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Do you buy online?

Currently. A lot of work, care of the house, beauty salons, sports, friends ... I prefer only online shopping!
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I buy online mostly for myself but yes I do this when I get the good deal like if I get good discounts on any product which market price is still high.
Yes, I do but not all the time. I still prefer to go to the mall and see the item personally. I only shop online when I know I can save much better and if the item is not available in a physical store.
Yes, I buy online.
More often the selection of goods in online stores larger than in ordinary stores. Most often in online shops I buy some souvenirs, trinkets and cosmetics :)

For sure I do, online it's usually much cheaper, I can buy lot of stuff from China / AliExpress and then just sell even a few and get like 100-200% profits at least. But it's not my main business for sure. But I like it anyway;) It's time to buy PC parts now anyway.
I often buy goods from AliExpress, coz it's convenient and cheap. When I was in China I bought almost all stuff from Taobao.
Yes I buy almost everything online. Whenever there is something I would like to purchase, I look for online stores where my desired item is available. Just buy it. However there are sometimes I don't buy. May be when I want to check the items physically from a physical store. I just visit if it's near my house.

Online purchase is preferrable for me most of the times.
Most of us probably get paid online through methods like paypal, payoneer, etc, which makes it easy to end up buying stuff online. I personally do it a lot, especially buying tablets to sell them locally for twice their price :p
Absolutely. 80% of my big purchases are made online.
I am not really into online shopping. Bought a xiaomi laptop online about a year ago and wasn't really pleased with the customer service. Anyway, after reading the guide on wallet shopping decided to give online shopping another shot to get a nice wallet. Now I have too many credit cards, more than pockets lol.