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Generating revenue from your site cool post

Damn! Well, glad you're feeling better.

Have you caught wind of all the directory/duplicate/scraper sites being banned by Google as of late?
Hell yes. It looks like they are being automatically pulled, then manually re-instated. I posted about Google haning in mid backlink update. Google seems to have updated all bar 4 of its datacentres, then they started stripping dodgy links. About time as well ;)
If someone want to copy it, OWG, you should be proud there is something great for copying. :)
Well, its okay for people to copy your stuff with your permission but without your permission that is ripping you off, should be frowned upon
I'm not kidding when I say people have copied my site, word for word, got all the same sponsors, and then tried to compete directly with me in the PPC venue. It only takes a 15 minute phone call, but again, I don't like time wasters.
Paul_KY said:
I'm not kidding when I say people have copied my site, word for word, got all the same sponsors, and then tried to compete directly with me in the PPC venue. It only takes a 15 minute phone call, but again, I don't like time wasters.

I agree totally with you. Did you take any action against the copycat?
Yeah, I called his sponsors, some who I knew at a personal level, and they dropped him from their program. Then I called him/her and asked if they'd like to proceed in the legal process. I never got a 'yes'. Every site was either taken down or completely redesigned.

The sad part is, most didn't even know what they were doing was wrong. I am not kidding.
That's the prob....there are many people out there that are confused when it comes to doing what is right? Or maybe they just dont care. Anyway, I sure wouldnt like to be in your shoes. But you are doing great. Keep it up, bro. :-D
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Thanks for details i have made around 50 posts in the last 50 days to a minimum of 50 forums and yet my webpage hasn't made profits instead the search result of my website has gone down in seo on a steady basis.I have tried everything possible to promote my affiliate programs but all i got in return was messages from forum administrators and moderators was threats getting banned infact i was on a daily basis.i would be extremely great ful if you suggest somer basic measures that might help me to generate traffic and revenue for my website
I think you need to improve the quality of your post and stop posting the same thing in may different forums and you will see your reputation and links from forums go up.
I'm assuming that there is good mileage in promoting the web site on the ground. In my case I serve a North Wales audience first and a world wide audience second, so it's fair to say that notices in shop windows, business cards and a little local press advertising is appropriate. I haven't done it yet.. I'm just assuming this would be advantageous. It might not turn out to be cost effective and as you rightly say, it all comes down to content in the end. If I haven't got that right, I'm flogging a dead horse.

My site is very labour intensive and like any other local media, it requires a great deal of expense, travel and editorial work to make it relevant. I don't have any budget for that since my site currently earns very little. What I have noticed is that it's difficult to promote a site even for free. The free reciprocal linking sites I have found are usually like me, not big players. The mere fact that they too are struggling for a good listing in Google (without paying for it) usually means they are not of the 'quality' that Google requires. Google states that one should have links inbound from 'quality and appropriate sites'. For one thing, I don't like the idea of showing links back to my competitors and if I link to a site that isn't considered 'appropriate' then Google will mark me down for this. Second, because most of the sites offering free reciprocal linking are usually at the poorer end of the scale, like me, Google doesn't see them as 'quality'. Similar issues exist in banner exchanges with the added difficulty that I have no control over the 'type' of banner being shown, and often the requirement is for the exchange banner (their banner) to be shown on my front page. I'm not happy about this because the last thing I want is to fill my front page with banners, the content of which I have no say about. (i.e. I don't want gambling ad's shown on my site). I'm also tired of seeing sites littered with 'ads by Google'. I once stated on a web site "Look... NO ad's by Google, now that's worth refreshing!", so you get my point.

Is reciprocal linking and banner exchange really a good way to go or should I bight the bullet and put some money aside for 'paid for' listings in Google and the likes because as I see it, I can't generate revenue from my site if nobody comes to see it , and getting this right is surely the first step in formulating a marketing strategy of any kind.

I enjoyed the advice of charging clients £20 a month for sponsorship. I've long tussled over what to charge and never yet found a coherant answer to this until I read your forum. Ask any sales rep and they will invent a rate card with optional extras and incentives. I just wanted a ball park figure and that's what I got here, with no nonsense, what if's and howevers. Thanks for that.