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Mobile Pop Journey 2017 - Finally Green

Is native much better than pop? By the way thanks for answering my questions
You're welcome, anytime! :)
In my opinion, I can see more of a future with native and it also feels better, not being annoying or intrusive. However, there is still tons of money to be made with pop, you just need to adapt to the updates happening as we speak :)
Decided to keep going with pop, if it happens it happens, still money to be made with pop and if it stops cause of the update then I'll look for alternatives, I wouldn't wanna see the update happen and not affect anything and I've wasted time elsewhere. I'll quickly adapt if the update ruins anything, time will tell :)

My redirect server 301 (forced redirect on php) seems to sill work with my chrome Version 64.0.3282.140 (Official Build) (64-bit) this was released Jan 24 -- this has the advertising blocking I think.

Best test is to test your own pops with a stock new Chrome. We will have to see what the other browsers do to remain competitive - before assessing any damage.

I still think your best bet is in either SEO with self-hosted graphics and hope the final links are not blocked. Or, outside of network blocked ads -- check the blocker lists -- I have deduced about 35% of traffic is NOT seeing these ads while maybe 1/3 of that (just a guess) or about 10% of all global traffic (Tier 1 countries OFC) that *could be converted* slides by untouched.

I heard on a podcast something amusing yesterday: "Google hates advertising methods while it derives 95% of its profits from ads" -- *The Google Paradox*

There is always the ulterior motive to be considered: AdWords and AdSense are unaffected.

Cindy Gallop: How to Blow Shit Up And Make a Difference | EHM

Graybeard, Feb 10, 2018
Hi Anth,
I just finished reading your thread, very informative, interesting.
It's been very encouraging. It also opened my eyes to a mistake I've made. I wasted too much time and money working with one traffic source (Go2Mobi), only to realize that I was paying too much for traffic. At least for the type of mobile offers I was promoting. I got great CTR's and CR but I could never get any campaign profitable.

I'm going to test other traffic sources.

You stopped posting, how/what are you doing lately?
Is native working for you?
Are you testing other strategies?
After a lot of thinking I've decided to switch over to Native as I see more of a future with it, it's not annoying/intrusive and I feel better using Native. I think since the google update it made me realise that that long-term, pop isn't for me. It's still a good place to make tons of cash if done right.

BUT If you are doing pop, and need any advice or answers to a question, just post here and I'll still be able to answer or help you out!

One step at a time Google is ruining the affiliate website model. However, without financial incentive there may be less websites with less content for Google to use for free to sell their search ads -- 95% of their profit. I doubt that this will be the demise of Google ...

What may happen, is the rise of a Web 3.0 that will just ignore Google and Facebook and create a new Internet. One thing constant in history is change and: today's heros may be tomorrow's shitheads -- this has happened time after time ;)

Graybeard, Feb 20, 2018