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I need Some Help to take Action =)


Hello Guys ,,

SO I wanna really that I take the action to start making some money ( I just Finished reading the Newbie Yesterday )

SO i Want to take the action ,

I made a video in gaming , the question is "what I cant give them with this YT video us a locked content ??

If you have other ideas that I can start with your inputs are welcome

Thank you so much Guys

And Sorry K , I sent a lot of messages to you on skype , I hope I dont disturb you =)

Sorry for my english

ByeBye =)
All good man, here to help!

So, tell us in more detail about this youtube video?
I'm having trouble understanding this part - "what I cant give them with this YT video us a locked content ?? can you explain what exactly you mean by this and maybe I could help
I think he asked what he can offer as incentive for his content locker.

In gaming niche people usually lock game cheat, code to get in-game items, voucher code, keys
Thank you guys for your inputs

So I made overviews for some games , and I want to know what is the best thing that people are interested in to complete an offer , cuz my previous experience ( in other niche ) show that i get good traffic but NO CONVERSIONS people click but when they see that the content is locked they leave the page =)

@IMsights : that exactely what I want to say ,thank you and great ideas man =)

waiting for your inputs =)

And Sorry Again For My POOR ENGLISH =)
As far as games are concerned the best way to monetize them is with content locking. Write some hard level guides or cheats or hidden secret about the game and lock them.
Or try to find a CPA offer with giftcard to gamestop or content lock coupons to gamestop there are plenty of those on the web.
