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Gold Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Do you have any traffic from google already?
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Awesome man, so some up exactly what you've done off page for these so far? and what you plan on doing?

I second that :)

Literally all that I have done so far is build the links mentioned in my post:

The links consisted of two blog comments, two forum signature links and two social bookmarks... easy!

Just a few backlinks on wine related sites using my anchor 'Wine Aerators' and that's it... quality over quantity!

As for what I'm planning on doing next - I'll build more pages/content based around aerator keywords and build more quality, relevant backlinks.

There's no need to overcomplicate things... keep it simple!


So I'm starting to receive a few hits from Google for some keywords that I'm targetting:


It's not much but it's good to see some hits. Plus I'm only just getting started :p

Adding Content...

Using the Google Keyword Tool I've found three more keywords to target:


I've written up some content for each one and then added it to the blog:


I now have six pages in total on the site.

More Links...

I've built a couple more forum links and a couple more blog comments on wine related sites.

I've also set up a "Wine Aeration" site on Squidoo, Weebly & each with links to my website:


And that's it for today!

Why Most People Don't Share Their Niches...

Here's a good example of why you need to be very careful about who you share your niches with.

Whilst building some more links for my website I stumbled across another site about Wine Aerators called

I went to take a look at it and whadda ya know:


Someone has pretty much ripped my exact site even down to the same images and theme!

Now I really couldn't give a crap if people want to copy this website because I'm doing this case study more to try to help people rather then to make money but here's the thing...

It's really not in your best interests to copy my site exactly. Why set up a site based around a niche that's revealed publicly on forums like this one? You're only setting yourself up for more competition.

You'll be far better off taking the time to hunt down your own untapped niche that's not known to the public so that you can completely dominate it without having to worry about copycats!

Anyway feel free to ask any questions you have and keep an eye out for my next update!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Great update man, and great work!

ROFL at someone taking that page if it's someone on here more fool you - NEVER bite the had that feeds you.

Like you said this is for case study purposes but thanks Jay keep it coming its gold!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

lol the one who copied it will totaly be unsuccesful! never show your niche. i cant believe that even a small time niche will be copied.. XD
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Hi Jay,

I'm new here but like to offer my opinion :)

Looking at your site I think what you need to do is get a TOS up to reassure your potential customers. Next is generate a sitemap and submit to google.

I found the site hard to navigate so maybe an improved navigation bar would help.

As far as somebody copying your site, well, it s the internet so just treat it as competion. You should be abe to beat them with good content.

Speaking of content, running your text through a keyword density checker shows these results,

Keyword Density

Keyword Count Density
aerators-----7-------- 2.8%

Google frowns on keyword intensity any higher than 3% (called keyword stuffing) so might need to correct that if you hope to rank well organically.

All in all I think it's a good concept and with a little tweaking here and there you should start seeing some conversions. :D
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

The site that has been copied from yours is no more working:D I think he had realised how stupid he was lol
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Update: So, after 50 clicks with no conversions I decided to change the offer to those sites that give coupons, it's rellated so I think it is going to do as well. After only 6 clicks I have 2 conversions @ 2$ each which pays better than the other one. I think they were really scrubbing but now it doesn't matter :D
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

They honestly wouldn't scrub on such little traffic! Congrats tho man, well done!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Hi Jay,

I'm new here but like to offer my opinion :)

Hey man! Welcome to the forum!

Looking at your site I think what you need to do is get a TOS up to reassure your potential customers. Next is generate a sitemap and submit to google.

Yeah sitemaps are a pretty good way of ensuring that Google can find all of your pages (particularly if you have a rather large site with little internal linking) but to be honest I never really bother with sitemaps and never have a problem getting all of my pages indexed. The way that I build my sites involves backlinks to all all of my pages with a lot of internal links and it always does the job in getting all of my pages indexed.

Not saying they can't be useful - I just don't bother with them.

As for a TOS I usually wind up adding one because I think it just looks good for Google to have a TOS and privacy policy etc but I've never really experienced much of a conversion difference between sites with a TOS and without a TOS. And to be honest I don't think that anyone really reads them (I know I sure as hell don't).

I found the site hard to navigate so maybe an improved navigation bar would help.

