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How can I do CPA And Affiliate marketing with little or no budget please?

After twenty something years in this industry, I am so very tired of seeing this question. It is the single biggest sign of "fail before you start" thinking we encounter. Why? Because someone that cannot take the time, or is too lazy to take the time, to get a job and save up the money necessary to make this work is never going to spend the time and effort to make it work without money.
its simple, collect good offers on top affiliate network, create own network for free (link in signature) refer to your network affiliates, gotcha...
How can I do CPA And Affiliate marketing with little or no budget please?
Since you have no budget, please be prepared to invest alot of time writing contents and researching keywords.
First research trending topics using Google trend by entering keywords that are interesting to you. For example, dog, money making, marketing, etc.

Next, use Google trend to find out trending search query.

Use Paraphrasing Tool | QuillBot AI to spin the long term keywords and write various contents related to those keywords. Try to write with SEO in mind and keep your keywords ratio enough for Google bot to pick it up.

Share the post on social media such as Twitter/ Instagram / Snapchat/ Pinterest/ Facebook Groups/ Reddit (only share here if your content is really useful and interesting, potential of getting viral will be high) -> Be very personal and share useful contents to build up your followers. Don't try to spam. Do relevant commenting to build up more followers.

Write in areas related to your post on various popular forum.

For monetization, use banner ads, in page ads, to promote your CPA offer.

Alternatively you can share torrent files with link to your website for the password to open and use a content locker plugin. In order to download the password, the user will have to complete the CPA.

There are still many methods but the above should be sufficient for you to begin.
Or, create a SaaS platform and get other people to pay you and get their data and analyze and optimize it.
Reverse engineering can be very profitable and can be a real legal trap too.
CPA marketing, also known as cost-per-action marketing, is a style of the affiliate marketing model that offers a commission to the affiliate when a specific action is completed.
You can always ask you family and friends to follow your link and become your leads (jk). Now then, some people are currently driving traffic from TikTok (not TikTok ads) but not all partner networks accepts such traffic. So be sure to ask your manager first