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Gold Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Anymore stats? what further work have you done? how much have you made?
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Nice going. And what a thread. So helpful
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

The crucial part is how long will you rank high competitive keywords.
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Checking in with another update...

It's been a little over a month since my last update and whilst I haven't had a great deal of time to work on this site since I'm really tied up in other projects at the moment I have made a few additions to the site and am continuing to see it improve in both sales and rankings.

So here's the lowdown on what's happened since I last updated this thread...

Added some bigger call-to-action buttons...

I decided to add some bigger, better call to action buttons to encourage more users to click through to Amazon products:


Generally the bigger and more prominent your call to action button is - the more people that will click it and the more money you will make. Amazon does a fantastic job at converting your traffic so if you can just get people to click through your affiliate products then Amazon does a great job in closing the sales with all of their awesome sales materials (reviews, related product info etc).

Added a social article...

Just to give my website a little bit of a "social" aspect I've re-written and added an article to the site that's designed to bait people into liking and sharing it on their social network of choice. The article looks like this:


You'll see in the middle of the article I've also added a link back to my homepage with my main keyword:


I then just submitted the article to various social sites like Digg and Reddit and shared it in some wine related Facebook groups.

More sales...

My sales are picking up a bit too and since my last post I've made another 15 sales netting just over $15 in profit:


Search engine rankings are improving...

I'm also starting to see some really good increases in my rankings for some of the keywords that I am targetting.

I'm currently sitting on page #3 for my main keyword 'Wine Aerator':


And I'm sitting on page #1 for the keyword 'Best Wine Aerator':


I'm also sitting on page one for a few of my products such as 'Rabbit Wine Aerator', 'Soiree Wine Aerator' and a few others:


More to come soon...

That's all for now but keep an eye out for more updates in the future!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

You're amazing! You're a really eye-opener!
My question to you is if you get all that money from clicks or maybe an affiliate programme with Amazon. It really exists this kind of stuff?

Paul, Romania
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

You're amazing! You're a really eye-opener!
My question to you is if you get all that money from clicks or maybe an affiliate programme with Amazon. It really exists this kind of stuff?

Paul, Romania

Thanks mate! Glad you find it helpful :)

The money is coming from commissions from sales from the Amazon affiliate program. You just sign up, choose a product, get your affiliate link and then promote it. Then whenever somebody buys something through your link Amazon will credit you with a percentage of the sale (starts at 4% but then increases the more that you sell).
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Any new stats on this one Jay?
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

seoeymard sent me to think page, I personally don't believe in working in niche site considering the amount of work needed to be done and maintain, but this case study just made me rethink about that. I always wanted to try this, but I guess I should focus on CPA first, get some success and move on to other strategy.

Anyway, one of the best case studies I've seen, great share considering not many would do this. I'll be following this thread, Jay. Also your blog! But... how come you got no opt-in form bro?
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Once again any updates on earnings or traffic?
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Any new stats on this one Jay?

Once again any updates on earnings or traffic?

Sorry bro I'm not being lazy it's just that I prefer to do one big, comprehensive update a month rather then dozens of tiny updates as I feel it keeps it less cluttered and makes it easier to follow.

But yeah since you asked yes I have made a few more sales since my last update:


My rankings are also continuing to improve and I'm also in the process of adding more content to the site too.

Don't worry man there's another full update around the corner!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Not bad man, i guess if you had quite a lot of these going at once then it could be a nice income!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

I just joined the site and I am pretty noob at this stuff. This has helped me greatly. Kudos!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Hey Jay,

just wondering, I've seen many posts about Amazon-review sites over at the Warrior Forum, but this almost looks like a small shop site. Have you tried both variants? If so, is your experience that your eCommerce setup works better than a more bloggish review kind of site?
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

It really depends. Some review websites work and some don't. Just like this one. There is a lot of approach to make a sale. I think a review website is much more better, but hey, OP is good in this kind of stuff. He knows how to make anything profitable, that's a skill. :)
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Any update on this one Jay?
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Fantastic post Jay.

I'm doing something similar.

I have 2 Amazon sites which are making me a few $ here and there but I need to find a way to scale it a bit better.

I'm going to steal a little bit of your method if you are OK and start writing more of my own product pages. Currently I use automatically generated descriptions, titles, photos and everything else from a WordPress Amazon listing plugin.

Certainly see that single pages will have a much better SEO effect. I've outsourced a few backlinks to the sites but not done much more.

Thanks for writing this detailed thread. Have subscribed and will keep coming back to check on progress.
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Hey Jay,

just wondering, I've seen many posts about Amazon-review sites over at the Warrior Forum, but this almost looks like a small shop site. Have you tried both variants? If so, is your experience that your eCommerce setup works better than a more bloggish review kind of site?

Yeah I have used both styles before and the review can definitely help to improve then conversion rates if you take the time to right well thought out and convincing reviews but they take more effort and require you to to write well. This style of site is easier because you are simply targeting people that are already looking for the products and regurgitating the products features. This makes it easier to just pump out a tonne of products quickly and is particularly handy for me since I don't know a damn thing about wine aerators.
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

The final update...

So it's been a fair while since I last updated and I'm sure some of you are keen to see how it's all going so here's the final update for the case study!

I've been super busy lately and haven't had a great deal of time to work on this site but regardless the site has continued to improve in traffic, rankings and sales - that's the beauty of SEO!

Also make sure to read this post right through to the end because I'll be sharing what I'm planning to do with the site next right at the end! (Hint: It's something awesome.)

So without further ado here's what I've done since I last updated...

Lotsa new products...

I've added a total of 8 new products to the site since my last update:


As you can see I've started to expand into some other wine related products such as wine decanters and stands (I started to run out of aerators!).

Adding Adsense...

To milk some extra money out of the site I also recently added adsense:


The adsense has only been up for a few days now but it's already pulled in a few extra bucks.

Case study is continued in post below.
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

More backlinks...

I've built more backlinks onto some high authority sites:


Traffic is rising...

My traffic is continuing to increase. As you can see below the site has increased in traffic every month so far:


Search rankings are improving dramatically...

The site is now ranking well for almost all of the keywords I have targeted.

At the time of writing this the site is currently sitting on page #1 for the keyword 'Wine Aerators':


And it's sitting on page #2 for the keyword 'Wine Aerator':


It's also sitting right up on the first page in spot no. 2 for the keyword 'Best Wine Aerator':


And it's ranking extremely well for many of the product keywords:


Sales are rolling in...

Finally much like the traffic the sales are also on the rise and have increased every month so far:


So what now?

As I mentioned at the start of this post I'm just too tied up with other projects right now to continue giving this case study the time and attention it deserves so I've thought long and hard about what to do with the site and finally I came up with a (bit of a crazy) idea:

I'm going to be giving this site away to one lucky person!

I'll be handing full ownership of this site over to someone very soon just in time for them to benefit from the Christmas sales rush (sites selling physical products almost always go way up in the couple of months leading up to Christmas!).

Entering to win this will be dead easy and I'll have full details for you available on Wednesday so keep an eye on this thread!

And to everyone who has PMd me, thanked me or benefited from this case study in some way - I hope this inspires you to get out there and set up your own profitable niche website :)