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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

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Is it possible to drive traffic to maximum and win Range Rover Vogue in the final race of the Formula Everad contest? For sure! Was it a fortune or an extremely well-deserved award? We`ll find out from the success story!

This Thursday, July 29th, the Family team – Range Rover Vogue owners will share their experience! They will also tell how to become the winner and get the most luxurious car of the contest.


- secrets and tips from our winners

- offers you should choose to become a TOP affiliate

- what about the next contest?

+ you have a chance to win a merch item for the best question!

Let`s meet! July 29th, Kyiv/Moscow 4 PM, Youtube Everad

Listen to success story and take an example from top affiliates! Become a TOP affiliate!
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Everad is taking part in the MAC AWARDS and has been nominated in The Best Nutra Affiliate Network category. Support us with your vote!

How to vote:
- visit and register
- find EVERAD in the Best Nutra Affiliate Network category and make your choice
- press the Vote button

The results will be announced soon on October 6th during MAC afterparty!

Make your choice! Vote for Everad!
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Let`s spend this Thursday together! Push all your affairs aside and join us during the stream! Our guest is Chief Business Development Officer at Kadam, Sergiy Sergienko!

We will discuss:

how to get enough profit working with Ads Showcase Widget and Native Ads
how to use all opportunities for Campaign optimization
how to buy enough high-quality traffic
recommendations to prevent fraud and bot traffic
case studies and anti-case studies
Kadam turns 9! Main achievements and future plans

Prepare your own questions! You may get $100 on your balance for the best and most interesting question!

Don`t miss it! Thursday, August 19th, at 4 PM Kyiv/Moscow time (GMT+2) Youtube Everad
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Don’t miss the hot summer promotion from Everad and our partners! It’s available for webmasters from all over the world. Promotion is limited in time so be the first among affiliates!

What do we offer?

From Everad you’ll get a payouts boost on top offers and geos. For example:
  • Health of the organs of vision — bump up to $28 ($18 by default)
  • Men’s Health — bump up to $28 ($22 by default)
  • Joints Health — bump up to $33 ($24 by default)
What about bonuses from partners?
  • MGID gives a 30% first deposit bonus to launching advertising campaigns in Europe
  • Voluum gives -30% off ad tracker
  • Spyover gives 30% discount on Professional and Corporate plans by promo code
  • Binom gives 40% discount on 2nd month and the first month you will get for FREE by promo code
Do you wanna proofs? Read profitable cases from Everad affiliates, get inspired and achieve amazing results.

Register, take all the bonuses and become the TOP of the industry!
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Everad is accused of scam: what is really happening and who is standing behind it

On Youtube, on affiliate marketing forums, in the comments to our publications in social networks and in the social networks of our friends and partners, publications began to appear in which Everad is accused in scam and cheating people for money. This information has been actively pushed for the last 3 days and even sent to the PM members.

What is the essence of the accusations

The accuser is actively spreading publications that Everad allegedly has a second support account for advertisers on behalf of which it requires an initial monetary contribution, and after receiving it denies its involvement in the account.

In this material, the whole situation has been broken down into points to help you figure out what really happened.

Please read the information so as not to become a victim of scammers and once again we remind you that our only official support channel is @Everad_Support.

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Everad is accused of scam: what is really happening and who is standing behind it

We had a few of them show up and post here as well as emailing us on many of our accounts. We were able to verify that the claims were false and removed the posts and threads early on, the same day with most.


It's been known to happen for many years that posers will be able to create scam names and rip off your accounts/clients for money.

company_name_admin or some functionary --collections --info --manager, etc.

Anyone sharp, will ask that any information/request be sent to them by that company's domain email server
check the email headers and the MX or TXT entries in the domain's DNS to make sure it is legit.
Case: $9,000 profit per month on a top offer in Poland

Poland is ideal for a confident start in affiliate marketing. Explore a profitable case from Everad webmasters, read recommendations and get profit.

Offer: Vermixin

Niche: Parasitic infestation

Geo: Poland

Affiliate program: Everad

Period: 03/27/2022 – 04/27/2022

Spent: $7657

Earned: $16,584

Profit: $8927

ROI: 116.59%

Traffic Source: Facebook

Creatives used:

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In our case, the creatives that showed themselves the best were those that schematically depicted internal organs, the anatomy of the body, and possible parasites that can inhabit the human body. Images of unusual things/fruits/objects/colorful liquids also worked well. We worked with both static and video.

