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Ask Me Anything Generating conversions from Mobile Traffic

You have said you have done well with voucher offers that are soi, but don't these offers scrub hard like regular email submits? Also, what mobile network do you suggest for these kind of offers? I assume its going to be some pop up ad network. thanks

Yes, I have done very well promoting voucher offers that are SOI in INTERNATIONAL countries (non english) they are not "email" submit offers the user has to fill in several fields. I have not had many issues with scrubbing. This could probably be because these types offers are relatively new to INTERNATIONAL countries (non english).

I will not reveal specific traffic sources, but the types of traffic that has performed well with these offers are

Domain traffic

You can find these offers on good affiliate networks like F5 Media, Mundo Media and Click Dealer.
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I speak a language that is spoken in 3 countries. One of the countries has a higher cost and more volume. Should I try to optimize my app install campaign on the cheaper with less traffic countries first or jump straight into the big one?
Ive tried sweeps on pops in the past and didnt have much luck, What is the best advice you could give me to get these camps into the green?
I'm trying to get a realistic view on what profits and spend I need in order to make my time worthwhile. I understand profits is the main indicator of any campaign (not just ROI).

To keep it simple, if my goal is to make $3,000 a month profits in mobile at a 50% ROI, then I have to spend $6,000.

I understand ROI may vary, (but I can't seem to find a benchmark for mobile) I was wondering what would be considered a reasonable ROI to work off in mobile to determine my monthly spend?

(I'm unsure if it helps if I give you verticals - dating and sweepstakes)

Thanks again for your help.

1.) When is the right time to scale a campaign to other traffic source? My point is I'm using Zeropark as my primary traffic source. After testing and optimising, I'm still at -30% ROI. Should i continue to optimise till i break even or profit then scale to other traffic source with bigger volume?? What if i'm unable to optimise till positive ROI, does that mean the campaign is not profitable?

2.) Can i run a campaign that does not allow ''adult traffic'' on plugrush??

I'm trying to get a realistic view on what profits and spend I need in order to make my time worthwhile. I understand profits is the main indicator of any campaign (not just ROI).

To keep it simple, if my goal is to make $3,000 a month profits in mobile at a 50% ROI, then I have to spend $6,000.

I understand ROI may vary, (but I can't seem to find a benchmark for mobile) I was wondering what would be considered a reasonable ROI to work off in mobile to determine my monthly spend?

(I'm unsure if it helps if I give you verticals - dating and sweepstakes)

Thanks again for your help.

I don't really understand what you mean by "realistic profits and spend".

ROI various wildly from campaign to campaign depending on many, many different factors but i would say anything above 50% is a grate ROI but you can also have a campaign that has a 25% ROI but can be massively scaled making that 25% ROI very good as well.

1.) When is the right time to scale a campaign to other traffic source? My point is I'm using Zeropark as my primary traffic source. After testing and optimising, I'm still at -30% ROI. Should i continue to optimise till i break even or profit then scale to other traffic source with bigger volume?? What if i'm unable to optimise till positive ROI, does that mean the campaign is not profitable?

2.) Can i run a campaign that does not allow ''adult traffic'' on plugrush??


I normally don't scale a campaign until it is profitable on one traffic source first.

If you feel you have optimized the campaign as best you can and are still in a negative ROI then I would suggest you start playing around with the copy and images on your landing page. I new image or copy variation can turn a negative campaign to a profitable one quite easily.

If you want, but you obviously risk getting told to stop promoting the offer if your affiliate network finds out.
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I want to ask is there any javascript libraries that I can put in my landers to detect specfic mobile device models? I researched and had difficulties searching for the script.

I am in the middle of optimisation and wish to optimise my LPs to show their mobile device models.
For example:
( Your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is xxxxxxxxxxx )


This thread inspired me a lot :)

Today, I tested 4 angles for CPI offer (direct link), $5 for each angle (payout $0.5). Those campaigns not finished yet.
Can you tell me how to decide which angle that I should cut and which angle should I continue to optimize?
What numbers that you use to determine which angle is good or bad?
Hey Man -

I feel like im becoming a regular on this thread lol,

Im researching different optimization strategies, If you don't mind sharing, What would be your typical optimization strategy for a campaign on something like PR?
Dear CMA,

Where once the precedence, select demographic or offer first?

for example you choose to promote whatsapp upgrade, why did you choose it?


I want to ask is there any javascript libraries that I can put in my landers to detect specfic mobile device models? I researched and had difficulties searching for the script.

I am in the middle of optimisation and wish to optimise my LPs to show their mobile device models.
For example:
( Your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is xxxxxxxxxxx )


I don't know if there are any javascript libraries you can use to do that.

I use Voluum to pass those variables to my landing page..

This thread inspired me a lot :)

Today, I tested 4 angles for CPI offer (direct link), $5 for each angle (payout $0.5). Those campaigns not finished yet.
Can you tell me how to decide which angle that I should cut and which angle should I continue to optimize?
What numbers that you use to determine which angle is good or bad?

You should cut the poorest converting angles. If you have no conversions cut the angles with the poorest CTR and try using a landing page for the angle with the best CTR.
Hey Man -

I feel like im becoming a regular on this thread lol,

Im researching different optimization strategies, If you don't mind sharing, What would be your typical optimization strategy for a campaign on something like PR?

With PR I cut poor performing targets first. There will be a lot of them so I suggest you start building a blacklist to use in future as this will save you money and time.

Second I uncheck poor performing traffic sources , for example tube traffic might be doing great but blogs not, so i would uncheck the option for blog traffic in order to stop receiving that type of traffic

Third I unchek poor performing OS BUT only after I have tried improving my landing page and am sure it is the OS that is not performing as once you start unchecking OS versions you start cutting into available volume.

Also make sure to set up a global offer redirect to send all the unwanted international traffic you get from PR to a relevant offer.
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Dear CMA,

Where once the precedence, select demographic or offer first?

for example you choose to promote whatsapp upgrade, why did you choose it?


I don't pick "demographics". I pick a region for example south america and a vertical that has wide appeal like whats-app offers or sweepstakes to promote in that region .
Could you tell me name of SOI offers which gave you profit in past and now not working?

Unfortunately not as i have had to spend money to gather that data.

However if you take a look at the weekly EPC reports from networks such as ClickDealer, F5 Media and Mundo you will see what type of SOI offers are performing well.
Hi cashmoneyaffiliate,

Mighty nice of you to offer your expertise. I'll private message you a question regarding best SaaS mobile platforms for networks. Thanks!