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Do trackers like BeMob track fraudulent clicks?


Active Member
Hi all, if I want to track fraudulent clicks to my landing page, do I need to use a service like ClickCease or ClickGuard? Or can I use Bemob tracker? My goal is to find IP addresses that are committing fraud and report them to Google/Bing Ads in order to get a refund..

Hello OscarMike,

I have not had experience with blocking fraud clicks, only conversions. Still, your topic got me wondering. What information do these services use to detect if a click is fraudulent or not?
What information do these services use to detect if a click is fraudulent or not?

They don't reveal the details as it is a highly competitive and emerging market.

Per ClickCease:
ClickCease's Click Fraud Detection Algorithm is built to protect your ads and your budget. It looks at multiple data points and does a real-time calculation to determine whether a click is fraudulent or not. If the data points don't align, it's a sign that something is suspicious, and action must be taken immediately.

ClickCease™ works by sending harmful IPs to Google in real-time, so they can't even see your ads. It's a simple solution that ensures bots, competitors, or any harmful sources don't see your ads.
Hello OscarMike,

I have not had experience with blocking fraud clicks, only conversions. Still, your topic got me wondering. What information do these services use to detect if a click is fraudulent or not?
In addition to what has been said about group-sharing bad-bot data

You have been able to detect 'what appears to be normal users' by their actions with modernizr.
However, Google Headless (Selenium WebDriver) could pass many of these tests as 'appearing normal' when it is really used to bot-click or scrape pages.

I would like to see some proof of the claimed "secret sauce," i.e.; Real data. The only proof I would accept is that Google or Facebook did refund 'substantial' ad money spent on fraudulent clicks. And by doing so admitted the fraud that we all know exists.
Have you received any refund based on the reporting data of the above from Facebook or Google Ads yet?
I haven't applied for one yet. Thankfully, Bemob tracks IPs and they all appear to be single-use IPs. In other words, I haven't seen evidence of someone from the same IP clicking on my ad more than once.
Have you received any refund based on the reporting data of the above from Facebook or Google Ads yet?

Are you asking me?

I tested ClickCease a few months back and had very good results. I tested it on one of my content sites with incoming paid traffic and outgoing clickthrough traffic. I also tested two of my landing pages for CPA offers (you can use CC on unlimited landers). The Google Ads leading to the content site did see about a 7% clean rate. The two landers though (FB traffic), WOW, 27% trapped and saved from billing.

Google allows you to put in claims for invalid traffic only once every 60 days. CC will present you all the information you need for clicks that were not blocked. You can then present this to Google to claim back your money. Because Google no longer allows third parties to process claims for others you will need to submit your own refund claim. FB is similar now, but if you have an assigned FB account rep then it can be processed through them.

I had no need for refund requests because there were so very few that made it past CC's blocking.

At the moment their software blocks invalid traffic on Google Ads (Adwords), Google Display Network (GDN), YouTube, Gmail, Facebook Ads, Facebook Audience Network, Instagram Ads, Facebook Messenger Ads and Bing Ads aka Microsoft Ads. They are working on adding more ad platforms to this list!

Like I said before, this is an emerging industry. I have had some email exchanges with Rony from CHEQ, the parent company of CC, and we are planning some meetings in the next couple of weeks to discuss collaborations. I'll keep everyone updated as that progresses.
Fraud blocking is designed to prevent clicks by using HTML code on your site and connecting to your Google Ads/Facebook Ads dashboard. No click, no charge. The refunds are for the ones that get through.
The FB and Google API's coordinated with CC prevent the false click by blocking the invalid traffic and reporting it back as invalid traffic to both platforms.

I am arranging either a webinar or a live Q&A with CHEQ & CC for us so they can provide answers about their technology and hopefully some discount packages.

You have to request a refund if you are buying the SEM ads.

Only for the bad traffic that makes it through to process, as I stated above. The bad traffic never gets to see the ads. I tested for a week. It works, but I have not taken any deep dive into their technology. I just have a very limited experience, their FAQ's, and as of yesterday I have two reps from the company providing me answers at the moment. One rep from CC and one rep from their parent company CHEQ.

I'll keep everyone posted on the progress with this and any other company relationships in this field. I think it may have the potential to become a significant game changer to be honest.
At the moment their software blocks invalid traffic on Google Ads (Adwords), Google Display Network (GDN), YouTube, Gmail, Facebook Ads, Facebook Audience Network, Instagram Ads, Facebook Messenger Ads and Bing Ads aka Microsoft Ads. They are working on adding more ad platforms to this list!
You are still paying for the clicks Google Ads click counts are from their search engine URL -> search->google ads ->your redirected URL from google.

These are the links on the search engine (really) not the fake link you see on the link title


click --a billable event from Google Ads

the redirect can go through a filter --but will Google honor these filter's data proof?

Is there something I am missing here?

7% on a $10K per month ad budget is $700

You are still paying unless 'Google Ads' will refund on this basis. My question is have they agreed?

The Google Ads leading to the content site did see about a 7% clean rate. The two landers though (FB traffic), WOW, 27% trapped and saved from billing.
You got a refund OK on that Facebook ad spend based on the ClickCease data reported?
At the moment their software blocks invalid traffic on Google Ads (Adwords), Google Display Network (GDN), YouTube, Gmail, Facebook Ads, Facebook Audience Network, Instagram Ads, Facebook Messenger Ads and Bing Ads aka Microsoft Ads. They are working on adding more ad platforms to this list!
FROM (not 'on') you already paid!
I haven't applied for one yet. Thankfully, Bemob tracks IPs and they all appear to be single-use IPs. In other words, I haven't seen evidence of someone from the same IP clicking on my ad more than once.
That doesn't mean that much.

Reason: A click bot proxy setup rotates thru many IPs with varying locations (like in one country and 5 states (or 10 cities) as example in a single day.

Residential proxy requests are commonly made through backdoors in otherwise legitimate appearing apps that normal user install and run.
so you are saying Google eats that click? you eat it --you just get a count. Unless they refund you the difference.
You have to request a refund if you are buying the SEM ads.

Fraud blocking is designed to prevent clicks by using HTML code on your site
"Fraud blocking is designed to prevent clicks by using HTML code on your site"
Are you talking about HOSTING what was once called AdSense ON your website? --then yes
I was talking about a Google Ad on the Search engine SERP pages (once called: AdWords)

Facebook Ads are the ones on their website / app.

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