Used that text : “Pasożyty ludzkie – jak szybko i skutecznie się ich pozbyć”

Statistics and results:

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  • Treatments for parasitic infestations, joint care and women’s health are among the most popular niches in Poland. If we analyze the target audience, then we may say that they are adults who are ready to pay for solving their problems: 35+; men and women (50/50). This should be taken into consideration when launching your advertising companies.
  • The Poles are pleased us with a high percentage of the purchase of goods, but they do not like to buy many goods at the same time. As a result, the average check will not be high.
  • It should be taken into account that in Poland there is a large percentage of the Russian-speaking population with a mentality inherent in the CIS countries. So it will be easier for those who have worked with this region to find a common language with their target audience.
  • It is better to do all creatives in Polish. Translators from the Everad team will help you with translations for free and promptly, as well as tell you about creatives and funnels.
  • According to the statistics of our partners, the approval on most offers is 54-61% (depending on the traffic source). Rates for our top partners reach up to $38.
Don’t stop at one niche! There are slightly more women in Poland than men, so women’s topics of offers: leg vein health and women’s health are always in the top.


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We had a few of them show up and post here as well as emailing us on many of our accounts. We were able to verify that the claims were false and removed the posts and threads early on, the same day with most.


Thank you for understanding and removing information compromising us!
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Mexico is one of the most profitable geos in Latham. This geo definitely deserves your attention. Here’s why:
  • Mexicans are impulsive people. They are very cheerful, and all of them love to celebrate holidays. They are very leisurely and do not like fuss, although they are an emotional nation.
  • The official language is Spanish.
  • Basically, all purchases are made by Mexicans on the phone, which we always consider when creating landings and promos.
  • The local people are very generous and tend to overspend, which has a very positive effect on approval.
  • Health-themed offers work great. The top includes “Weight Control” – an idle lifestyle that pushes Mexicans and Mexican women to resort to simpler ways of mindfulness of their bodies!
  • Facebook is the leader among social networks in Mexico and therefore is the #1 source in this geo.
  • Top teams are successfully working in Mexico, but I would like to note the success of our affiliate, who specializes in the Slimming niche. He successfully run traffic to Chile and copied the approach to the Mexican target audience. From the first day of the start, the geo made 80 leads, then optimized the target audience by age and reached a stable volume of 100-120 daily (the geo is capacious enough, which allows it to be cast for more than one month with excellent profit).
  • You can peep Creo ideas in the spy services or ask your manager, set up the target audience with region exceptions, and boldly launch.
  • Geo is suitable for those who switched from the CIS to the bourgeois — the same texts work in Creo, but the pictures need to be replaced with Mexican motifs.
The size of payouts and geo opportunities will lead to a guaranteed profit:
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels – up to $ 22
  • Health of the cardiovascular system – up to $ 20
  • Women’s Health – up to $16
  • Prostate health – up to $17
We believe that Mexico is definitely worth paying attention to. The Latham market is still not overheated by a large number of affiliates, which reduces the cost of leads. Please write to your manager, they will always tell you about Creo and funnels.

Case: ROI 252% with a nutra offer for Romania

We introduce you the case for Oculax offer for Romania. More cases from Everad affiliates you can find here.

Offer: Oculax

Niche: Vision health

Geo: Romania

Affiliate program: Everad

Period: 03/03/2022 – 04/24/2022

Spent: 10804$ (tightened spend from the screen + spend from accounts that were on checks)

Earned: 38045$

Profit: 27241$

ROI: 252%

Traffic Source: Facebook

Creatives used:

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Our affiliates tested different creatives and approaches, but the creatives with the image of eyes were the best to convert: tired, bloodshot eyes and eyes during medical procedures. Static pictures worked well.

Used that text “Spuneti adio ochelarilor. Restaurați pentru totdeauna fără operative” and “Spuneți adio ochelarilor. Vederea ta va fi de 100 de ori mai bună până dimineața”.

Statistics and results:

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  • We can say that the main client in Romania is a man 45+. In our situation, maintaining the health of the organs of vision is equally interested in both men and women who spend a lot of time at the computer or notice the first signs of blurred vision while reading or watching TV.
  • Advertising is best run in Romanian. If you need a translation, the guys from Everad will help and do it quickly and completely free of charge.
  • Romanians like to buy goods with a course and, accordingly, the average bill is quite high.
  • The “vision health” niche is great for beginners and you will get decent results from the very first launches.
  • With a stable volume, your manager will be happy to offer even more favorable conditions for cooperation.
  • Our Romania is one of the strongest geos on the market. We advise you to try other offers and niches as well, here they convert equally well on all traffic sources. The rates of top affiliates reach $40, the approvals reach 60-65%.
  • Rates and opportunities in Romania are impressive!

Do you want the same profit? Leave a request and soon your personal manager will knock on your door.