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[JOURNEY] Fritz's Journey to $100/Day in Instagram Marketing

Day #6 & Day #7

What I did:
I set up 4 more accounts, got 2 password-reset, no big deal. Also I made some tweaks on the content locker which doubled my CR, check the stats.

So now I have 9 accounts running and making money.

What I will do:
Today, I will change the content locker of another old account. And Will create 3 more accounts.


So, I need some explanation to make here. As you see, on Day #6 I got 10,457 clicks, this are not actually clicks, but impressions from a non incentive traffic source, pretty bad Idea, but lesson learnt. Only 4 conversions with a total of $1.25 payout.

The awesome part come on Day #7, I made some tweaks on the content lockers, made more niche related, and changed the targeted traffic I was following with the accounts, this settings not only doubled up the Conversion Rate (35%), but I was SO CLOSE to hit the $5 milestone! With 40 clicks and 14 conversions, I got $4.47! Yay! I'm super excited to continue optimizing this traffic. Won't stop until hit all my milestones!

Summary for day #6:
  • Impressions: 35
  • Clicks: 10,457 (Bad data)
  • Conversions: 4
  • Revenue: $1.25 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 0.03% (Bad data)

Summary for day #7:
  • Impressions: 56
  • Clicks: 40
  • Conversions: 14
  • Revenue: $4.47 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 35.00%
Another thing I noticed, is that with this tweak, there is also more US people converting, which it is a higher payout for me... Won't stop now until hit $5.

Talk soon!
Day #8

What I did:
Changed some accounts usernames to grow another niche that was doing better.

What I will do:
I will set up 4 more accounts, I just have 4 more and I have no budget to buy more this month, So I will set up those 4 and wait until next month to set up more.


Doing better, I hope to get better after accounts get more followers.

  • Impressions: 57
  • Clicks: 34
  • Conversions: 7
  • Revenue: $1.99 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 20.58%
Day #9

What I did:
Set up all the remaining accounts, have to wait until next month to set up more! :(

What I will do:
Will see stats by Locker, see which do better, which LP, which Niche. Just analyze all the data without creating more accounts will give me a great insight of how this works.


Doing better!

  • Impressions: 86
  • Clicks: 74
  • Conversions: 12
  • Revenue: $2.35 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 16.21%
You're doing great with your conversions!

What vertical(s) are you promoting? (Don't answer that if you're not comfortable doing so, I'm just curious)
Not bad pal!
Thanks Lim! :) You always here

Hay @Fritz Goldman i am Folowing your journy
Ihave Some Question
What Niches are you using ?
and what cpa Network are you using ?
Thanks for following pal!
I'm doing free instagram followers niche and free bieber tickets!
I'm using OGAds for the content locker.

You're doing great with your conversions!

What vertical(s) are you promoting? (Don't answer that if you're not comfortable doing so, I'm just curious)
Thanks @azgold! Hoping to do a lot better ! :) As answered to tyoussef, I'm promoting free instagram followers and free bieber tickets.

Talk soon! Thanks a lot for following! :)
Day #10


From this day on, I will not post more What I did and What I'm gonna do because I don't have been doing anything and will not do, until next month. On the next month I will resume account setting up and this two sections. For now I will just post some notes on password resets and PV.

What you will see happening until next month is %100 on AUTO PILOT.


Doing a lot better! Hit $3, will not stop until $5 milestone!

I plan to scale this making no more than 3 accounts per day. Today just 13 accounts where working, as 2 needed PV.

Suppose 15 accounts makes $3 per day. Scaling it to 150 accounts will make $30 per day, that's $1000 per month, from there, sky is the roof. Earnings will be between $30 and $50, so some months will make more, while adding more accounts to my Instagram Empire! :)

HOW'S DAY #11 DOING!!!???
Anxious to know? Take a quick look at how's the day going.


P.D.: I'm developing a complete new automation software that will change your life if you are into Instagram Marketing, will not reveal more info by now, but wait for it!

  • Impressions: 91
  • Clicks: 62
  • Conversions: 14
  • Revenue: $3.33 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 22.58%
Last edited:
Day #11

What you see happening until next month is %100 on AUTO PILOT.


I think I will not hit $5 until creating more accounts next month.

  • Impressions: 89
  • Clicks: 70
  • Conversions: 13
  • Revenue: $3.25 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 18.57%
Fritz Goldman Thanks 4 sharing your secrets
bUT jUST lET ME tell U one mistake i notice in your journy
don't use the same website in all of your insta accounts Might be that's Why They Clause them So quick
Stick Just With 4 or 5
i am Not sURE buti think That's The Problem
Just Keep Us Uptede if you can Cus We Are intrested too much i started doing This Too
i just Started ONE aCCOUNT
i have now 100 Folowers in 3 Days using instafolowers
i will add many more
accounts might 4 or 5 and i will Stop
Tell Me in instagram How Do Get Visitors
are posting New Pictures to the Folwers that you Have telling them to check your website in the Bio
or when some one follow you he checks you bio Link and Click Out there Cus i didn't get That part Much
Fritz Goldman Thanks 4 sharing your secrets
bUT jUST lET ME tell U one mistake i notice in your journy
don't use the same website in all of your insta accounts Might be that's Why They Clause them So quick
Stick Just With 4 or 5
i am Not sURE buti think That's The Problem
Just Keep Us Uptede if you can Cus We Are intrested too much i started doing This Too
i just Started ONE aCCOUNT
i have now 100 Folowers in 3 Days using instafolowers
i will add many more
accounts might 4 or 5 and i will Stop
Tell Me in instagram How Do Get Visitors
are posting New Pictures to the Folwers that you Have telling them to check your website in the Bio
or when some one follow you he checks you bio Link and Click Out there Cus i didn't get That part Much
Thanks for commenting man...

I only do following, no likes no shares. I use the same domain for over 8 accounts, I didn't get any ban for now, let's see what happens.

Talk soon.
Day #12

What you see happening until next month is %100 on AUTO PILOT.


A little low for today, but... I have a surprise for tomorrow! :)

  • Impressions: 91
  • Clicks: 71
  • Conversions: 9
  • Revenue: $1.71 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 12.67%