Yeah fair point. I usually don't worry about that kind of stuff until down the road through. I tend to focus on building up my traffic and content first and then optimizing for user experience and conversions down the track. I find it a lot easier to set up a better user experience once all of the content is added... it's kind of hard to add menus and categories and stuff when you only have a handful of pages to work with.

As far as somebody copying your site, well, it s the internet so just treat it as competion. You should be abe to beat them with good content.

Yeah I know. It's definitely not the first time it's happened and I fully expect it (especially when I'm publicly posting the website in a thread like this one) but I just thought it would be interesting to share with people.

Keyword Density

Keyword Count Density
aerators-----7-------- 2.8%

Google frowns on keyword intensity any higher than 3% (called keyword stuffing) so might need to correct that if you hope to rank well organically.

You're probably right but I really don't bother too much with checking my density. I used to a bit then I just wound up seeing that I could rank things with .5% density or 15% density as long as I was building quality backlinks and writing unique content. I can't really be bothered to fuss over keyword density these days I just write a decent article and throw in the keyword here and there and then move on to the next article. It's much more efficient.

I appreciate your feedback bro!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!


I've done a few more things to the site and have made some more progress so here's an update for y'all.

More new content...

I've found three more products with the Google Keyword Tool to add to my site:


They can see them here: Centellino, Nuance and Sharper Image.

More new backlinks...

Using I've found a few more sites to build backlinks on.

Here's an example of one of them:

I've probably added about twenty or so new links in total.


My traffic is picking up a bit. Here's my traffic stats from last month:


Whilst some of this traffic is coming from people that are following this case study and checking out the site there's also a lot of people finding it through the search engines.


The site has started to make a few sales:


It's only a few bucks it's a start!

Stay tuned...

I'll keep updating this thread as the case study progresses so be sure to keep an eye on it!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Just love it Jay!

What people don't relies is people (including you) have over 100+ sites like this - which = BANK!

Keep it up man!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Is this where your income come from?
I personally want to create a niche website too.


I've done a few more things to the site and have made some more progress so here's an update for y'all.

More new content...

I've found three more products with the Google Keyword Tool to add to my site:


They can see them here: Centellino, Nuance and Sharper Image.

More new backlinks...

Using I've found a few more sites to build backlinks on.

Here's an example of one of them:

I've probably added about twenty or so new links in total.


My traffic is picking up a bit. Here's my traffic stats from last month:


Whilst some of this traffic is coming from people that are following this case study and checking out the site there's also a lot of people finding it through the search engines.


The site has started to make a few sales:


It's only a few bucks it's a start!

Stay tuned...

I'll keep updating this thread as the case study progresses so be sure to keep an eye on it!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Is this where your income come from?
I personally want to create a niche website too.

Yeah most of my income comes from sites similar to this. I've got niche websites promoting everything from bongs to pool filters lol.
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

jay, when you look for products on Amazon, what are you looking for?? Here are the question: :D

- Minimum price of the product(s) (
- Does it have to be a top seller?
- What are the best niches for this technique?? Home & Garden, Ebooks, etc. or does everything convert? Any niches that we should avoid?

Thanks for the casestudy, after seeing this makes me want to take action :D I'll probably invest some money and time into SEO in the future.
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

jay, when you look for products on Amazon, what are you looking for?? Here are the question: :D

- Minimum price of the product(s) (
- Does it have to be a top seller?
- What are the best niches for this technique?? Home & Garden, Ebooks, etc. or does everything convert? Any niches that we should avoid?

Thanks for the casestudy, after seeing this makes me want to take action :D I'll probably invest some money and time into SEO in the future.

Hey David,

I usually just look for a product that is both selling well on Amazon that doesn't have too much competition in the search engines.

There's really no best price range or category and no it doesn't have to be a top seller. You can successfully sell all sorts of Amazon products using this type of strategy. The best way to see what works is to simply try a whole bunch of them. If you're struggling to choose a starting point I'd probably just pick a product that you know a bit about or have used before as it makes it easier to write about.

You might also find this blog post I made about finding profitable Amazon products a while back useful when trying to find an Amazon product to promote.

Best of luck with your SEO adventures man!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

genial, este tio es una persona que enseña de verdad sin esperar nada a cambio, un 10