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Define SEO please


New Member
I know SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. And I'm pretty certain it's refering to having site content that's relavant to traffic search's. Things like having your keywords appear in headers, footers, and 10 - 15% throughout the content. If I'm wrong my feelin's won't be hurt, so feel free to correct.:eek:

That being said, is there more to it? If so, what?

Thanks for all input!!:D

Yes. What you're describing is called on page optimization or on page SEO and that's only part of the job.

The remainder involves off page SEO which basically refers to acquiring links to your home page or other pages on your site (1) from other pages/sites with relevant content and (2) with anchor text optimized for your major search terms.
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On page SEO is worthless.......without good Off-Page SEO (link building etc).

When you are doing SEO, it pays to think Globally (the entire internet), not locally (ie. just your site)
On page SEO is worthless.......without good Off-Page SEO (link building etc).

When you are doing SEO, it pays to think Globally (the entire internet), not locally (ie. just your site)

But if you don't also pay attention to on page factors, you're not likely to rank well enough to attract visitors who linger long enough to spend money.

The link Linda gave is AWESOME - I just read it and really helpful. Once you read it then going to the next level of the SEOmoz site is a little easier. Mad alot of sense to me. Thanks Linda!
Off Page SEO is very important for generating the traffic and for improving the page rank of the website. A hundred percent on-page also doesn't give you proper traffic and page rank.
The algorithm related to PR mostly depends on the Off Page SEO, and not on On Page SEO. And with out building links, Traffic Generation is also not possible.
Off Page SEO is very important for generating the traffic and for improving the page rank of the website. A hundred percent on-page also doesn't give you proper traffic and page rank.
The algorithm related to PR mostly depends on the Off Page SEO, and not on On Page SEO. And with out building links, Traffic Generation is also not possible.

Since by definition PageRank is a function solely of the quality and quantity of links pointing to the page, to state that "PR mostly depends on off page SEO" is neither correct nor useful: PR totally depends on off-page factors.