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interesting now change your banners and landing Page every 24 Hour, so that the campaign can't be stolen :)
don't change the angle just change some thing in the source code so that the spy tools will think it's a new campaign :) :):):):):):) this is the only why you can clock some smart spy tools :)
because when people see your campaign running for more then 4 days, they will know it's winning angle, then they will copy you:) , and your profits will go down :)
That is interesting. As i don't know how spy tools works - what is needed to change to make them think it is a new landing page even though it is not and it will still look the same for visitors?

How about using 3 or 4 landing pages, and rotate them with a php script? I could even give you a hand setting this up!
Hell yeah!


This was the sight I woke up to, after just 5 hours of running this campaign, it's already in the $100/day profit.

It took me over 6 months to get here, but now I'm here and I got you all to thank for, because I couldn't have made this alone!

Just read all the above posts and this seems very interesting, I am sure I will be able to apply this successfully to my GEO however i just have one slight issue which is setting up the lander page.

I know how to download and edit the page however how do I implement the page on my chosen domain? Any tips on this?
Just read all the above posts and this seems very interesting, I am sure I will be able to apply this successfully to my GEO however i just have one slight issue which is setting up the lander page.

I know how to download and edit the page however how do I implement the page on my chosen domain? Any tips on this?

You need to have a server, a VPS will do in the beginning, check out digitalocean they got some good quality and prices when starting out. You upload your landing pages via FTP (I use filezilla) and you point your domain to this server.
Just read all the above posts and this seems very interesting, I am sure I will be able to apply this successfully to my GEO however i just have one slight issue which is setting up the lander page.

I know how to download and edit the page however how do I implement the page on my chosen domain? Any tips on this?
check and that's will not be a problem any more.
You need to have a server, a VPS will do in the beginning, check out digitalocean they got some good quality and prices when starting out. You upload your landing pages via FTP (I use filezilla) and you point your domain to this server.
check and that's will not be a problem any more.

Thank you both for your suggestions and advice, will read them intensively!
Hi comegetbravo,

I signed up with your referal links and I would be glad, if you could send me a PM with your skype id for a chat. :)

Thank you,