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Google's Reversal on Blocking Third-Party Cookies


Well-Known Member
Google abandons its plan to block third-party cookies on its Chrome browser.
Google plans to introduce a new feature in Chrome that allows users to block third-party cookies.

I think 40% may block 3rd party tracking cookies in one form or another --so this is a reprieve and not a win.
Isn't their being unpredictable, predictable? Keeps people guessing. The new policy still has to be approved, apparently. longer track users individually
Will that give people warm fuzzies? I don't know, maybe they don't mind being tracked in other ways - regionally, as a group, whatever.

I've wondered for some time how affiliates who can make commission on 90 day cookies (for example) are potentially affected by the opt-out option. It would negate the purchase and hence commission. I guess.
Most 90 day return cookies are first party. This will have very little effect on those. Truth is many get deleted or are overwritten by the latest referral --that varies a lot.

These 3rd party cookies are many ad networks that track users; including Google and Facebook ad networks as an example.
hey arnold nicksplat GIF

The backstepping never gets old with those guys!

Baby Steps Dancing GIF
Google Chrome is really a hack browser!

look at the date!


I'm not surprised at all the W3C is in that corner. They have been a bit of a purist when it comes to the web. They would be happy to see all forms of commercial tracking eliminated.