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How do i do SEO research? I'm frustrated because it seems i can't do it right. I try to look up keywords in the Google Keyword Planner and i use some long-tail-keywords but get very little traffic. Can someone please critique my blog and see what might be wrong?

Your site actually doesn't look that bad! One thing I noticed when I visited your site was that when I scrolled down far enough, you had a pop-up for your eBook show but I was unable to click out of it and see the rest of your site. Did you do this intentionally so people couldn't see certain things unless they signed up for your offer?
Your site actually doesn't look that bad! One thing I noticed when I visited your site was that when I scrolled down far enough, you had a pop-up for your eBook show but I was unable to click out of it and see the rest of your site. Did you do this intentionally so people couldn't see certain things unless they signed up for your offer?

No i did not intentionally do that lol. I used Mailchimp and it was supposed to go away when you closed it. Thanks for reminding me. I'll try to fix it.
Your blog is on blogspot & it's also little slow to open. I suggest you to move on with .com domain and than try all your method.
we can get more traffic by the following of wight hate techniques that are submit useful content and use related keywords and use limited meta keywords. title don't exceed the 40 letters and content don't exceed the 1000 letters. regularly replay the comets.
we can get more traffic by the following of wight hate techniques that are submit useful content and use related keywords and use limited meta keywords. title don't exceed the 40 letters and content don't exceed the 1000 letters. regularly replay the comets.

Good advice. I'll try that.
Apart the ebook banner which can't be closed and the mailchimp banners which are too pushy, there are a few things to be noted:

- SEO is a long-term process which must be adapted constantly - forget 'overnight' results.

- Blogspot and Blogger are not really the addresses on which one expects quality and professional content. Move on to a pro-CMS like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or others, and also host your sites on your own webspace (rented or bought). That's what people may expect from a professional webpresence - blogspot however is more like buying a Porsche from a housewife (no offense against housewives, but they just are not experts for everything...).

- Use some SEO-plugins on the CMS, e.g. Yoast or Squirrly for WordPress - they guide you through the necessary SEO settings and then automatically take care of all the SEO stuff.

- Offer relevant, unique and high-quality content on your site - that's the most important factor for the SEO. Ask yourself: Why should people visit your site? - Certainly not for some cheap bla bla.

Once you fulfill the SEO requirements, you may hope for organic traffic... in a few months ;)
All the best :affiliatefix:
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Well i think you must be patient and work more learn more and traffic will come .Also i am not agree with blogger because its not your site its owned by google and if they want they can close it at any moment .You can work hard for 3 years for example and if you do a mistake the can close it and you will cry because you will lose all your hard work .Like 2 years ago i worked also in bloger and i was having like 400 visitors daily and i was also earning like 10 $ per day .In one day boom my blog was deleted .
Apart the ebook banner which can't be closed and the mailchimp banners which are too pushy, there are a few things to be noted:

- SEO is a long-term process which must be adapted constantly - forget 'overnight' results.

- Blogspot and Blogger are not really the addresses on which one expects quality and professional content. Move on to a pro-CMS like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or others, and also host your sites on your own webspace (rented or bought). That's what people may expect from a professional webpresence - blogspot however is more like buying a Porsche from a housewife (no offense against housewives, but they just are not experts for everything...).

- Use some SEO-plugins on the CMS, e.g. Yoast or Squirrly for WordPress - they guide you through the necessary SEO settings and then automatically take care of all the SEO stuff.

- Offer relevant, unique and high-quality content on your site - that's the most important factor for the SEO. Ask yourself: Why should people visit your site? - Certainly not for some random BS bla bla.

Once you fulfill the SEO requirements, you may hope for organic traffic... in a few months ;)
All the best :affiliatefix:

Thanks, great advice.
Well i think you must be patient and work more learn more and traffic will come .Also i am not agree with blogger because its not your site its owned by google and if they want they can close it at any moment .You can work hard for 3 years for example and if you do a mistake the can close it and you will cry because you will lose all your hard work .Like 2 years ago i worked also in bloger and i was having like 400 visitors daily and i was also earning like 10 $ per day .In one day boom my blog was deleted .

Wow i'm so sorry that happened to you. I realize now why Blogspot isn't good for making money. Patience is very important.
As I know that SEO techniques have 2 parts, that are:
1. On page SEO
2. Off page SEO

With Off page SEO, we have many ways to do, and here i know some ways as listed below
1. Forum Posting.
2. Directory Submission.
3. Article submission (Articles needs to provide)
4. Web 2.0 (Articles needs to provide)
5. Social Bookmarking
6. Search engine submit lac
7. Blog Comment
8. Ping
9. Wiki links
10. Guest Posting
11. Classified Posting etc

On-Page Search Engine Optimisation
1. Page Titles
2. Meta Descriptions
3. Meta Tags
4. URL Structure
5. Body Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.)
6. Keyword Density
7. Image SEO
8. Internal Linking

I hope this helps.
As I know that SEO techniques have 2 parts, that are:
1. On page SEO
2. Off page SEO

With Off page SEO, we have many ways to do, and here i know some ways as listed below
1. Forum Posting.
2. Directory Submission.
3. Article submission (Articles needs to provide)
4. Web 2.0 (Articles needs to provide)
5. Social Bookmarking
6. Search engine submit lac
7. Blog Comment
8. Ping
9. Wiki links
10. Guest Posting
11. Classified Posting etc

On-Page Search Engine Optimisation
1. Page Titles
2. Meta Descriptions
3. Meta Tags
4. URL Structure
5. Body Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.)
6. Keyword Density
7. Image SEO
8. Internal Linking

I hope this helps.

Thanks so much. I'll remember to use these in my SEO research.

As i see, you have no links pointing to your site.

You have to find place where you can put your links with good metrics. Then you will see rankings going up and more visits.

Try to submit your site on directories and also making Webprofile on some good sites wuth high autorithy.

If you want some good links for webprofile, you can PM me.
create a useful website. remove the bad backlinks. create a blog about user question and problem. optimise the content. make powerful internal links and control all S.E.O activities. then you can get more traffic for your website.
Why blogspot is bad for SEO:
1.) it's not your site, so you don't own the data
2.) subdomain is not valued for the keyword; for example for keyword "self defense" it would be more valuable to have ""
3.) domain is already authority for other terms, you are adding to the noise

Also for technical reasons :
1.) you are not in control of analytics
2.) you are not in control of backend (dns/backups/architecture)

If one could make money from free blogging websites like blogspot or wordpress subdomains, you would see these sites in your seo research. They can't, so no reason to try to compete on that level, imo. What you save in not paying for a domain, or legitimate hosting is costing you the entire contest.
How do i do SEO research?

Also, you may want to take care to be professional about everything you do. It may not seem like much, but not following proper syntax in your writing is key to some, & only leads to ignored rules elsewhere. It's an easy enough step to correctly & only helps you. Being edgy or purposely careless & misspelling words or using improper punctuation only hurts you.

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