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Every 1000$/day start with simple action

hello every body i am starting new campaign after geting some tips from you my friend, thanks to all friends that give advises its help me very much.

I ask from my AM offer with a payout under 1.5$ then i got that:

Total budget of testing : 50$
Number of days of testing: 6 day
daily budget: 8$
Vertical: Sweepstakes
LP: 4 landers (i will add 3 LPs later, i am waiting for translation)
Pay out:0.8€

This is the result after one day:


- I star with all 4 lps but saw that es2 and es4 are got to 10k impression without conversion then i cut the traffic to them.

- I have one profitable lp and losing one with conversion, i think i am going stop the traffic to es1 too.

- I am going to wait for more data to see if there is a pattern to do optimization!

- as i said before i will add 3 lps that has good CTRs on the other campaigns but i waiting for translation it took time.

note: I know that there is "one hour translation" that translate very quickly but its expansive to me, i found by IamAtila good company translate by half money, its took half day but for now it good for me.

Translations by Native Speakers at Transey

wish me good luck :)
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I had got some data and i want to share with you my friends :


My last actions:

* I got translations on 3 LPs that i wait and upload them, i will wait for more data to see if they are good to me.
* I think that i had enough conversion to try to optimize then i saw something interesting.


This data remind me my last conclusion on last offer and again i ask myself is it right to target the traffic only to tablet?

Note: Everyday we learn yesterday when i read one of the posts of Servandosilva it change my state of mind, i understood that if i want to succeed as affiliate i have to be as a child that play a game:

First time of the game you try to win your friends but its new to you then you loose again and again but after some tricks that you learn you get improvements, you still loosing but it start to be hard to win you!
the most important thing to do is to test and try things, i understood that every stupid idea can get me to my goal, the problem of mine before was that i didn't try to test them!

next step:
* I will target to tablet and see the result
* I will take my good lp and try to change the image to see if it will improve my RIO.
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The last two day I had a little smile at the end of the days

The reason is:


This is my first profit :D:);)

here the conclusions of the campaign until now:

Invest: 61$
Conversions: 56
Revenue: 44.8€
Profit: -16.3$


Now its the most interesting day for me, as you see i have 3 profitable LPs:
* One of them is my old LP with 29 conversions (es03).
* One with the best RIO is the same angle but other image (es03-3).
* One i took the old lp and upload it on VPS hosting (es03-1-vps).

as you see my friends i try things without knowing what i am do but i try thing and learn from that if its good or not!

Now i will need your help my friends, when i will get profitable day what the next step to get max profit with this offer?
great work @yosef now you have to optimize your campaign like : remove LP they don't have green ROI and evry thing he don't convert will like : os and desktop or mobile or tablet or browser and wifi or 3g and maybe even the time of runing the campaign after that you see the result if you get profitable campaign you can scale evry thing up,
good luck
Hello @yosef I second that - you're doing an excellent job learning how the aff. marketing biz works, along with gathering data and optimizing campaigns. I have a few recommendations:

Switch out to a higher paying offer of a relatively similar vertical and geo. Feel free to switch to another tier-1 country such as UK or Canada - or the US provided the bids aren't too fierce. Or switch to another offer of a similar vertical that's reletively as easy to convert such as CPI / app install, which yet also pays more. If you can't find an offer you're looking for, search for one on the likes of OfferVault (if this is not allowed to be mentioned please let me know and I will edit it out), then you may join another affiliate network that has the offer(s) you sought.

Also I may be interested in Zeropark, so please keep us posted on your progress, with these tips or other success! I would really love to read about your progress, or even failure! Thanks
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Also @Don Boyka or anybody else

I'm just getting back into the affiliate gig after a few years away. I'm interested to know about Zeropark such as: how is conversion quality, cost effectiveness, which traffic methods are working (mobile, web search, redirects, etc.)?

Or if you would recommend another ad agency? I'm doing mostly CPI (mobile) game apps, CPA (web) casino & sweeps related, and some adult dating offers. Thanks much!!
Hi Don,

Good luck with the offer. Regarding sweepstakes I would recommend email marketing blasts, facebook or poptraffic. Zeropark isnt the best traffic source for sweeps. Its very saturated.
Invest: 112$
Conversions: 18
Revenue: 45$
Profit: -67$

this is gonna get hard to get profitable with the current set up. I'd test a few more banners and landers but if no improvement is coming fast, I'd pull the plug and move on to the next offer.

A lot of affiliates make the mistake of sticking for way too long to a money losing campaign. You need to develop a cut-off rule for yourself and follow this in a very disciplined way
@yosef nice reads on your post. I admire your dedication. I'm learning from you to do testing campaigns with different LP. I see progress in your actions. keep it up to your goal $1000/day. Cheers!
Try some astrology/psychic offers or pin submits in the UK. Those are very specific verticals that can easily reach +1K/day with the right traffic sources.

Go to and sign up as Publisher in order to get access to our top offers in these verticals. We'll even double the first 500$ you make.