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Do you buy online?

I buy things online but it's really not the most convenient way to buy thing if it is not digital goods. It's really advantageous because you can buy things that you may not be able to find in your location, but if you need to return the goods for some reason, then you will face more difficulties.

So if I need to buy things, I check to see if I can find it in my location first, then if not found, I buy from online.
Of course, I often shop online. I believe that shopping online in the 21st century is the best way to purchase quality branded items and not waste your time. I want to share my experience with you. Now there are a lot of shops scammers and you can be deceived. I advise you to choose only the popular stores for online shopping. You can use and it will help you find the top online stores in your region.
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I do online shopping pretty often. I'd gladly do it all the time, but then i would just be a prisoner in my own house :eek: That's why I force myself to go to regular shops at least once a week :D
I also buy on Aliexpress, sometimes I order equipment in the online store, I also buy shoes, because I have problems with my legs, which are expressed in the fact that I have flat feet and therefore standard shoes are not very suitable for me, so I have to buy online, because there’s nowhere to be found in the store, at least in my city :(
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According to the Natural Herbs Clinic, Polycythemia vera is a category of TCM Syndromes and stasis syndrome. Polycythemia vera (PV) is a clonal chronic myeloproliferative disease of hematopoietic stem cells. The onset of Polycythemia vera is insidious and progresses slowly. There are several of Natural Remedies for Polycythemia Vera that helps in reduces the symptoms of Polycythemia vera. It usually goes through the following two stages of progress: ① Proliferation or erythrocytosis often has erythrocytosis; ② In the later stage of erythrocytosis, whole blood cells decrease, extramedullary hematopoiesis, hepatosplenomegaly, and hypersplenism and bone marrow fibrosis. Bleeding and thrombosis are the two main clinical manifestations of Polycythemia vera, and a few patients can progress to acute leukaemia.Herbal Treatment for Polycythemia Vera can reduce risks and symptoms.
Yes i bought stuff online. Lately i didn't bought anything.

Some of the items i have purchased online
- Phones
- Sim Cards
- Shirts
- Hardware
- Gadgets
- etc

The only thing that i didn't do was register as an affiliate and win the commission for the bought items.
I prefer buying things onine than going to the store to get them. Ever since I was introduced to it I became hooked. When shoping online we get a lot of different options to chose from that makes it very interesting. With in just 10 minutes you can have so many items in your cart at a very affordable price. What I like most is the discounts especially on tech stuff. If you need a pc for your trading neeeds whether forex or binary trading then you can get a really good one at an affordable price online.
Now, In 2020 you would ask "Do you buy offline? " :D
I think 80% of my things, devices etc are bought in internet.
But, there is an item which is hard to find in a good quality if you want to buy in internet - sunglasses. If you want, I can share my experience with one american company.
Not really. I have maybe 3 stores that I trust shopping online and having a high success rate. Even then I’m only successful because I’m very conservative when picking items.
Definitely! It saves you so much time which you'd spend by roaming through random places to find all the items you're looking for.
The one thing I don't like buying online is clothes or shoes. Specially shoes as the size can vary by design.
Yes I do.
Especially more private purchases, I'd prefer to do online rather than in a store. I don't know why but buying underwear (for example) offline is the most awkward thing to do imo.
Well, sure I do especially since the pandemic outbreak resticted me from freely going anywhere I go. There is a bunch of shops I usually use to order something I need online.
I reckon I buy around 90%+ of all of my items online, and most of them from Amazon. I even use the Amazon subscription service to get some basic household items delivered automatically every month. The only thing I try not to buy online is clothes, because I like to try them before buying.
The only thing I try not to buy online is clothes, because I like to try them before buying.

That's the reason I haven't ordered any shoes or boots. I feel that I need to try them on first to make sure they fit and are comfortable.

Most everything else, I'll order, especially since the pandemic. For non-groceries, mostly from Amazon.

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