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Dot info or 6 Year old Domain?


New Member
I am presently debating on if I should throw my web site on this new exact keyword match .info domain I bought recently, or leave it on my half matched keyword domain of almost 7 years old. Would appreciate any suggestions SEO wize which you think is best? Which option carries more weight as a ranking factor?

an old domain has a greater chances of having a high page rank. This is because the site is already established, therefore, you don't need to promote it that much.
Think about it this way - how many times have you googled something and the first few results were .info? Rarely, if ever. I'd go with your older one, whether it's .com,.net,.org, I never work with .info, it just doesn't have the clout that other extensions have.
As seoptimized said - how many info sites do u see at the top of the serp's? Not many, very very few.

Not only is your 7 year old domain better because it's a com compared to an info, but as others mentioned a 7 year old domain carries weight in rankings. No doubt you should go with the 7/Yo com site - easy decision for you. I recommend not even using info sites for anything that matters no matter what kind of keywords you got in there.