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Ask Me Anything How to improve SEO rankings

if you took all your data and program skills
applied to seo
you would be unstoppable
wish I had your brain

super response
if ga is used and thankyou.php is set as a goal
then google clearly knows its an action
otherwise it could be the last search
& their take is it means success
on avg
also in meta data
product landing pages are coded as such
then add to basket page follows thankyou.php

its an interesting topic
I left the forum partly cos of seo spammers
but your posts have made me come back
keep posting pls
Thanks for sharing Clapping
some great information here in this thread!
if you took all your data and program skills
applied to seo
I'm a bigger dog now--peeing in a bigger pond now.*
If anyone has any real data of consequence --verifiable data --in real analysis work quantities
--we can do a demonstration
this offer was geared more toward the networks claims --certainly they have vast data resources that would prove *something* ;)
in this case data talks and bullshit walks ...

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The thing is
its not that seo doesnt work
its the fact i keep quitting
normally after a affiliate commission pay check
facts now
if seo wasnt a thing
10000s of people would lose their jobs
100000s of firms would close tomorrow
so it is a legit traffic source
Another thing is
seo hasnt changed much
post good content
achieve high ranking
get traffic
--> & affiliate commission
its more tagging and dev things
the rest is legit so similar
to back in the day
if seo wasnt a thing
10000s of people would lose their jobs
100000s of firms would close tomorrow
so it is a legit traffic source
Very true. As long as people use Google it's a traffic source. Since there is a ranking someone will be at the top and receive the most traffic. SEO is nothing more than finding out what makes you rank higher. In the past things like keyword stuffing and link exchange schemes would work, but Google is getting smarter and manipulating the results using quick wins is getting much harder (thankfully).
if you took all your data and program skills
applied to seo
you would be unstoppable ...
TBH, I think generic SEO is a fool's game.

I have made personal profits off SEO in the past to the tune of six figures over some years --but not with generic topical or content SEO but with brands.

I have worked for brand owners and generated millions in profits for them with SEO.

As just an affiliate, in competition with the brands, and with every other affiliate; with the same offer --you will make some breadcrumbs if you are lucky.

Feel free to prove me wrong and good luck to the winners ...
if you knew you die tomorrow
What message would you pass to the next gen of affiliate hustlers?
Always watch your back ...

I just discovered today, by accident really, that my original web cam site domain is still in the adblock list, after 23 years --I am freekin' infamous (I guess) :D

So even if I could SEO the crap out of it I would lose a lot of my SEO as well as my paid ad traffic. You cannot beat every force working against you, in any business; you need to find work-around-processes, and realize they do not last forever.

I SEO only in the background --with little emphasis --because there are other ways I will have to drive traffic.

Deliver quality, utility and a positive user experience for the site visitor is what will win the day --if you can drive the traffic.

That is how brands are made. Search engines rank brands that people actually use. That is how they stab you in the back by selling your competitor's ad above your name. Search engines try to serve two masters --that will always be the fatal flaw in the current model.
Tell my tale AI:


Guys remember Google is a player
Its not the rule book

just that there's no competitors to Google
That will change eventually --even the Roman Empire fell in time. Google cannot keep raising its search ad price to pay for all the fines it is dealt out by government regulators.

First real AI search that works well will be the new victor --until its "AI offspring"challenger usurps it --and the wheel keeps turning.

I hope AI rips-off all of the SERPs from every search engine then re-spiders the web to find relevance ignoring the antiquated search engine algorithmic core principles.

AI becomes your personalized internet search guide for $2/ month.

The current search engines will wither away only to me used by the low value traffic that cannot afford $2 /month to have an AI AD FREE search experience.

AI sure got purdy lips :D


The current search engines will wither away only to me used by the low value traffic that cannot afford $2 /month to have an AI AD FREE search experience.

AI sure got purdy lips :D

Alphabet, Meta, and so many others will end up being partially in control of AI and its capabilities, capacities, and influence through lobbying and political manipulations as this all unfolds.