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Gold Mobile Journey (Don’t Stop Believing)

Lol, well I think we have to have a place where the members can talk about something else, rather than just work or how we wanna make money, which is the reason why we are here, but this will build comradery ... I just really want a misc section lol
Wow, this topic is still going on after all this time? "The Walking Thread" I guess lol. Man is been a while, but I still appreciate everyone who took the time to read and/or post on it, hope it helped you guys at the very least as sheer inspiration to another entrepreneurial spirits. To go out and slay some IM dragons. Cause "Yes We Can!".

You guys rock and I will always call Affiliatefix my home, no matter how many other paid or free affiliate forums grow and pop all over the internet like teenage pimples, heh.

No matter if it's been over months and for some reason I haven't still being able to log back in, with my former account. Which is all my fault cause I haven't even contacted K or anyone for this matter. So I rather took some needed time off to tend to my business (what I consider affiliate marketing, since is my means and way of life, not just a hobby to me) and family, and is been a bit of a rough ride.

I'm not gonna bother you with many details but some pressing stuff happened that needed my full attention, like my father almost losing a leg to diabetis (managed to save it and is now stable), my own fight with it, and other personal matters.

Still I feel I'd be just an ungrateful prick if I didn't take time to thank you guys for your support, and being overall cool as heck people ;)

You can try with
BrokerMobi,whichisa great thing. :ninja:

Sorry, never heard of them till this post, I don't really work with networks unless they either well known, or recommended by someone I trust. Or at the very least do weeklies, so I'll know if they legit or BSers, in less than net-30 :p

Thats impressive. 300% roi, i be scaling like crazy if i was you. The part i dont understand is why don't u push for 3k a week ( thats the min for wire) and get your money wired to you. Yeahmobi net 5% on paypal plus 2.7 % paypal fee. I get mines wired for net 4% and 15 dollar fee, i save shyt ton of money. Also i run everything on creditcard on my plum card so i get 1.5% back. So im actually netting 2.5% ;). Afterall this is a numbers game.

Thanks sleenirvana, and well 300% is just icing on the cake but it does happen heh. If you have weekly ROI% + Cashflow, the sky is the limit. And that screenshot is several months old as you can tell, when I was just starting in mobile, and from only one network, so yeah you can get a lot bigger weekly "checks" (wire/paypal or whatever).

Also I recommend people who are starting in this business to focus way more on ROI and cashflow, and less on the size of your wire, cause what really counts is what you get to keep in your pocket, and invest back to your campaigns. Cause yeah this is a numbers game, and if you make $2,000 out of $1,000 you're doing awesome, if you make $200 out of $3,000, you're just making credit card points. But who knows, maybe I'm just a ROI spoiled brat lol.

Is this one still going @djcrunk ?

As long as my heart is still "going", cause man, I LOVE THIS GAME :cool:

And amooooo & captain47, you shameless threadjackers lol... btw if you guys are mesomorphs like me, I recomend you a ketosis diet, cause the fastest way to "gain muscle" for us, is shredding fat at a ludicrous speed heh. INB4 "Do you even lift?"

Peace and profits everyone!


Finally after only being able to log into this account through an old-ass piece of junk laptop, that I ended up throwing out the window (literaly), out of frustration and ciber roid rage.

Anyway got a new Laptop+PC at my new shiny command center (Nerd speak for desk), and since we got a new rad look for the board, decided to give a new try to the "password reset" and voila! We back in business.

Still doing mobile, still much <3 for this forum, which I still consider my base (haven't even bothered with the other 100% paid ones, really). So without further ado, I wanna pat myself on the back for reaching finally the elusive $X,XXX days profit, which is a huge milestone for me... and I just wanna say ...

And I want to sincerly thank anyone who bothers reading and following my posts and ramblings, hoping they may have been able to help/motivate you at least. And also wish to apologise for all the people that sent me private messages while I was unable to log in to this account all this time.

I'll try to catch up and answer you all ASAP, thanks guys, keep up the awesomness.



Not bad for an honest day's work... eating churros, sitting on my ass infront of a PC making/nanny campaigns and playing League of Legends all day long, yeah I disgust myself too lol

Awesome follow along and grats of hitting 4 figures payday!

I guess the answer to all questions that I might have is to take action and fine tune along the way!
If you are targeting all the countries around the world, let's say for example, China or Korea does not speak English as main language, do you change your LP to their primary language?