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[JOURNEY] Fritz's Journey to $100/Day in Instagram Marketing

Day #46



3 days left to reach 10 consecutive days earning +$10/day.

  • Impressions: 331
  • Clicks: 200
  • Conversions: 51
  • Revenue: $14.83 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 25.50%
Day #47



2 days left to reach 10 consecutive days earning +$10/day, but I'm pissed off. I could do the double of this, but BlueHost deactivated my account by Terms of Service, I didn't get even an email so I contacted them, and told me that ToS are not online until today, in two hours. So I'm making $0 right now.

Hope to solve this quickly.

  • Impressions: 230
  • Clicks: 139
  • Conversions: 39
  • Revenue: $12.10 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 28.05%
Day #48, Day #49 & Day #50



So guys, first of all, sorry about the delay of the stats, I've been extremely busy at 9-5, for real, have been working like 14 hours per day. So I couldn't do much. As you see, on day 29th May, my VPS went down, so on Monday I changed to another hosting service, and things continued... On 31st things got normal, as usual. So from 31st I hope I can start again counting days left to to +$10/day. So... 9 days left!

I need to make more accounts, trying more niches, to make this empire grow, actually, I have about 25 active accounts, as one niche I had like 8 domains on all accounts, Im resetting them to use the same domain.

  • Impressions: 295
  • Clicks: 183
  • Conversions: 48
  • Revenue: $16.55 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 16.68%
it sucks when the VPS go down , try to do a routine to check it first in the morning and late night before bed in order to avoid these long shutdowns (y)

Good luck bro
it sucks when the VPS go down , try to do a routine to check it first in the morning and late night before bed in order to avoid these long shutdowns (y)

Good luck bro
It sucks yes, I had to work really tired to set up the landing pages on another hosting, but its all set, and as I'm experiencing right now, good it happened because I realized for this kind of social media promotions we don't need to pay for a vps at all, it's just an extra cost we really don't need to face.

Thanks mate for replying.
Day #51


Did not very well, still setting some things up, will do more than $10 tomorrow for sure.

  • Impressions: 187
  • Clicks: 106
  • Conversions: 29
  • Revenue: $9.39 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 27.35%
Oh your VPS went down, didn't notice that, what host did you used?

But I assume many host do not entertain content locker and such stuff, which is a headache, I once changed host during the April or May I don't remember, and was caused by it.

Anyway, lol should you reset the $10 for 10 days consecutive record, I'm not offending here don't take me the wrong way. ;)

I notice the earning you made everyday are relatively near to $10, which are $12, $11.

You should scale up your earning, if you're working with an aged account, why afraid of mass following like 1500-2000 a day.

They don't get banned, but only a temp ban.
Oh your VPS went down, didn't notice that, what host did you used?

But I assume many host do not entertain content locker and such stuff, which is a headache, I once changed host during the April or May I don't remember, and was caused by it.

Anyway, lol should you reset the $10 for 10 days consecutive record, I'm not offending here don't take me the wrong way. ;)

I notice the earning you made everyday are relatively near to $10, which are $12, $11.

You should scale up your earning, if you're working with an aged account, why afraid of mass following like 1500-2000 a day.

They don't get banned, but only a temp ban.
I did reset my days! I have scaled up some accounts, but I don't want to make mass following and get banned, things are going good by now with not too much accounts.

This is an awesome thread!

Fede, I just popped into the Mobicow $500 contest thread and noticed that you won last month, congrats! Not sure how I missed that.
Hey @azgold, long time no see. Thanks a lot for the congrats, Im going to update the next days now.
Day #52, Day #53, Day #54 & Day #55



Well guys, doing +$10/day overall, that's a good thing but im not even half the way of my final goal, I've been trying some twitter, but accounts get phone verification very soon. Can't do mass things like Instagram, so I think I will stick with it a little more.

I've been receiving some PM and skype requests for coaching, I know I'm not making that much money but they realize it is constant and can be scaled up without issues. If anyone is interested in starting out, I'm building an online coaching program, with step by step guides, resources, tutorials, and different working traffic sources, it's not ready yet. But please PM if interested to write you down to the list.

  • Impressions: 1.293
  • Clicks: 918
  • Conversions: 265
  • Revenue: $82.49 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 28.80%
Day #52, Day #53, Day #54 & Day #55


View attachment 6368

Well guys, doing +$10/day overall, that's a good thing but im not even half the way of my final goal, I've been trying some twitter, but accounts get phone verification very soon. Can't do mass things like Instagram, so I think I will stick with it a little more.

I've been receiving some PM and skype requests for coaching, I know I'm not making that much money but they realize it is constant and can be scaled up without issues. If anyone is interested in starting out, I'm building an online coaching program, with step by step guides, resources, tutorials, and different working traffic sources, it's not ready yet. But please PM if interested to write you down to the list.

  • Impressions: 1.293
  • Clicks: 918
  • Conversions: 265
  • Revenue: $82.49 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 28.80%
best topic i can see , thank you so much
can i ask u ?
what your niche u use ? and how many accounts instagram you use ?
Day #56



5 days left to reach 10 consecutive days making +$10!

I've been receiving some PM and skype requests for coaching, I know I'm not making that much money but they realize it is constant and can be scaled up without issues. If anyone is interested in starting out, I'm building an online coaching program, with step by step guides, resources, tutorials, and different working traffic sources, it's not ready yet. But please PM if interested to write you down to the list.

  • Impressions: 357
  • Clicks: 233
  • Conversions: 77
  • Revenue: $22.80 (Wallet Updated)
  • Conversion Ratio: 33.04%