pre-landing page to read about loan options which are available and if any of those loan issuing offers will interest him he can just click on a link and fill in a form on the bank’s landing page.


Promoting via YouTube

The secret to success here is getting as many views as possible.
First, you create your channel. Then you decide what kind of videos to upload. Again, I will recommend uploading videos with unpacking and reviews, since those videos are really popular right now and they can be produced with little effort. That review should not necessarily be about an offer-related product. It will be enough to mention that current video is produced with a help of a company that is selling diet pills Eco slim (again, as an example) and give a link to the offer’s landing page in the video’s description.

There is even easier way of promoting offers via YouTube. You can take an already existing video of a product you are promoting and simply add a background music so that YouTube won’t ban “your” content. Don’t forget to give a link to an offer’s landing page in the descriptions.

Instagram promotion
Simple but not always effective method. Post a picture of your product with a link to the landing page in the description and a seductive hashtag (#giveaway; #free; #sale). But chances are high that you will get banned straight after your first post. That’s why if you have the «Black belt» in Photoshop it’s a huge plus. Use your photoshop skills for editing pictures and making your posts nice and native.

There is another way of reducing a threat of getting an instant ban on Instagram which requires some investments. We all know from Adcombo’s previous articles that each Facebook account has a certain trust-rate which is calculated using a SECRET formula. No one really knows what are the components of that formula but we can assume that depending on the amount of followers account has and the activation date the account’s trust rate is calculated. And since Mark recently bought Instagram the same trust criteria can be applied to it.

So, where am I going with all that? For example on you can purchase an account for 2$ with a total of 20.7k subscribers and as a result good trust level. After that you know what to do – use that account to promote Adcombo’s offers.
To conclude, when applying any of those methods you should remember that people don’t like when product is sold to them aggressively, but they like buying stuff even if they don’t need it. Therefore, your main goal is to suggest and motivate them to buy the right product. But for them to follow your advice you should gain their trust which usually is a hardest thing to do.
Anyway, if after reading this article, you want to implement any of the listed techniques, you can always contact AdCombo on Skype and we will help you choose most profitable offers to promote.

Always yours,
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So, see for yourself, what resource is more important for you: time or money. If you ask me, I think that time is much more valuable resource than money, since it is possible to replenish money but not time. However, if you disagree with me – this article is for you.

Time IS money :)

However, if you have little money and can invest the time ...
Does having your link placed in the description of the video do any good? or it is good to have it in the video itself?

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