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I will write my offer running process.

I selected 34 offers from the offer list. Most of the GEO are european countries. Some are US.
I will test all these offers with 3 types of LP.
Every offer will cost $5~¥10(depands on payout), that will be $200 total.
At last, i hope i can found a good GEO, a good offer, and a good kind of LP.
I selected 34 offers from the offer list. Most of the GEO are european countries. Some are US.
I will test all these offers with 3 types of LP.
Every offer will cost $5~¥10(depands on payout), that will be $200 total.
At last, i hope i can found a good GEO, a good offer, and a good kind of LP.
you will @forman just keep testing and never give up :)
keep us updated
Congrats on taking action!

If you're doing European countries, are you making sure that the ads are well translated? I've read that can be a huge issue. A lot of these countries are really proud of their languages too and don't like seeing it mangled.

Just something that comes to mind that you might not have considered. :)
Congrats on taking action!

If you're doing European countries, are you making sure that the ads are well translated? I've read that can be a huge issue. A lot of these countries are really proud of their languages too and don't like seeing it mangled.

Just something that comes to mind that you might not have considered. :)

Good point!

I've seen offers for foreign geos, as well as NA but all the landers were in English. Never understood that but yeah, getting them translated could be crucial.
Congrats on taking action!

If you're doing European countries, are you making sure that the ads are well translated? I've read that can be a huge issue. A lot of these countries are really proud of their languages too and don't like seeing it mangled.

Just something that comes to mind that you might not have considered. :)
yes as @azgold mentioned i have seen that too . it's google tradition :) .
one hour translation is really a good solution if you want to go with other geos :)
Congrats on taking action!

If you're doing European countries, are you making sure that the ads are well translated? I've read that can be a huge issue. A lot of these countries are really proud of their languages too and don't like seeing it mangled.

Just something that comes to mind that you might not have considered. :)
You are so kind to to remind me this. Thank you very much. This is why I love to post at affiliatefix because someone like you always give the people(like me) good advices.
I thought about this language problem before, Now i am trying to find the similar LP at a specifical GEO by adp, then copy the sentences to my prepared LP. This cost me so much time.
I do't know if this work well. I am still testing.
I love one hour translate ,but i have to standby just because i need to lower the cost, spend the limited budget on traffic.

@azgold @tyoussef, Thank you, too.
The tier 1 geo like US EN AU, the cr is always very low. The traffic from AU is so expensive. Same situation happened at some of the other tier2 tier3 countries. I have to give it up for now.
I found one offer that convert very well. But soon, this offer goes to private. I can not run it any more.
I found another offer. I tested it for 7 days.
total cost $290.04
total revenue $226.8
ROI: -22%

two things unusual:
1、recently, especially these two days, i send 5K traffic to the offer every day, only 1/5 show on the dashboard. The rest seems to be counted as useless and lost. This wasted me so much money .
2、the offer conversion transfered to dashboard delayed. Some even delayed tor two days.
Next, i will go on testing this offer, try to make the ROI "+".

Besides, i want to sign up at zeropark, but rejected, twice. Who can help me get approvaled??
I really want to join zeropark.
Is it only counting uniques? How often are you allowing for repeated showing of your offer?

I set the cap as 1view /8 hours. Maybe they count the uniques only. I already paused the traffic.

Do you know why you got rejected? That may help you to correct things and get accepted.
They did not tell me the reason. I asked and they said"Hey,Unfortunately we are unable to disclose this information as it would allow advertisers to doctor their answers to suit.
Thank you for understanding."
Yesterday, I send 10K traffic to the offer, the CR drop down 3/4 . I think maybe i selected too many useless carriers. Today i will delete the useless carriers and foucs on one carrier.
Yesterday, I send 10K traffic to the offer, the CR drop down 3/4 . I think maybe i selected too many useless carriers. Today i will delete the useless carriers and foucs on one carrier.

That's one way your tracking data helps you. Now you know which carrier to focus on.

Not sure if you're running WiFi or not. I know that I haven't had good luck with it.
That's one way your tracking data helps you. Now you know which carrier to focus on.

Not sure if you're running WiFi or not. I know that I haven't had good luck with it.
I select 3g and one carrier only. Did not test the wifi traffic yet.
Have you had a chance to do that optimization and campaign yet? Anything new?
Yes, I pause one source because the CR drops down and seems improssible to rise again.
At another traffic source, i change some setting and now it seems everything goes well. Now the ROI is about 0, find some goood placements.
On traffic source a, the CR just drop from 1% to 0.3% to 0.2% to 0.16% then to 0.05%. I spend $260, generated revenue of $200. I think the people are very competitive at this traffic source.
On traffic source b, the CR just about 1.5%, i once increase the BID and the CR down. So i lower the bid and continue, the cr back again. But because i set the lower bid, i can not get enough traffic. At this source, i spend $74, generated revenue of $78. The ROI become "+" today.
How to increase the traffic volume to generate more leads? That is what i think about now.
Besides, i have to test new offers.
now it seems everything goes well


The ROI become "+" today.

Awesome, congrats on a positive ROI! :)

How to increase the traffic volume to generate more leads? That is what i think about now.

Your thoughts are good ones, I think. Question: does your traffic source have lots of volume? Some have more than others, i.e. AdWords has more volume than Bing and more than 7Search. Guess what I'm getting at is, is the volume there to get?

Awesome, congrats on a positive ROI! :)

Your thoughts are good ones, I think. Question: does your traffic source have lots of volume? Some have more than others, i.e. AdWords has more volume than Bing and more than 7Search. Guess what I'm getting at is, is the volume there to get?
I asked the AM about the traffic volume, their estimated traffic volume is more then 100K impressions every day. But i can only get 4K .
Rise the BID will bring more traffic but also cause the "-" ROI, something more there, i did not figure out how to balance.
At the same time, the conversions reports has some delays, this cause i can see the really performance at that day. When i rise the BID, at the end of the day, i found i spend $20, received $10, i thought i lost some money and lower the BID. BUT MAYBE a day or two days later, the conversions appear because of report delays, and at that time i am running the offer under a lower BID. I will be given some wrong informantion. I have no idear how to deal with it. My AM only told me "will check it with the advertiser".