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CPATeacher Content Locking with Social Media


Well-Known Member
For those who haven't heard about CPATeacher, take a chance and look at their thread, they have many newbie supported him as a newbie friendly network. Under some big company who only care for big earners.

Bobby is not, I have some misunderstanding with him since started, as I thought it was a new company and no background whatever, that triggered my alert, is this scam? I soon find out after register, no it's not, Bobby is helpful to even a newbie on the livechat. Anyway here's the thread link and the join link.

Thread link: CPATEACHER | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
Homepage: CPA Teacher - Learn And Earn All In 1 CPA Network
Affiliated: CPA Teacher - Learn And Earn All In 1 CPA Network


So what am I going to do is simple, I will use the method he explained, facebook group.
But I will automate the process by using a bot, I will cap it by join a couple of 25 groups a day, and will post a link convincing people they can have freebies, but obviously not(sadly, no idea, pity for them). That's it, it is not difficult and doesn't need to stress out the detail.

Also I will try the instagram method, as well as twitter method(wonder if it work there).

But Facebook Group is my #1 goal, my $1 is awaiting me, somehow if it cover the expenses I will scale up.

Earning: $0

#1 Day
- Two landing pages built.
- Config 2 facebook account to join groups.
- Wondering how can I create insanely cool landing page myself.
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hey thanks for sharing the info... however I am still puzzle about the services provided by them. It its only a training program? a brokerage network or anything else? The word, Facebook Group in your post, grabbed all my attention. Are you going to work at facebook only? if it involves any kind of investment? are you sure, about using bots "safely" for groups posting and other related tasks at FB ? I am really sorry about this long list of queries... but I really want to know:) Please feel free to reply whenever you get ample of time, its not an urgent call.
#2 Day

Update time
So I got an emailed from 60DailyPips, called the BinBoom Binary Option software, it seems it can turn you from $10 to millionaire, I felt for it, I downloaded the MALWARE, I was just wondering how will they lure their client to make them money.

So first they don't need your email in the front page, but they will need your contact after you installed the Malware, I just wanna learn their marketing tactic, I used Revo Uninstaller Pro to uninstalled it, but it somehow Hijacked my browser, and popped up their landing page just like a Adware does, but my Anti Virus Avast did not detect anything, I looked around and oh, they installed another software, proxy them so anti virus won't detect them as malware. I spend a few hour fixing this.

For the Facebook account, it scraped around 72 and 95 groups, joined 25 group a day and got 3 and 5 group accepted my on each account. I will be schedule for posting the spam tomorrow.
Hey Fixers
Bobby here from CPA Teacher. Some of you might have seen me around over the past 12 years using the name Acura. I was a manager on another network about 2 years ago. Here is some reviews about me from back 2-3 years ago.






If you can see the reviews were good from 2-3 years ago and I will offer top notch support to everyone!

What CPA Teacher is? We are a CPA network with a twist! We offer everything that is needed for all members for FREE!

Landing Pages + Setup
Free Domain And Hosting
And ALOT! More


I do this from the kindness of my heart I have been in this game for along time and I love to help people out. Its not all about the money to me. I have made a killing over the years now its time for me to give back.

Yes I spend 16+ hours a day online trying to keep things running and people happy. It don't matter if your a pro or a noob I am willing to help everyone! out. Anyone who knows me knows I will take the time to help anyone out.

Over the years and being a manager on another large network the issue was always support on other networks and it still is here to this day!

I am here to change that!

Looking forward to working with all of you :)
hey thanks for taking time to reply me... In fact I have got a couple more;

little investment around $35 for 2 account

Can you please elaborate, which kind of accounts are we talking about. secondly you said that you gonna spam facebook. You really believe that spamming Facebook is that much simple? a couple of cheap bots and that's all. However I wish you luck, and gonna stay in touch. If you managed to earn a couple of dollar, then I will be trying this method too for sure.
Hey Fixers
Bobby here from CPA Teacher. Some of you might have seen me around over the past 12 years using the name Acura. I was a manager on another network about 2 years ago. Here is some reviews about me from back 2-3 years ago.






If you can see the reviews were good from 2-3 years ago and I will offer top notch support to everyone!

What CPA Teacher is? We are a CPA network with a twist! We offer everything that is needed for all members for FREE!

Landing Pages + Setup
Free Domain And Hosting
And ALOT! More


I do this from the kindness of my heart I have been in this game for along time and I love to help people out. Its not all about the money to me. I have made a killing over the years now its time for me to give back.

Yes I spend 16+ hours a day online trying to keep things running and people happy. It don't matter if your a pro or a noob I am willing to help everyone! out. Anyone who knows me knows I will take the time to help anyone out.

Over the years and being a manager on another large network the issue was always support on other networks and it still is here to this day!

I am here to change that!

Looking forward to working with all of you :)
Thanks for the warm welcome and sorry about the misunderstanding Bobby, I've seen you're eagerly helping the newbie and truly believe you're a good teacher, I will prove this method works to everyone on fixer and will never give up.

Rarely seeing people pursue for will than wealth, Bobby is one of them.

Both account have 5 groups being accepted, I wonder if I should blast them already or keep waiting.
hey thanks for taking time to reply me... In fact I have got a couple more;

Can you please elaborate, which kind of accounts are we talking about. secondly you said that you gonna spam facebook. You really believe that spamming Facebook is that much simple? a couple of cheap bots and that's all. However I wish you luck, and gonna stay in touch. If you managed to earn a couple of dollar, then I will be trying this method too for sure.
Good question, I will add the resources on the #1 post later, I hope you don't mind me posting some affiliate link as I need some fund for start up too.

The $35 dollar I've spent on investment are 2 PVA Facebook Account, 1 Windows VPS, 1 Group Posting Bot.
If you've watch the video from CPATeacher, it generally spam 1 message per day on each group, I'm not sure though I don't really use Facebook, so this is a learning curve for me.
#Day 3
Account #1 Joined 49 Group, 7 Accepted
Account #2 Joined 50 Group, 12 Accepted

Okay I will ready to spam on the account #2, and let's see how it will work, I heard it's good to spam only after 50 group is joined, but let's test if anyone click my link. I will place a visitor tracking on my lander.
After spamming 12 posts in the group, I got about 10 clicks in total and 8 unique visitor visits the landing page.

Bad news is account #1 got locked!

Account #2 = 6 group kicked me out
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Updated, I will try another few method while waiting for more group being accepted.

What I will do today.
- Create a sweepstake landing page for FB Group.
- Have created KIK method that mentioned on CPATeacher Classroom and will test out today.
So I tested the KIK method, got a couple like 50 people chat me, but none complete the offer lol.
Not even one clicked the offer.
Guess people smell something fishy and that's the reason why you got your accounts locked?
Can you give an idea of the message you're posting?
Man, account #2(new edited) got blocked, I guess the reason being was aggressive on joining group. 66 Groups approved, but blocked. :(

Will stop waiting and spam an offer on 97 groups for my #1 account.
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