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My Adult Cam Journey

You need a traffic funnel to any cam white label. Network traffic, CPC, Media buying as Google (as the dominant search engine) will ignore white labels as thin-content. I have seen cam site white labels shown in the SERPs but only for a short time ( weeks ).

There was a monumental (but often overlooked) US Federal Court TRO issued with regard to this very subject matter. Really it applies to all affiliate thin content with regard to SERPs and indexing.

Court Won’t Order Google To Lift Manual Block For ‘Thin Content’–ICF v. Google

Graybeard, Nov 24, 2017
I have decided to revamp my Journey as it is still paying me out and now they have added BTC to the payments which is really nice.
Changed landing page , to most popular (at current time) streamer , will post results soon.
I am envious, do you use the porn re-upload method?
By doing this you are just a tool or a copyright thief -- I am assuming that you mean feed the tubes content or offer caps using content lockers.

Either you will make pennies or just be a flash in the pan taking this approach.

Porn cannibalized itself -- thanks Fabian Thylmann - Wikipedia

There are Three Kinds of Cam Sites

1. Money whores (Pay per view model)
2. Charity cams for sex-freaks (Freemium/Token tipping model(some ad subsidized))
3. Stealth cams that cam models use to shave both the cam sites, and by doing that; any lifetime affiliate revenue is lost in the process.​

Good luck monetizing that mess.

Maybe, later I will talk about the *Webcam Mafia*

There may be a new sheriff coming to town to free the *slaves* and start sharecropping ;
started getting payments again , new technique paying off , will keep posting updates:

Congrats on starting your journey, @Kleoz !

Without headings on the columns, sorry I'm not sure what the numbers mean. :D Is that 8 conversions? You spent $19.95 and made $3.99?

Are you boosting your videos or letting them build traffic organically? Are you making your own videos?

Looking forward to reading about your progress, good luck!
first time see charurbate panel?
I think i need to have another way of approaching this , will start trying xxx tubes to see results.
Hard to make it SEO unless i make a seperate website that will link to my revshare links directly. Nice idea thank you mate .
Pay attention guys, people will always want to:
  • Have sex with other people
  • Look better, be slimmer
  • Be healthier
  • Make more money
  • Etc.
Find offers that provide the solution, find the target demo, find out how to reach them, buy the traffic, sell the solution, get paid.
Nice talk, really motivating. I WROTE IT DOWN!
The only traffic that I have seen convert well (and make real money -- thousands per month[affiliate rev-share]) for adult webcams is organic SEO -- which is very difficult to achieve today.

Tube traffic had a 99% to 96% bounce rate on popups a few years back. FTW; Traffic Junky was the 96% bounce that we saw :eek: