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How to Be an Awesome Effective Affiliate Manager

  • Thread starter getoffersdirectdwayne
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How to Be an Awesome Effective Affiliate Manager

In this guide I want to share with you what I feel the best practises are to take when being an affiliate manager.

Being an Affiliate manager

I'm not going to lie - being an Affiliate Manager with Get Offers Direct is not the easiest responsibility in the world, but then again, that's why I love it so much...

Notice how I didn't use a word like "job" or "career" because in reality, it's not just that. It's something much, much more.

Every single day as an AM is filled with new challenges, whether it's helping publishers scale their CPA campaigns, looking for untapped traffic sources... you get the point...

...I could go on and on and on about how much I love what I do, but I'm not going to because it wouldn't do you nor I any good.

So I'll get to the point.

Below, I've listed a few meaningful factors I believe are essential in order for one to truly be an effective AM, and by no means are these the only qualities an AM should have.

Keep in mind that I personally don't have several years under my belt like some other Affiliate Managers...

... I don't know every single little thing that goes on in industry....

.... and by no means am I even the best AM around yet.

... In all honesty, I thought I might as well take the liberty of listing these attributes so you good folks here on CPAFix can see a potentially new perspective.

Without further ado, here are a few qualities and skills below that are needed to be fruitful AM.

1) Communication - As an Affiliate Manager, you're going to be managing tens, hundreds, or even thousands of publishers depending on how large your network is.

Are you ready to assist 1,000+ publishers Monday... Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday... Friday... Saturday and Sunday?

You better be.

Don't get me wrong, that's not to say that you can't have a life outside of AM, in fact, you most certainly can - it's all about time management. But understand that your publishers need YOU, and in order to have a profitable and successful affiliate network, you WILL need them.

Let your pubs know what you're up too. Let them know what's new on the network. Just keep them updated and you'll be rewarded with praise.

2) Clarity - Be clear in your responses and questions to publishers. To tell you the truth, I used to have that problem where I may jump the gun and say something that has not occurred yet even though it's in the works.

You need to ensure that you and your publishers are in the same boat. This easily factors into communication, so we'll keep it in the same party.

3) Pro-activity - Well, that's pretty straight forward. A few good examples of proactivity when it comes to being an AM include assisting a publisher scale up before they reach out to you for advice. Also, knowing and understanding what the current trends are in the industry is pretty much a sure fire way to not only make your publishers profitable, but the network as a whole also.

...Speaking of which, never underestimate the the word of an affiliate. If they need an offer, you need to do your best to acquire it. No exceptions.

4) Speed - It is what it is. Get things done fast and efficiently, and everything usually tends to run smoothly.

In this case, that means not waiting around to respond to a vital email, or just passing by a publisher that only generated one conversion in a day. if you see something wrong, you fix it to the best of your ability in order to get the publisher where they want to be and get the network where it needs to be, and that's the top of the food chain I'm assuming.

5) Dedication - I don't need to go into details in regards to this one. Quite simply, don't become an AM if you're not dedicated in regards putting in the hours to helping your publishers.

You wouldn't want a car without wheels right? Then why would you want to work with an AM with no dedication...Okay, bad analogy, but I think you get the concept.

As I said before, whatever I listed above isn't even half the skills and traits recommended to be an AM, but if I were to sum up everything I just said into six words, then here they are...

...Be Passionate About What You Do.

...and that goes for anything in life.
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Nice guide here Dwayne! I'd like to see what response it gets as far as people saying what THEY want their AM to be/do!
Thanks K! The good folks here at CPAFix are known to voice their opinions so I don't think we'll have a problem :)
I'm embarrassed to admit that I've never really understood the role of an affiliate manager. I had always assumed that they were there to answer technical questions and make sure you weren't violating the network's TOS. I didn't realize until now that they're also offered advice and acted like a coach. This has left me wondering what I'm missing out on / what I should be doing as a publisher.

If anyone is looking for an idea for an article or guide, "How to work with your affiliate manager" would be a very useful one.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I've never really understood the role of an affiliate manager. I had always assumed that they were there to answer technical questions and make sure you weren't violating the network's TOS. I didn't realize until now that they're also offered advice and acted like a coach. This has left me wondering what I'm missing out on / what I should be doing as a publisher.

If anyone is looking for an idea for an article or guide, "How to work with your affiliate manager" would be a very useful one.

And you're correct Tirade! Answering technical questions and ensuring compliance standards are upheld on a network are two primary focuses of an Affiliate Manager.

However, if you're a dedicated affiliate who genuinely wants to implement what you're taught, then you have the right to ask your AM for help.

The honest truth is, AMs like myself and many others love working with affiliates who are willing to put in the effort to learn and achieve results.

Another truth is: AMs succeed when their affiliates succeed and as I stated in the article above, a network is nothing without successful affiliates.

"How to work with your affiliate manager" is actually a pretty good topic you brought up - With that being said, I'll most likely base my next article on that. Something interesting and fun to read of course - something expressing the truths about being an AM and our numerous interactions with affiliates.

Stay tuned!
And you're correct Tirade! Answering technical questions and ensuring compliance standards are upheld on a network are two primary focuses of an Affiliate Manager.

However, if you're a dedicated affiliate who genuinely wants to implement what you're taught, then you have the right to ask your AM for help.

The honest truth is, AMs like myself and many others love working with affiliates who are willing to put in the effort to learn and achieve results.

Another truth is: AMs succeed when their affiliates succeed and as I stated in the article above, a network is nothing without successful affiliates.

"How to work with your affiliate manager" is actually a pretty good topic you brought up - With that being said, I'll most likely base my next article on that. Something interesting and fun to read of course - something expressing the truths about being an AM and our numerous interactions with affiliates.

Stay tuned!

Looking forward to it! There's no real "manual" out there about working with an affiliate manager; you just kind of join a network, are assigned an affiliate manager, and are never given any explanation whatsoever about what this manager does and how they can help you. It would be nice to have it all explained.

Thanks again for the above advice!
How can one person be an affiliate manager?
I have experience in the past that my AM is asking me some easy terms and some things that I expect AM should know.
Is there any requirements? Like you should be making $XXXXXX like a boss and you know ins and outs of IM.
You don`t need make XXXXXX $...xD You must have a huge experience in affiliate marketing,
you need to have good contacts and refferences from industry...
And I saw the big networks like Neverblue or Mundo Media looking for affiliate managers
whose have more years experience+Bachelor's degree... You can find bunch of affiliate manager`s job at Linkedin...

I want to hear something on this topic from Luke:)

The most networks looking for those things....

Desired Skills & Experience:

-2 - 5 years of business development experience as an Account Manager, Affiliate Manager, or Business Development Manager, or related title

-Bachelor's degree from an accredited four year university in Marketing, Business, or related field. Master's degree preferred.

-3 years of experience of closing sales and meeting aggressive sales goals

-3 years of expertise in building and developing affiliate sales programs

-3 years of experience with technical implementation of affiliate programs (microsites, landing pages, portals) & web analytics

p.s. only thing what I want to is really that AM have avarage salary of 10.000$ per month?:cool:
You don`t need make XXXXXX $...xD You must have a huge experience in affiliate marketing,
you need to have good contacts and refferences from industry...
And I saw the big networks like Neverblue or Mundo Media looking for affiliate managers
whose have more years experience+Bachelor's degree... You can find bunch of affiliate manager`s job at Linkedin...

I want to hear something on this topic from Luke:)

The most networks looking for those things....

Desired Skills & Experience:

-2 - 5 years of business development experience as an Account Manager, Affiliate Manager, or Business Development Manager, or related title

-Bachelor's degree from an accredited four year university in Marketing, Business, or related field. Master's degree preferred.

-3 years of experience of closing sales and meeting aggressive sales goals

-3 years of expertise in building and developing affiliate sales programs

-3 years of experience with technical implementation of affiliate programs (microsites, landing pages, portals) & web analytics

p.s. only thing what I want to is really that AM have avarage salary of 10.000$ per month?:cool:

Luke is an awesome AM!

Personally I think if someone is looking to be an Affiliate Manager, then they should strive to be more like him.

He's a genuine role model, plain and simple.
I will eat a lot of rice to have that skill. Haha!


Haha, I love rice!

But I understand where you're coming from and you're completely right. Understanding the ins and outs of affiliate marketing is just as important as the qualities I mentioned in the post.

You can't teach someone Kung Fu if you don't know Kung Fu yourself, right?
But where should start someone who want to become an affiliate manager?
Everybody need to start from somewhere...
I really would like to see more replies on this topic!

Luke is here from PeerFly....
Dennis is here from Adwork Media....

Some other affiliate managers are members here so...?
What do you think guys?

Or Luke just missed this thread:D
I have some doubt here. What questions should i ask my AM so that i can get more help?

I need help but seriously duno what to ask my AM. Hope to seek advice from you. :)