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Generating revenue from your site cool post

Hey, its OWG!! How are you, Mate? How is the Rugby site?

Mo money - Mo problems...


Who wants some SERIOUS game related traffic? If so, please PM me. The traffic is not cheap, but I promise you will be happy.
Ok, this may be flipped out, but I am TRYING to find people to copy my site!

I believe I have most of your ideas already incorporated into it, temi, but I want to multiply it. I would like to try to partner with some directories and pool resources. As you say, give something away and build it up slowly.

I have tried to explain it this way. They say "Content is King" and to a directory links are its content. Charging for links is like charging the writers of a newspaper. You might get away with it for a little while, until they learn that they can get paid for their work down the street.