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CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of Reso

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Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Day 5

My connection is awful today.
I promoted another offer from peerfly. Created some videos and commented on different videos.
No earnings yet. Gonna find some ways to make money now.
I will try that Fake beta key David. Thanks.

I admit, this is hard, but it is possible. =)

My new plan. I will create a website using a free hosting by zymic and a free domain. I really don't have any money right now. I used it to fund my schooling. I will try to go Viral. =)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Day 5

I admit, this is hard, but it is possible. =)

congrats for taking action and great work so far , Just remember never give up and keep doing what you are doing rite now don`t give up in half way and you will be fine you are gonna make it possible ;)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Thank you for the motivation. I can do it. =)

congrats for taking action and great work so far , Just remember never give up and keep doing what you are doing rite now don`t give up in half way and you will be fine you are gonna make it possible ;)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Day 7
No conversions. I read some guides for some information to get more traffic for my offers.
Read , read, read, read, for now.
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Day 8

Created a blogspot blog about shoes. Uploaded some pictures and did some On page SEO.
Waiting for it to get indexed. I will use it for promoting in Pinterest.

Created a Blogspot blog again for redirection purposes and the result is a BAN. =)

Never use this script in a blogspot blog.

<script language="javascript">
document.location='Aff link';

I found it in some IM forums. Unfortunately, my newly created blog for pinterest is associated with the blog for redirection. Total account ban. =(

I re-read the Newbie 411 and decided to pursue and SEO route. It is because of the long term and steady profit, but I will still continue the Youtube Method.

I really don't have any earnings from this method. The reason for its failure is NO Keyword research done!!

The offers are good but the keyword I choose is highly competitive for a newbie. And the keyword I chose does not have any monthly searches in it.

After some realization and some readings, I started picking an offer that is out of ordinary - from Newbie 411. Did some keyword research. Use this thread as a guide - - It is very helpful for new Imers like me.

I listed the keywords and keep them. I will make sites revolving from a specific offer with the keywords I get.

That's for today. I am not yet sleepy. Maybe, I will make some videos. =)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Thanks for your information. Keep spirit, man!! :)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

hey what about picking up really low competitive long tail keywords and working on them ?
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Yeah, I am working on them right now. Thanks. I am really not good in keyword research thing, but I am trying. I found some keywords. I will PM you the keywords I found and take a look at it and tell me something about it. Suggestions or feedbacks.
hey what about picking up really low competitive long tail keywords and working on them ?
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

It will revolve around the offer K.

Day 2

I am having a hard time making videos until I read the thread of david. Thanks man.

Got some Images for Animoto and Powerpoint.
Read some threads about Youtube Traffic and Email submit offers.

Created 5 Videos for Youtube.
Uploaded the videos to Youtube in seperate accounts.
* I am promoting only one offer with this videos for this day.

Youtube: 83 Views
Lead: 0
Peerfly: $0.00
Total Earnings: $0.00

Hi seoeymard,

Yeah that's sounds good to use Youtube Marketing but One thing I wanna advice as you said no conversions from youtube , do you why ?? cause sometimes we create videos that people need it just by watching , does not need to take it in action : example ? someone needs to repair his laptop , so he need a video guide and software to install then repair it , so an offer about pc repair gives you 100% every view makes an action.

-Secondly , when you are creating videos , tell people to click on your link in description , cause you have requested in addition they are in need so they well...i'm doing youtube marketing and still make conversions and keep working and youtube still makes money... Good luck to all of you !;)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

hey consider using for bookmarking your videos .. social back links will surely help you get your videos ranked .
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Super Thank you Sir for the GUIDE!! I will surely use it and share the progress here.. I am doing it the whole day now.

Hi seoeymard,

Yeah that's sounds good to use Youtube Marketing but One thing I wanna advice as you said no conversions from youtube , do you why ?? cause sometimes we create videos that people need it just by watching , does not need to take it in action : example ? someone needs to repair his laptop , so he need a video guide and software to install then repair it , so an offer about pc repair gives you 100% every view makes an action.

-Secondly , when you are creating videos , tell people to click on your link in description , cause you have requested in addition they are in need so they well...i'm doing youtube marketing and still make conversions and keep working and youtube still makes money... Good luck to all of you !;)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Thank you Mr.KJ. I made some .edu backlinks with my video and my Video goes from #10 to #4. Backlinks really help in ranking youtube videos. I will that site sir and update my progress. Thank you so much.

hey consider using for bookmarking your videos .. social back links will surely help you get your videos ranked .
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Day 9 (for yesterday)

Created a new Vid and uploaded it on youtube.
I made all the vids private because of the downtime of peerfly.

Day 10 (for today)

Followed the advices of you guys. I really learned a lot. I am now implementing them on my campaigns.

I am configuring my Socialadr account now. =)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Goodluck to you..I'm also a newbie I'm still reading and accepting suggestions
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

You are doing pretty good videos, and putting some effort, not like me :p sooner or latter you'll have more conversions. Just use the program I've told you, and you can get at least top 5. I'll give a tip in my casestudy latter today, but for now I've to get off the PC. I was having 2 clicks/day on my offers and in 1 day I had like 8 clicks.
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Day 9 (for yesterday)

Created a new Vid and uploaded it on youtube.
I made all the vids private because of the downtime of peerfly.

Day 10 (for today)

Followed the advices of you guys. I really learned a lot. I am now implementing them on my campaigns.

Can you please take a look at this videos and tell me something about it. Is this ok?

I am configuring my Socialadr account now. =)

Videos look great man well down, just work on getting them more exposure!
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Day 11

Earnings so Far: $3.90 from Peerfly =D

I want to rinse and repeat what I've done. But the problem is I did it by random method in youtube. I created quality videos and crap videos. I don't know what video got the conversion. Tsk.

To solve this problem. I will do SPLIT TESTING.

Test #1
I will create 20 simple videos. The video contains a Title and only a Picture. Those 20 videos will land to the number 1 spot on youtube for the keywords that gets a minimum of 100+ traffic from US according to Adwords Tool. Promoting only 1 offer.

Test #2
I will create 10 quality videos. The video instructs the user what to do to complete the offer before telling them to click the link. Those videos will land to the number 1 spot on youtube for the keywords the gets a minimum of 100+ traffic from US according to adwords Tool. Promoting 1 offer different from the test #1.

Test #3
I will download potential Viral videos from youtube. Watermark it and upload it to youtube again with optimized title, description, and tags. 10 Videos only. Different offer.

I am using different accounts and different offers to monitor the conversions made by the videos.

What do you think guys? Any suggestions?
A lot of work for me. =D
I know SEO and Keywords research. That is why I am confident to land on the number 1 spot on youtube. =)
Low competitive keywords only.
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Sounds like a plan, or you could simply track the clicks/link using something like PPV demon etc! Your method will work but seems like more work!
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Hmm. Now that you mention it, I realized that it will takes more work!. Thanks for the advice K. I will look some methods to make it easier.
Sounds like a plan, or you could simply track the clicks/link using something like PPV demon etc! Your method will work but seems like more work!
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Day 12

Before anything else, I want to shout! IT WORKED! I made money from CPA! I want to thank you guys for helping me made my first bucks in CPA. I love CPAFix! I love the members! =)

Here is a screenshot.


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