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Min words blog post – SEO


New Member
I will want to discuss here about number of words on the blog post.

If you create less than 150 words blog post, search engine like your post to indexing their search result.

Someone told that SE only like long articles for indexing their search result.

I will request you to post your valuable opinion with your experience.
As far as I observed the search engines decide about the indexing considering the unique being of the given document. For instance if you write a 200 words long post and you have a very long blogroll block the robot may easily decide not to put your post into the main index since the difference can be very small when the time comes to compare the generated html codes.
Otherwise I belive generally the length of a certain article is in direct proportion to the value can be provided to the readers. So in my opinion writing longer and better articles which covers more detail about the subject worth the time, since may generate you nice amount of natural backlinks.
As far as I observed the search engines decide about the indexing considering the unique being of the given document. For instance if you write a 200 words long post and you have a very long blogroll block the robot may easily decide not to put your post into the main index since the difference can be very small when the time comes to compare the generated html codes.
Otherwise I belive generally the length of a certain article is in direct proportion to the value can be provided to the readers. So in my opinion writing longer and better articles which covers more detail about the subject worth the time, since may generate you nice amount of natural backlinks.

Thanks Bagi for making it clear as water.