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Hi Taiwo recently read you blog i like it is really good not many cool blog as yours you can find on net.I like yours writing style.Keep a good work.

Can you give me few tips about promoting cpi on zero park?
Here is my case:
global offer
app install
Pays: 0.22

I'm planing to advertise on zero park (pop traffic)for tier 3 countries.Is it smart to go for it on Zeropark (Now)?could be zero park still good for (antiviruses) type of offer? as i notice on WRW all traffic runs from Admob.
But paying Google 0.04 per click and offer pays only 0.22 can't see how can i be profitable with that on ad mob?
I would appreciate your help.
Hi Taiwo recently read you blog i like it is really good not many cool blog as yours you can find on net.I like yours writing style.Keep a good work.

Can you give me few tips about promoting cpi on zero park?
Here is my case:
global offer
app install
Pays: 0.22

I'm planing to advertise on zero park (pop traffic)for tier 3 countries.Is it smart to go for it on Zeropark (Now)?could be zero park still good for (antiviruses) type of offer? as i notice on WRW all traffic runs from Admob.
But paying Google 0.04 per click and offer pays only 0.22 can't see how can i be profitable with that on ad mob?
I would appreciate your help.

Yes Zeropark is still a good traffic source to get started on.

There are a lot of affiliates still making money on Zeropark running utility offers.

$0.22 is a low payout so you will need a landing page with a very good CTR around 30% to 40% which should not be to difficult as you will be targeting 3rd tier GEO's.
Hi Taiwoo , what kind of ctr would you expect running banners on go2mobi ? i mean what to aim for.. ( before opt and after. )
Txs in advance.. Hope you had a good time over here in thai :)

Thanks for the help.

Can a mobile CPA network (like clickdealer) reject me during the application process because of lack of experience? I am beginner and just want to be sure. I currently signed up for clickdealer and awaiting phone verification.

Do you have any recommendations for getting affiliate application approved?

Thank you very much.
Last edited:
thank you for all
1) my question why need domain and VPS?
2) you said that direct link not work for you - so what yes work for you? bridge page?
Thank you
thank you for all
1) my question why need domain and VPS?
2) you said that direct link not work for you - so what yes work for you? bridge page?
Thank you

1) So you can use your own landing page to promote mobile CPA offers.

2) It has worked in the past but a landing page normally always performs better in my experience.
1) So you can use your own landing page to promote mobile CPA offers.

2) It has worked in the past but a landing page normally always performs better in my experience.

Hello CMA,

1.I don't know why there's no conversions after 200-300 clicks on my banner for a small utility tool.
I'm currently running offers on startapp and noticed traffic from certain "app" has 2-300 clicks without single conversion for a top 1 utility tool on google play(Comments are all 5 stars,100m installs),and the amount of this type of "app" are more than I've expected.I don't have any clue why people choose to click my banner and visit google play and then choose to leave,for more than 200-300 times,can you shed some light on this?

2.Landing page
The cpi offer I'm working with pays me 0.35 per install , conversion rate is 1% so I have a negative ROI,it seems it is because I'm directly linking to the android market and it doesn't work out for me?Regarding the landing page type of thing,is it really can improve the CR for small size free utility tools?If so I'm gonna have a try on that.

3.How can I reduce click loss
As you mentioned a landing page can increase the CR by 20-30%?That is incredibly unbelievable , one thing that concerned me the most is click loss would be considerable as of now my direct link from banner to tracking system has already reached to 30% click loss rate and by adding another landing page I'm afraid my profits will end up being eaten by click loss.

4.Remnant traffic and premium traffic
One of my friend told me once you buy traffic from AD network,you are gonna have to tell your AM that you wanna buy premium traffic,not remnant traffic.I always bid the lowest bid from the system,does that mean the traffic quality ought to be bad?What's your advice for bidding in your perspective,should I bid from high to low,or should I bid from low to high?Reguarding the current 200-300 clicks without conversion I'm now concerning about the quality of my traffic.

5.Should I use black or white list?
I can blacklist the badly performed "app" but bad "app" continuously coming out it seems it is an endless work to keep going on.
Or should I choose a dozen of highly performed "app" which means I use a white list and let off the potential highly performed "app" which haven't come out in my sight?

Thank you in advance!
Hey CMA,

I've begun my journey with redirect traffic. As part of the process of turning a campaign into profits, I understand moving profitable domains to their own campaign is required when running RON. My question is at what point do you pause redirect domains which are poor performing in RON? Do you pause when a domain has an x amount of views? Or pause it when it has x amount of $ spent on it?

Is there a rule you use?
Hello CMA,

1.I don't know why there's no conversions after 200-300 clicks on my banner for a small utility tool.
I'm currently running offers on startapp and noticed traffic from certain "app" has 2-300 clicks without single conversion for a top 1 utility tool on google play(Comments are all 5 stars,100m installs),and the amount of this type of "app" are more than I've expected.I don't have any clue why people choose to click my banner and visit google play and then choose to leave,for more than 200-300 times,can you shed some light on this?

2.Landing page
The cpi offer I'm working with pays me 0.35 per install , conversion rate is 1% so I have a negative ROI,it seems it is because I'm directly linking to the android market and it doesn't work out for me?Regarding the landing page type of thing,is it really can improve the CR for small size free utility tools?If so I'm gonna have a try on that.

3.How can I reduce click loss
As you mentioned a landing page can increase the CR by 20-30%?That is incredibly unbelievable , one thing that concerned me the most is click loss would be considerable as of now my direct link from banner to tracking system has already reached to 30% click loss rate and by adding another landing page I'm afraid my profits will end up being eaten by click loss.

4.Remnant traffic and premium traffic
One of my friend told me once you buy traffic from AD network,you are gonna have to tell your AM that you wanna buy premium traffic,not remnant traffic.I always bid the lowest bid from the system,does that mean the traffic quality ought to be bad?What's your advice for bidding in your perspective,should I bid from high to low,or should I bid from low to high?Reguarding the current 200-300 clicks without conversion I'm now concerning about the quality of my traffic.

5.Should I use black or white list?
I can blacklist the badly performed "app" but bad "app" continuously coming out it seems it is an endless work to keep going on.
Or should I choose a dozen of highly performed "app" which means I use a white list and let off the potential highly performed "app" which haven't come out in my sight?

Thank you in advance!

1. Experiment with a pre sell page.

2. Yes a landing page helps even with low pay out offers.

3. Get a good VPS, use a good tracker and make sure landing pages load fast.

4. Bid high to start with and adjust accordingly.

5. Black list. Only using a white list could result in campaigns burning out faster.