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Difference between the ppt and infographics?

PPT (power point presentation) is a way to represent your website information in the form of slides which includes text and images. But, infographic is high quality or large images that contain information. Both are the off page activity that helps you to build backlinks and also drive traffic.
PPT - power point presentation file has a higher width than height (like the 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio of a presentation slide). You can present different subject with important notes to each slide. It could be through images, text, graphs or video in one file.

An infographic file has a height that's more than twice the width. Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. Humans get attract more towards visual presentation rather than textual presentation.
Both ppt. (Power Point Presentation) and Info-graphics serves the common interests that is creating awareness among the masses for the sake of promotion of product/services. But both are very different on the ground of its features, specification, dimensions etc., like as Dennis Miller has written that an infographics has length but ppt. has width.
Secondly, ppt. is very elaborative and with limited text but good amount of images, on the other hand Info graphics are short, crisp and very precise for of format containing information. Both are visual representation and have the ability to give information in small amount of time. Both have great importance in SEO as they are the prominent part of it.
But if you are willing to grab instant attention then infographics are the best because they give information with limited text but with the help of relevant images.
Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and PPT Search Engine helps you search PowerPoint presentation all over the internet whether you need to find them for your school assignment or business.
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In PPT we can expose our information shortly by using images and short content. but the infographics are completely graphical images, we have transfer the message through images.