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Free traffic sources

Which is the best free traffic sources for cpa offers?

  • Social media; possibilities are endless here, must of the web uses Social media — YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
  • SEO- create a website, or blog, or something similar, and optimize it for SEO.
  • Email Marketing
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Which is the best free traffic sources for cpa offers?

Hi! We will not advise some particular network but tell you the parameters that important to pay attention to while choosing push ad network:
  • The size of the subscription base.
  • The quality of traffic.
  • Top verticals of the network.
  • If the network has in-page push notifications or not.
  • Options of conversion tracking.
  • Available targeting options.
  • Possibility to limit clicks and impressions.
  • Optimization technologies.
  • Tech support.
This is now 24hrs i have been running a CPA campaign from ad lock media on ez mob. I can see I am getting traffic on my website but I am not seeing any clicks at ad lock media. I am using google analytics for tracking.
This is now 24hrs i have been running a CPA campaign from ad lock media on ez mob. I can see I am getting traffic on my website but I am not seeing any clicks at ad lock media. I am using google analytics for tracking.

sort of late :(
IDK *why* The traffic is no good;
  1. non-human traffic
  2. low grade offer
  3. slow loading website
These are some possibilities --how these might apply to your situation; again --IDK
  1. slow loading website

Fast-forwards to May 2021, this forum will be full of people moaning their websites just got de-ranked by Google and they lose all traffic plus commission (my heart bleeds :p)
It will be people with slow loading & mobile-unfriendly websites
I'm subscribe to all Google search podcasts, YT channels, blogs
Core Web Vitals is big change coming to Google algorithm (May 2021)
I have start to check new Core Web Vitals tab in Google Search Console
Next more I focus more to correct all the 'errors'
Which is the best free traffic sources for cpa offers?

Best free traffic sources for CPA:

• Social media; possiblities are endless here, must of the web uses Social media — YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. The trick is to market smart here, don’t direct post your links, you’ll likely find your account banned.

• SEO; create a website, or blog, or something similar, and optimize it for SEO. Search engines, again, are used by most of the internet.

• Content marketing; you can create content for a number of platforms, not just social media ones. Many sites allow guest posts, or contributions; create good content, post it to popular sites, generate CPA traffic.

• Bing Ads - PPC search, and content network traffic - affiliate friendly and can be very affordable with as low as $25 to start.

• Google Adwords - Not very friendly to affiliates when it comes to direct promotion, but if you can create excellent websites and lead capture forms with sales funnels it can work

Here are other alternatives:






7.Blog commenting on high traffic website

8. Forums related to your niche

I hope these tips help you and those who read this message.
It all depends on the vertical. For gambling offers, YouTube streams work well. There are at least 5 channels that still exist thanks to the partner network using them